
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 309: Evil magic on the rock wall

The fire raged and swallowed everything that touched it.

The fire beasts are tumbling in the flames, their claws, tentacles and tails are swaying, and the spider eggs of the eight-eyed giant spider are all burned to ashes, and even the spring water is evaporated.

Ai Wen rushed to the entrance of the passage and looked back at the shocking scene.

The whole space is full of red light, smoke and heat waves are suffocating, and the greedy and fierce fire beast composed of evil fires rushes to him.

Ai Wen turned and continued to run away. While running, he used a magic wand to crush the walls of the rock. It was booming and the large pieces of gravel fell to block the passage.

undefinedThrough the cracks in the rock, you can still feel the heat wave. In the rugged cave, he didn't know how far he ran forward. When the hot high temperature disappeared and the cave was re-slow, Avon had sweat all over him.

He sat on the floor leaning against the wall, panting with a big mouth.

After a few minutes of rest, he noticed the anomalies around him. With dim fluorescence, Evan saw what was on the wall opposite him.

The ancient murals are very abstract, and many places have weathered and fallen off. In the mottled and broken picture is a gorgeous altar that rises from the ground, a masked wizard standing on it, and he raises his wand high as if to cast a spell.

In front of the altar is a deep pit filled with densely packed

Ai Wen got up and took it forward, then took a breath. On the screen, he saw that the dense pits filled with humans were all human beings. They were lying there with painful expressions, looking at the sky desperately, with dotted lines on top of their heads.

Ai Wen knows that these dotted lines represent the soul!

Their souls are being stripped from the body, sucked away by the black wizards above the altar, gathering together to help him complete an unknown evil spell.

Ai Wen couldn't help but shudder. This is too horrible. He can't imagine what kind of black magic would use so many people's souls.

Even if you make a Horcrux, you only need to kill someone.

The sinister inside the passage, without the warm wind brought by the warm spring water, the temperature is obviously much lower than the outside cave, and even can see the mist that they breathe. Ivan realized that he was already a few hundred feet deep underground.

He lifted his wand forward, and the fluorescent light dispelled the darkness, illuminating the passage that no one had traveled for centuries.

The ground was covered with heavy dust, and the sides were covered with cracked marble walls.

Like Ai Wen's front, the marble is engraved with cruel and evil murals. After years of baptism, most of the murals have been incomplete, and several marble plates have even been completely shattered to the ground, leaving only traces of destruction by the eight-eyed giant spider.

Looking at these ancient murals, Avon has an illusion.

He is not in the nest of the eight-eyed spider Arago, but in an ancient mysterious relic.

Fear is filled in the darkness, as if nothing will happen at any time.

Evan raised his vigilance and walked forward along the passage with his wand. Watching the surrounding rock walls while walking, the content above is more cruel and evil.

Death is not the end, it is just the beginning. Before the same altar, the black wizard with the hood cast different witchcraft. He tortured the living people in different ways, splitting their souls, instilling them, and splitting again.

In addition, his experimental products include a variety of non-human magical creatures.

There are powerful fire dragons, unicorns, guest mela beasts, and goblins, house elves, and horsemen, but more are the ancient species that Evan has not seen.

The style of the painting is abstract and distorted. The content of each mural is exceptionally different. The black wizard removes different parts from them, the heart of the dragon, the blood of the unicorn.

Without knowing how many murals he saw, Avon suddenly realized that the patterns depict a complex black magic casting step, including the casting material to be prepared.

He speeded up and wanted to see what the spell was.

At the end of the passage, the most critical murals were destroyed, the broken stones scattered all over the place, and the blue marble had only the traces of the big-eyed giant spiders, and it was impossible to see what the black wizard used. Spells.

Ai Wen is close to the rock wall that is stroking the hand, and it is faintly recognizable. In the gorgeous altar, all the souls collected by the black wizard slowly rotate in the air to form a circular vortex, shining with strangeness. Silver ray.

On the mural, these souls mourn, roar, twist, scream

They are top-down and are infused into a strange object.

He didn't know what it was, he could only see a blushing ball, and countless thin lines were rotating around it, as if something had to be drilled out of it.

In his impression, no magic creature would look like this.

In addition, another strange thing is that the black wizards that have always appeared have disappeared, and I don't know where to preside over the spells.

Ai Wen didn't think much, he might be in a picture that he couldn't recognize.

The question now is, what exactly does the black wizard on the mural want to do, and is his evil black magic finally successful?

Also, why do these murals appear in the Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts? !

Ai Wen walked two steps forward, remembering the owner of the low whisper hidden in it, and how it relates to these murals.

A gust of wind blew, interrupting the thinking of Ai Wen, the end of the passage, the ancient murals and relics disappeared again, in front of Ai Wen is a huge deep pit.

He hurried to stop and saw that Aragog floated in the center of the deep pit.

Wait a minute, how can it be able to float? !

No matter how powerful the power of black magic, you can't transform it into this.

The brightness of Ai Weng's wand illuminates the entire space, which makes it clear that the front is a huge spider web. The fine spider silk firmly adheres to the rough rock wall, coiled into a huge hemispherical cobweb, and the small elephant Aragog is in the center of the spider web.

Under the huge spider web, the gust of wind blew upwards from the bottomless pit, but the web did not shake even if it was shaking.

Ai Wen held his wand, and when he hesitated to go, he heard the aging and weak voice of Aragog.

"You are finally here, Hagrid's friend!" it said slyly. "Since the last time I met, I have been waiting for you for a long time." (To be continued.)