
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 252: Fire arrows and repercussions

What?!" Hearing Evan's words, Colin's open mouth could be stuffed with an egg.

He couldn't believe that Sirius would become a professor of Hogwarts' Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Seeing Colin's expression, Evan knew that Sirius had another admirer.

In fact, the little wizards who are as surprised and excited as Colin are not a minority.

It didn't take long for Sirius to take over the news that Professor Lupin became the new Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and the whole castle suddenly exploded.

undefinedEveryone became a professor of the legendary figure like Sirius, all with a happy and welcome attitude, and even many Slytherin students are looking forward to it.

In the evening of the evening, the atmosphere in the auditorium was undoubtedly warm.

When Sirius came in, the applause sounded for a long time in the auditorium. Everyone stretched his neck and looked at it curiously, trying to see how he looked.

The arrogant argument continued, and it was only when Dumbledore stood up and spoke, the auditorium was really quiet.

Dumbledore looks older than when he separated a few days ago.

Wissen Garmo's trial of the little dwarf Peter for many days seems to have cost him a lot of effort.

However, his gaze is still shining, through the semi-circular eyes, the light blue eyes give people a feeling of seeing everything.

"Welcome!" Professor Dumbledore said, the brilliance of the candle shone his beard. "After the Christmas holiday, I am very happy to see you at Hogwarts. Before the dinner starts, I will Introduce a new teacher, Professor Black, who will succeed Professor Lu Ping as a new Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts."

Dumbledore's voice just fell, and the deafening applause sounded immediately below.

The applause on the Gryffindor table was particularly warm, because too hard, Harry, Ron, they even made their palms red.

Sirius stood up and waved, he was sitting next to Hagrid, and the other side was next to Professor McGonagall. In addition to Snape's face in the teacher's seat, it seems that swallowing a fly, the other professors are all smiling and applauding.

"Look at Malfoy!" Hermione whispered to Evan's ear.

Ai Wen saw Malfoy living in the Slytherin's long table, he did not go to see Sirius, but stared at himself and Harry with disgust.

After paying attention to Ai Wen's line of sight, he hurriedly shifted his gaze to another place.

For Malfoy's anomaly, Avon is not surprised. In the case of Professor Lupin, Lucius Malfoy took great risks to further dwarf the werewolf riots on the basis of the plan of the little dwarf Peter, because he wanted to drive Dumbledore out of Hogwarts.

In the trial, the little dwarf Peter said everything. He controlled himself to Ron to write to Lucius Malfoy, hoping that Lucius could help him to deal with Lupin, and that Dumbledore would not let him return to the castle at the crucial moment.

Although everyone suspects that Lucius planned the werewolf riots behind the scenes, but there is no evidence, Lucius does not admit that he received the letter from the little dwarf Peter, the Ministry of Magic has not caught the Werewolves with Greyback, even one No hair was found.

In this environment, Lucius eventually escaped punishment.

Of course, he also paid a lot of money. Fudge and those politicians are not so good to buy, and Jin Jialong who can touch them is definitely an astronomical figure.

The most depressing Lucius, I am afraid not the gold, but a great opportunity to defeat Dumbledore, wasted by the little dwarf Peter. If he can know the truth of the incident earlier, he will never be as stupid as the little dwarf Peter, and he will be defeated by a few 12 or three-year-old wizards.

Lucius now hates Evan, Harry, and so on, and hates to die.

In this case, Malfoy naturally does not have any good looks on Ai Wen, the attitude is much worse than usual, he must be wondering how to deal with Ai Wen them.

However, Ai Wen does not care, at the level of Malfoy, if you want to provoke yourself, you are asking for it.

In the evening, the Gryffindor common room was still hot on Sirius to become a professor of defense against the Dark Arts. Everyone looked forward to his first class.

It is a pity that the second grade has been going to have the Dark Arts Defense class until Thursday.

The arguments about this matter continued until Harry took his fire arrow out. Almost in an instant, he was surrounded by people who were vying to see the fire arrows.

"God, this is the fire arrow. I saw it in the window of the Quidditch boutique in Diagonal Lane. The price of this broom is astronomical. Where did you get it?"

"Let me ride, please?"

"You haven't riding, Harry?"

"I will take it, Harry?"

Everyone looks at the fire arrow and appreciates it from every angle.

When I learned that the broom was a Christmas gift from Sirius to Harry, the crowd immediately burst into a more intense exclamation. Everyone was looking forward to Sirius and the upcoming Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

"I can't understand, but it's a flying broom, and they are so excited that they are like this." Hermione frowned and said, she was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace to check her Christmas holiday homework.

"It's the most expensive flying broom, more expensive than all the brooms in the school!"

Ai Wen sat on the sofa next to her and looked at the book about vampires she had just borrowed from the library. He looked up and looked at Hermione's long parchment. "You remember this place wrong." The material of the shrinking medicament does not include the eyes of the puffer fish."

"Oh!" The tip of Hermione's hand hurried across the parchment.

"Really, you won't plan to go on so many classes next semester?"

"I know," Hermione sighed. "The timer is going to make me crazy. I am in a different place at the same time. I have to pay attention to not discovering it. I can't stand it anymore." I am going to give up the two courses of Muggle research and divination next year. In this case, I will have a normal timetable again."

"Next year?!" Avon immediately noticed the time Hermione said.

"There must be the beginning and the end, Ai Wen!" Hermione began to look down on her own magical history, and continued, "I can't live up to Professor McGonagall's expectations of me. You know, she did a lot of hard work to help me get it. This time converter, and it also helped us a lot."

Seeing Hermione's appearance, Ai Wen didn't know what to say.

Hermione is right, thanks to the help of this time converter, they can successfully catch the little dwarf Peter, otherwise the situation must be terrible.

He is not against Hermione's insistence, just hope that she can do what she can and think more about her physical condition. (To be continued.)