
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1717: Shadow Kingdom

The powerful magic power, countless souls and endless resentment finally constituted the "eye of death".

It is not only the power that the despicable Helbo stolen from the shadow realm, but also the source of power after Helbo became the evil god.

Every piece of seemingly ordinary red shards scattered on the ground are actually extremely dangerous. The imprisoned souls wailing constantly, and the chaotic power of death can instantly kill the people who come into contact with them, but these shards are indeed very dangerous to the black wizard. They are precious treasures, especially those dark wizards who are good at playing with souls, from which they can draw the power of soul and death.

Aiwen carefully avoided the debris on the ground and walked around the top of the temple.

He searched carefully, and his heart gradually sank. The situation was worse than he thought.

undefinedThere are only a few tiny pieces scattered on the top of the temple, which is not in proportion to the huge ruby ​​before.

At the same time, Aiwen did not find the Cthulhu statue.

When he smashed the "Eye of Death", the statue cracked and lost all its power and fell nearby, but now it is gone. The statue was badly damaged at the time, and the atmosphere of the evil **** completely disappeared, making it impossible to move by itself.

Therefore, before Aiwen came back, someone had been here and took away most of the fragments and the Cthulhu statue.

Could it be Voldemort?

I don't know what time it is now, what's the situation outside?

Although according to Irving's observation at the time, the Cthulhu statue was severely broken, and the soul fragments that Voldemort hid in it would certainly not be spared, but without final confirmation, there may be variables, and "God of Devouring" is also a variable that cannot be ignored.

Ivan intends to obtain the key to Slytherin's secret treasure as soon as possible and return to reality to confirm the current situation.

"It's almost time to have an understanding of all this."

Aiwen walked around the rune mark on the top of the temple again. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he tried to put a nameplate into the groove at the top of the rune mark. The size and shape of the two were exactly the same.

The nameplate was put into it, and he pressed it down firmly with his right hand.

In the next second, the entire temple shook quickly.

He immediately felt a strange magic power emanating from the nameplate in the groove.

"Hey, this is..." It is the magical breath that Ivan is familiar with. Where did he feel it before, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity, "...It seems to be the power of a double snake stick, but it is a bit wrong."

It's not strange, but the magic power escaping from the nameplate must be mixed with the magic of the double snake wand. He has seen Dumbledore and Slytherin use the double snake wand before. He will definitely remember it, just the remaining magic power. He had never felt it before.

Under the action of this inexplicable force, the surrounding mist once again surrounded.

The fog grew thicker, and the light from the wand was suppressed again.

An unspeakable sense of sadness arose in Aiwen's heart. He discarded these thoughts, accelerated his speed, and went to the other end to put down the second nameplate... There was another short and rapid vibration, but this time the vibration did not stop. .

The ancient temple below, no, it should be that the entire space is shaking at a certain frequency.

This feeling seemed to regain the beating heart.

The misty mist is continuously used, like breathing, this space will come to life.

Ivan hesitated for a moment, and came to the last groove, which was the last nameplate.

"Come on, let me see what Salazar Slytherin left behind." He took a deep breath, held the wand tightly with his left hand, and put down the third nameplate with his right hand and pressed it firmly into the recess. In the slot.

In the next second, Ivan's eyes shook violently, and powerful magic power raged from the three nameplates.

Contrary to the gushing magical power, the surrounding mist surged crazily. With the magical power, the red light began to spread out from the three nameplates on the ground, as if blood quickly filled the entire rune mark.

The heavy beast has awakened, and great terror is about to fall.

The shaking became more and more intense, the temple under my feet began to collapse, everything was changing rapidly, Ivan hurriedly waved his wand to float himself, avoiding the collapsed temple and gravel.

He floated up high, looking down below, the whole world was rapidly destroying, and the picture was extremely shocking.

The temple and all the buildings on the ground have all collapsed, turned into ruins, and then shattered into gravel. After a few seconds, the ground centered on the magic rune at the top of the temple began to collapse, sinking downward, and getting deeper and deeper. , Gradually formed an amazing vortex.

The fog, heaven and earth, everything in this space revolves around this vortex, and is swallowed by it. The magic rune formed by the three nameplates is the center of the vortex. The red color of the nameplate and the rune becomes stronger and stronger, and the clouds are surging. It's unusually obvious.

There, that rune seemed to open a door to another world.

"It's really a big scene, what did the Slytherin guy leave behind?" Ivan's heart was pounding.

He flew as high as possible so as not to be affected, but he immediately noticed that not only the ground was collapsing, but the entire space, the entire world, and everything that could be seen within his sight was rapidly collapsing.

Yes, collapse!

There is no longer a picture of clouds and mist in the sky, and the barriers of space become clearly visible under the pale blue sky.

This is the first time Ivan has seen space barriers. They are like cracked cooked egg shells, beginning to peel off one by one. The black space outside the peeling space seems to be the endless void in the legend. It seems to be a terrible black hole.

Even though I have seen a lot of big scenes, Ivan is still extremely frightened at this moment.

He immediately realized what he saw!

Not surprisingly, he will witness the destruction of a world with his own eyes.

What is the magic that Slytherin left behind, and what is the key to his secret treasure?

No one can answer him. Aiwen floats aimlessly in the air. He is the only person in the entire world. Everything around him is rapidly destroyed. The whole picture has a beauty that is difficult to describe in words.

This is the beauty of destruction!

"The space barriers are broken, destroyed, and the double snake rods. The only thing that can break through the space is the space itself..." There was a glimmer of understanding in Aiwen's heart. The space created by the despicable Haierbo is being created by another stronger Space swallowed.

The three nameplates that Slytherin left behind were actually the keys to another space. The spell rune carved on the top of the temple was the gate leading to that space. Could it not be the kingdom of shadow as Slytherin said?

Ivan remembers clearly. Slytherin said that the space created by Helbo is located between reality and the "Shadow Kingdom" of the dead world. The door to be opened is definitely not returning to reality, but it is leading to legend. Kingdom of Shadows?

The real world of the dead, the final destination of all the dead, and the place where another great journey is located. As Ivan thought about this, he saw something in the center of the vortex that was devouring this world and hurriedly flew down.