
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1781: Neville

Not just house-elves, but many more join the battlefield and join the ranks of defending Hogwarts. From time to time, people came from outside the castle on broomsticks. They were wizards who had just arrived.

Among them are the shopkeepers and residents of Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village, former Hogwarts graduates, underage students who were evacuated not long ago, and people like Charlie Weasley who got news from abroad. The wizards who came here on a special trip, and even many of the people who came to participate in the war are already very old, such as Newt Scamander and so on.

This is no longer about the defense of Hogwarts, but about the future of the entire wizarding world.

Almost all wizards who got the news came to defend Hogwarts and participated in the final battle.

Among the defenders of Hogwarts, many are not as strong as the Dark Wizard.

undefinedThey don't have any fighting skills and spells of interest, they don't have much combat power, and some people have never duel with other wizards in their lives, but at this moment, they are not afraid of the most dangerous dark wizards.

People took up wands and fought bravely against the dark wizards and against the forces of darkness.

They used their power to fight Voldemort, defend Hogwarts, defend justice, and protect their family and friends.

One figure after another flew to Hogwarts, forming an unstoppable torrent.

This torrent is invincible and fearless! The Death Eaters were retreating, and even the most powerful giants were smashed to pieces. They let out an unwilling roar, but to no avail. Under the attack of a large number of spells, one giant fell, and then the second...

When the wizards rescued from the forbidden forest joined the battlefield one after another, the situation began to reverse.

The dark wizard's army was thrown into chaos, and had to face both sides. Looking at the growing resistance, they had a premonition that something was wrong.

The tenacious resistance of Hogwarts is beyond the imagination of the dark wizards. Those who dared not fight against Voldemort before, those elves who usually see them as submissive, and those wizards who they have never paid attention to, all erupted at this moment. Courage beyond imagination.

Many fell, but death did not deter others.

It will only make people more angry.

The threat of death no longer worked, and the dark wizards lost their strongest weapons.

Some wise dark wizards realize that they are fighting the entire wizarding world, that they are fighting a battle to lose, and that Voldemort's delay in showing up also upsets them.

Some, like the Malfoys, and some Slytherin students. They stood aside hesitantly, not participating in the increasingly fierce battle, but there were still many Death Eaters loyal to Voldemort who were the exact opposite.

In the face of fierce resistance, they are becoming more crazy. Regardless, they attacked the castle, trying to kill more people.

They stormed into the Great Hall, which is now the second main battleground besides the castle gates.

The Order of the Phoenix resisted the Dark Wizards near the gates and on the playground, so the main force of battle here in the Great Hall was the students. Near the door, Yaxley was fighting Fred and George, Dolohov and Professor Flitwick were evenly matched, and Professor McGonagall, Professor Thlughorn, and Professor Sprout were each fighting. Three masked dark wizards fight together. Continuing inward is the figure of Percy and the puppet minister of the Ministry of Magic, Sinkness. Percy tells Sinkness that he has decided to resign and leave the Ministry while casting a spell.

Beside them, near the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables, Tonks, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Elaine... and the rest of the students, the battle was too intense, but most noticeable It was Bellatrix, her hair disheveled, her face full of cruel hatred, and she fired the Killing Curse recklessly.

After knocking out a few students, her opponent was replaced by Neville's grandmother.

"It's surprising!" Bellatrix laughed happily, swinging her wand to emit a green light, "You're in a hurry to die at your age, but it's not surprising, your family has always had this tradition.

"I'll be enough for you."

Bellatrix said arrogantly, "Do you know how I tortured your son? He begged at my feet, begging me to spare his wife and son..."

"You vicious woman!" cried Mrs Longbottom, whizzing with a spell.

"How does it feel to take care of two lunatics? How does it feel to watch a once-promising elite Auror become a wreck that can't do anything? Wouldn't it be better than killing them outright." Bellatrix Taunted, she jumped to avoid Mrs Longbottom's attack, "But I won't be so kind to you old dog, I'll kill you and make your grandson feel what real pain is... ah, here he comes !"

Seeing Grandma being attacked by Bellatrix, Neville yelled and rushed over.

"Neville Longbottom, it's really good, it's all together now." Bellatrix laughed gruffly, "I'm still thinking, it's not enough to kill your grandma, so come here. already."

"Shut up!" Neville yelled, waving his wand vigorously. Mrs. Longbottom assisted and attacked Bellatrix with Neville.

The light from the wand collided in the air, splashing out, the floor at their feet became hot and cracked, and the three were fighting to the death.

"You know, Neville, after the battle, I will go to your parents, and I will tell them the news of your death, so that those two lunatics can feel the real pain, and do the Cruciatus again..."

"You're not allowed to say that." Neville roared angrily, attacking as fast as he could.

Bellatrix laughed, and the frenzied laughter echoed throughout the hall.

She cast a spell while laughing wildly, suppressing Neville and Mrs Longbottom from backing away. A large amount of curse light was sprayed out from the front of her wand. Mrs. Longbottom was too old and gradually exhausted. When she was dodging another Killing Curse, she fell to the ground and didn't get up.

"Grandma!" Neville called out to his grandma, recklessly attacking Bellatrix to keep the fight away from Mrs. Longbottom.

The two of them fought too fiercely, and the speed at which they cast spells was astonishingly fast. Many people who wanted to come and help couldn't get into the duel between the two. The students looked at Neville in shock. They couldn't believe what he had become. so strong? It's unbelievable that he's going to be so indistinguishable from Bellatrix, the number one Death Eater.

You know, in everyone's impression, Neville is a student with a poor memory and can't do anything well. He can't even cast basic magic spells. Many people look down on him and think that he can bully at will, but now... What, Neville actually has the strength to single out Death Eaters.