
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1787: secret treasure

The singing came intermittently, and everyone was listening carefully. Everyone recalled the scene when they were enrolled in the school and recalled the past. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, no matter which house you are assigned to, all have one common identity - a student of Hogwarts. Hogwarts set up four houses to help wizards grow better, not to engage in internal divisions.

Even if you are in Slytherin, you can still be best friends with people from Gryffindor, just like Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor, there may be no better friends in the world. Their best friends, even twin brothers, can't be as close as the two of them.

The same is true of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, there are so many people who think that the students of these two houses are fundamentally different, one believes in wisdom, the other values ​​hard work, but there can still be endless topics between them. And a common goal, like Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff were back in the day, can trust and entrust each other.

Among the four founders, there may be differences in philosophy, competition and confrontation, but their purpose is the same, that is, to cultivate young wizards into talents.

The four Houses, no matter which one, are part and parcel of Hogwarts.

undefinedDifferent ideas, different talents, different methods, but the same goal. When facing the enemy, they have only one stand...

That is, only fight for Hogwarts!

All the tests left by the four founders have passed, their respective ideas have all been verified, and everyone is correct. Hogwarts has developed into the greatest wizarding school in the world according to their original vision, cultivating countless Wizards, make the wizarding world better, this is Hogwarts' greatest treasure.

Strange magic is pouring out from the secret room deep underground, and ancient magic is being activated.

"It's ridiculous, this is the aid you've been waiting for? This is the treasure left to you by the four founders of Hogwarts?"

"These things are worthless! Darkness will be the only one, and there will be no Hogwarts in the world!"

Voldemort's icy voice sounded, overshadowing the singing of the Sorting Hat, and its attack was even more frantic. The light shield formed by the Patronus was like a lone lamp in a storm, and it could go out at any time.

At that time, darkness will rule everything.

"I will kill you and destroy everything here. A new order will be established, and Voldemort will be the only..."

Its frantic voice was interrupted, and the shouting of the Sorting Hat suddenly became louder and louder, resounding throughout Hogwarts, echoing over the land, just as it was when the Sorting Hat was, for everyone to listen to Clear that way.

"Gryffindor!" It called out the name of the house in a cadenced voice.

Everyone was still confused and didn't know what was going on. Why did the Sorting Hat suddenly call out Gryffindor House?

But as soon as the Sorting Hat fell, a huge orange-red beam of light suddenly shot up from the castle. It exuded unprecedented magic power into the sky, dispelling the fog and Voldemort's magical control.

Voldemort let out a pained sound, and seemed to be greatly hurt.

The boiling clusters of tentacles swayed, trying to attack the sudden beam of light.

At this moment, the cadence of the Sorting Hat sounded again.


This time, a dark blue beam of light rose. Voldemort cried out in pain again. He never imagined that his body transformed into an evil deity, such a powerful and invincible body, would feel pain. It was a pain that pierced into the bone marrow, more painful than a broken soul.

The magical beam of light rising into the sky in Hogwarts Castle exudes an unbearable power, just like the feeling of a patron saint, but it is countless times stronger, and the pain it causes Voldemort is countless times stronger.

These magical beams of light...

Voldemort could not go on thinking.

Because just then, the Sorting Hat called out the name of the third house.


The yellow-brown beam of light rose into the sky again, completely dispelling the thick fog and reaching the sky.

It was only then that people discovered that, at some point in time, the sun had risen on the distant horizon, brimming with the light of life.

Ai Wen looked at the huge magic beam of light, and thoughtfully, the magic power emitted by the three beams of light was so different, not the kind of feeling brought by ordinary magic... These magic beams of light have founders on them. the will of man!

No, it should be said that they themselves are special magics composed of the will of the founder, and possibly even more, composed of the will and belief of all the students of their respective academies.

It was only at this time that Ivan realized why the magic left by the four founders could last for thousands of years, not only because of their strong magic power, but because the magic they left behind was their will.

The magic circle in the Slytherin secret room is equivalent to a collector. The four founders use their own will as the fire to collect the beliefs and wills of all the students for thousands of years.

As long as the inheritance is still there, the magic will not fail. On the contrary, it will become stronger and stronger.

This is the real test left by the four founders! Use magic to test whether their ideas are effectively passed on.

This is also the secret treasure they left behind!

The inheritance is cut off, everything dissipates.

The inheritance is still there, and the longer time passes, the stronger the accumulated magical power will be.

Therefore, at this moment, it is not the magic left by the four founders that protects the school, but the belief and will of Hogwarts wizards and wizards for thousands of years to protect Hogwarts. These positive energy wills come together , inflicting huge damage on the evil **** Voldemort.

Think of it as a giant patron saint! It has been accumulated at Hogwarts for thousands of years, and the magical power it contains can cause devastating attacks on dark creatures such as the evil spirits.

In fact, so too.

Voldemort screamed in pain!

Its power is fading, its soul is broken again, it is fleeing...

At this time, the Sorting Hat finally called out the name of the last house.


The silver-green beam of light rose into the sky, representing Slytherin's will and belief.

The magic was finally completed, and four huge beams of light illuminated the sky above Hogwarts.

Voldemort cried out in pain, his tentacles twisted, and everyone was surprised to see that its terrifying body was cracking, as if it had been hit by a petrification spell, and Voldemort's body became more and more stiff, covered with crack.

In surprise, Harry heard that he was fighting Quirrell in the Chamber of Secrets. When he met Quirrell, Quirrell's body began to shatter. Voldemort's current appearance is so similar to Quirrell back then.