
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1722: The story of the deathly hallows

What Dumbledore said he was undoubtedly Grindelwald, it was the scene when they met.

Ivan knew a lot about Dumbledore's early experience.

His Ariana is a silent person. She was seen by three Muggle boys when she accidentally used magic when she was a child. The three boys did terrible things to her. From then on, she lost control of the magic, and the magic took her in her body. Drive crazy.

Their father Percival brutally killed the three Muggle boys in revenge, so he entered Azkaban.

In order to prevent Ariana from being imprisoned at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, Dumbledore's mother Candela resolutely took Ariana, Dumbledore and his brother Aberforth to leave the fertile land where they lived before. People were familiar with their Godric Valley, and declared that Ariana was not in good health and could not go to school.

undefinedLater, as he grew older, Dumbledore and his brother entered Hogwarts to study.

Their mother, Candela, took Ariana to stay at home and did not interact with outsiders. Until Dumbledore was about to graduate and planned to travel the world, she suddenly died of Ariana's magical riot due to an accident.

Dumbledore had to abandon all plans to return home to take care of his younger sister. At that time, the specific situation was no longer known, but this was undoubtedly a huge blow to the talented young Dumbledore. He stayed there day after day. In the old house, one's own talents and lives were wasted, until the equally talented Gellert Grindelwald appeared.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald spent a very good time together. The two of them chatted very speculatively, were overwhelmed by each other's talents, and had a common great plan, which was to find the Three Hallows of Death. And hope to rule and change the entire magical world with this, all for the greater benefit, this is also the program set by the two young people.

If they succeeded, the magic world would definitely not be like this now.

But as everyone knows, the end of this story is also a tragedy.

Until he came back from school, Aberforth blamed Dumbledore for not taking care of his sister. Then the three broke out in a fight. In the chaos, I don't know who killed the sickly sister by mistake. Grindelwald fled the UK as a result, and Dumbledore Lido was also completely changed. He returned to Hogwarts to take up his post and insisted on fighting the dark arts to make atonement for his past.

Of course, the beginning of all this was due to the encounter between him and Grindelwald in the Godric Valley.

"He went to Godric Valley for the grave of Ignatius Peverier. He wanted to investigate where the third brother died." Dumbledore said softly, "You should have seen three. Brother's story, isn't it? The youngest in the story, Ignatius Peverier, survived by relying on the invisibility cloak and has been living in seclusion in Godric Valley..."

"That invisibility cloak was the one Harry inherited later?"

"Yes, the invisibility cloak is passed down from generation to generation among the descendants of Ignatius, from father to son, mother to daughter, and to the last living descendant of Ignatius, he and Ignatius. Like Tus, he was born in the village of Godric Valley, which is Harry, and the Potter family are descendants of the Peverier family."

"Is there any difference in that invisibility cloak? What is the secret hidden in the Deathly Hallows?" Aiwen asked.

"It is said that a wizard who possesses all the three Hallows can conquer death, but this is only a desperate dream after all." Dumbledore said in pain, "In fact, the three Deathly Hallows may also have something to do with this."

"Related to this, you mean the Deathly Hallows was created by the despicable Helbo?"

"I have studied the old wand and the invisibility cloak in depth." Dumbledore said. "The wand and the invisibility cloak are different from those I have seen before. They are very old and perfect in every aspect. They are not modern craftsmanship. , They are not the craftsmanship of the time when the Peverier brothers lived. They are obviously older, more perfect, and amazing. I have searched a lot of alchemy materials and have not found similar records, but they are obviously from the same The hand of a wizard, that is, the **** of death...It was not until I came here that I realized that the magic left by Helbo had many similarities with the craftsmanship on the old wand and the invisibility cloak."

Aiwen opened his eyes, the Three Hallows of Death was not really created by the despicable Helbo? !

"The specific details are not known, but if the story passed down is true, then the three Peverier brothers have obviously also been to this place. They met the **** of death here, that is, Helbo who became the **** of death. Ask about the method of conquering death." Dumbledore said, "For some purposes, Helbo gave the three three deathly hallows. Of course, it is also possible that they came here to explore, and under Helbo's guidance, they never stayed. Three Deathly Hallows were stolen from the ruins below."

"But why does he do this?"

"Obviously not out of good intentions!" Dumbledore said feebly. "The old wand is probably the wand before Helbo. Its purpose is to kill. All the wizards who have that wand are eventually killed. There has never been an accident; we all know that the resurrection stone does not really bring people back to life. It is also one of the weapons. Handing the resurrection stone into the enemy's hands is equivalent to giving the enemy a knife to kill the enemy. Those who have the resurrection stone will end up with death..."

"The only thing that won't kill the owner is the invisibility cloak, but the invisibility cloak will not help them survive, but I think like the death in the story, Helbo does not actually want the three brothers Peverier to get the invisibility cloak. It was obviously an accident that the third child got it, and he used this to escape the pursuit of death." Dumbledore closed his eyes and paused for a while, seeming to be meditating, before continuing, "We can only guess, Ivan. Considering the circumstances under which Helbo was sealed by Slytherin at that time, I guess there is a connection between the Three Hallows of the Death and his soul. He may wish to restore his strength in this way."

"The source of Haierbo's power is death, and he hopes to create death!" Ivan immediately reacted.

"Yes, it hopes to create death and use the soul to restore power." Dumbledore paused for a while, "The real problem should be the resurrection stone. We later saw the fifteen-year-old Riddle there. This was extremely abnormal. of..."