
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 296: Malfoy and progressive crisis

Sitting on the back of Buckbeak is not the same as riding a broom.

Evan felt that everything around him was spinning fast, the markers on the ground were shrinking rapidly, and soon disappeared, and the dividing line between the sky and the ground became increasingly blurred. He clung to Buckbeak's neck and stuck it on its feathers.

Buckbeak's wings were agitated on both sides, and he kept touching his legs, which made him feel uncomfortable and made Ai Wen feel like he was about to fall.

Because of the wind, Buckbeak's sleek feathers slide under his fingers.

Ai Wen did not dare to hold it very tightly. The eagle-headed horse had the wings of the winged beast as the two wings rise and fall. He felt that he was following the bumps. This is much more difficult than riding a smooth broomstick. If it wasn't for more than a month of practice, he barely overcome the fear of heights. He couldn't guarantee that he would fall into a coma.

undefinedHowever, Ai Wen can be sure that even if he falls from a high altitude, Buckbeak will be able to catch himself before landing.

If you think about it this way, there is nothing to worry about.

He tried to peep out and look at the scenery around him.

They are now flying fast over the huge lake in front of the castle, which is as fast as it is, faster than the fire arrow.

As Buckbeak spread his wings and white clouds fluttered by his side, Ai Wen felt that he was dancing with the wind, which was a wonderful experience.

Soon, he discovered the advantages of riding a eagle-headed horse with a winged beast.

In addition to being extremely fast and flexible enough, it is also easy to hide the figure. Looking up from below, I can only see an eagle-headed horse with a winged beast flying through the air. I can't see Evan, which is underneath its thick feathers.

Moreover, these thick feathers can help Ai Wen to withstand the cold winds of the sky and keep the temperature so that he does not freeze his body because of flying.

Needless to say, Buckbeak itself has a certain attack power.

Fighting for a while, it can help Evan deal with the eight-eyed spider and the potential dangers.

If the comfort level can be improved, it is perfect.

"Pak flies in the direction of the Forbidden Forest to the territory of the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider." Ai Wen shouted. "Our destination is the depression, the nest of Aragok!"

Just as Avon and Buckbeak approached the nest of Alagok, the edge of the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider, the Malfoy, Gore and Crab, also appeared there.

They passed under a huge fallen tree trunk covered with green vines. The ground was full of gravel and unknown plants. The thick moss was very uncomfortable to step on, almost let Gore slip, he hurriedly helped Crabbe stabilized his body.

The two people's breathing was quick and heavy, and they looked at the scenes that were getting a bit strange, and their faces were full of fear and worry.

Even if they are stupid, they know that the swelled muscles can't cope with the eight-eyed spider.

"Draco, we," Gore's voice trembled, his small, dull eyes swimming back and forth in the nearby bushes, for fear of what was being drilled from inside.

"What?" Malfoy replied dullly, not even back.

"I, I think, we can't go any further!" Crab pushed Gore and pushed him. The two exchanged their eyes. He said in a near-pleasant tone. "There are all dangerous eight in the vicinity." Eye spider, Professor Black said

"Shut up, Gregory! Don't pretend to be Black. Black, like the Weasleys, is a scum of a pure-blooded wizard!" Malfoy snapped. "Oh, I can see it, the abominable Black. The hateful Potter, and the more odious mud Mason, all things are behind them."

"Draco, the eight-eyed spider is very dangerous, we are approaching their territory." Clark swallowed and hurriedly persuaded him, "Gregory is right, let's go back, they are always there. May come out."

"You shut up, Vincent!" Malfoy said disgustedly. "I know what I am doing. We just come out and look for stupid spiders. Do you think I will be defeated by them?! Well, you two. Just follow me at the end."

Malfoy held the wand in his hand and broke the branches on the ground with resentment.


"This is the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The eight-eye spiders that can appear are very weak. They are just bigger spiders. The three of us can cope with it." Malfoy explained impatiently, "In the past few In the month, you also killed a lot."

Seeing Malfoy's appearance, Gore and Crab did not dare to refute.

They all know that at this time they still provoke Malfoy less. In fact, after losing to Gryffindor, all Slytherin students questioned and dissatisfied with Malfoy's performance on the court. They didn't understand why Malfoy was going to interfere with Harry's other team members against Angelina. stop.

Although Malfoy has explained it many times, he is avoiding Harry's physical collision, but this explanation can not be understood and sympathized in Slytherin.

For most people, it was because of Malfoy's stupidity and cowardice that they lost the crucial final. Although it is because of the momentum of the Malfoy family, no one dares to openly blame and question him, it is that kind of eyes that look very unpleasant.

Just as the Gryffindor carnival, the atmosphere in the Slytherin common room was dull and tense, and weird emotions spread in it.

When Flint and the other players were preparing to review them in turn, Malfoy led Gore and Crabbe out of it.

He is mad, and if possible, he would rather have a duel with Harry.

In fact, he can't even find Harry's figure now.

Malfoy wandered around the castle aimlessly, thinking of a series of recent unsatisfactory things: the Quidditch final that just lost, hurting himself, Buckbeak escaped the punishment he deserved, and died against Harry and his godfather, Sirius Black. Reunion, and the advice of his father and Professor Snape to himself, etc.

The more he wants to come, the more he feels that his recent luck is so bad that everything starts to reverse after Christmas and the situation is getting worse.

After hearing a few Hufflepuffs in the library and talking about the Quidditch competition and the grand carnival held in the Gryffindor common room, Malfoy's face was left and he decided to go to the forbidden forest. Eight-eyed giant spider vented.

Through a few months of fighting, the combat strength of the little wizards has increased dramatically.

With the help of others, Malfoy also killed more than 30 eight-eye spiders in a row. This number of kills is also one of the best among all the little wizards in Hogwarts, even more than most seniors. It is enough to make him proud.

Although there is no professor to accompany him today, Malfoy does not think that he will encounter any danger.

Although he is angry, he still has reason, knowing that as long as he does not go deep into the territory of the eight-eyed spider, he will not encounter any danger.

What he needs now is to vent and vent his anger by killing life.

But what is strange is that today I don't know what is going on. Malfoy and Gore and Crabbe have been looking for a long time outside the Forbidden Forest, and they don't have to see the shadow of an eight-eyed giant spider. These guys, which are extremely common in the past, seem to have disappeared. (To be continued.)