
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 305: Very happy to eat you

Just as Ai Wen got rid of the eight-eyed spider, Malfoy slowly regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes and looked weakly around, but there was nothing but the endless darkness. He didn't know where he was and didn't know where it was.

The eight-eyed spider that dragged him here was gone, and there was a bitter cold under Malfoy's body. He seemed to be placed on a smooth stone.

He wanted to sit up, but the body just tried hard, and there was a sharp pain. The bones on his body seemed to be falling apart.

Malfoy screamed in pain, and the voice was quickly swallowed up by the silence. He has never encountered such a situation, he has no idea what to do, his head has completely stopped working, his tears have flowed out of consciousness, and he soon burst into tears.

undefinedHe thought of his parents and thought of death.

Fear and loneliness are shrouded him, and his mind is full of bad pictures.

"The little lamb who lost, are you sleeping with me?" A low voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Malfoy stopped immediately and didn't dare to make a partial noise. He stared at the surroundings with his big eyes panicked. It was not clear where the sound came from.

The surroundings are still shrouded in darkness, and he can't see anything.

The more this, Malfoy felt more afraid, he choked as much as possible, and felt no warmth.

For a long time, he whispered, "Who are you, who are you?"

"Poor guy, you are asking my name, but you don't know that everyone has abandoned you." The deep voice whispered, "Look at you, they all betrayed you, screaming. Escape into the dark forest."

"I don't understand what you mean," Malfoy said tremblingly. "You are talking about Gore, Crabbe and Avon Mason, and the three of them abandoned me."

The darkness seems to become more intense, and the seeds of despair begin to sprout.

If Gore, Crabbe, and Ai Wen give up on him, they can tell others that they don't see themselves, so no one will save him. Professors and fathers can't find themselves. Malfoy simply can't Imagine this situation.

He left a person here and died slowly in despair!

This is the worst situation, Malfoy sobbed, and the spirit is almost going to collapse.

"What should I do, I should?" he murmured, as if he was talking to himself.

"All the light and hope are swallowed up, leaving only despair and death here." The voice began to sound in Malfoy's mind. "The chill of the bones makes you shudder in the dark, because you know, you will eventually be alone. Stay here forever."

"No!" Malfoy cried aloud. "Help me, I don't want to die. Since you are here too, you can save me, right?!"

"Only sleep can get calm. In sleep, you will have no clear demarcation between reality and illusion, fear and expectation." The voice is getting lower and lower, and at the end it seems to be whispering. "Good, I will stand." Be by your side, don't move, don't breathe"

Malfoy felt like he was going crazy, this voice actually told him to sleep, sleeping in this place? !

How is this possible, he just wants to escape here as soon as possible.

Although it has almost collapsed, he has not completely lost his mind. Malfoy keeps reminding himself that this sudden voice is not credible.

He wants to be vigilant, but he is more and more scared.

"Everyone will abandon you, everything is your fault, even your followers can't look down on you." There was no whispering to stop in Malfoy's ear. "Fear is like a shadow, it is filling your heart." The void **** your soul, and it enjoys it with satisfaction."

"No, don't!" Malfoy gasped.

He wants the other person to shut up, but it doesn't work. This whisper seems to never stop.

He didn't know what to do. For a moment, he felt that he had been driven crazy by this voice. If not, it would be a matter of time. His reason is slowly losing, as the other party said, in the end, only fear is left in his heart.

He can't feel anything. Since everyone gives him up, why doesn't he try to believe the other person and do what he says? !

I don't know how long it took, Malfoy's spirit is getting blurred, he just slept like this.

"You are in a dream, where you will know the meaning of calm." Seeing Malfoy gradually slumbering, the whisper of a relieved voice reveals a faint weakness. "Good, very good, you believe me, dedication Out of my own soul, and I am very happy to eat you"

Evan's ear was quiet again, and the sound of the eight-eyed giant spiders fighting the stone man gradually drifted away.

He explored the advancement in the cave, and a thick white spider web began to appear on the rock wall.

They are like dust, wrapping the rock walls one after another.

Ai Wen finally experienced the feeling of walking in a dark spider hole. He kept looking behind him as if he felt something was watching him in the dark.

But there is nothing, and he is alone in the air.

The size of this cave is completely out of his imagination, and the passage is wide and narrow.

After a few minutes, the ground began to tilt down again, and Avon didn't know how many meters he went underground. He still couldn't see the mark of Aragog.

With the warm wind, the milky white mist floated from below.

"Give me the way!" Ai Wen put the wand on his palm and whispered to it.

The wand swung a bit and pointed to the direction of Ai Wen, indicating that he had not gone wrong.

He speeded up and calculated the time. Buckbeak should have returned to the castle with Gore and Crabbe, but he did not even see the shadow of Malfoy.

Ivan seemed to hear something, and it was about 50 meters forward. After turning a corner, the space in front of him was suddenly open, and an underground space of about the size of the Quidditch venue appeared in front of him.

The position near the left hand side is an underground hot spring that continually rushes upwards. It flows out of the spring water and intermittently ejects a water column. It is more than fifty feet high and looks very spectacular.

The water temperature is very high, colliding with the icy rock wall, causing a thick mist.

This hot spring is the source of warm air and milky white fog. There are countless dark passages on the edge of the wall, and spring water flows down there.

Ai Wen took two steps forward. Through the light of his wand, he clearly saw that the warm water flow did not flow out, but re-converged into a large pool in the middle of the cave.

This oval pool is very large, and the wall is covered with white spider silk.

The most surprising thing is the white ball-like body floating inside, which looks like it is (to be continued.)