
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1712: Chaotic time

The Philosopher's Stone glowed brightly, countless magic essences gushing out, the already exhausted magic light beams filled again, and even glowed with golden brilliance, dispelling the surrounding dense fog and the evil spirit's magic domain, almost illuminating the entire space .

Aiwen controlled the amazing magic power and slammed into the huge temple building in front of the eye.

Like a sharp arrow out of a bow, the powerful magic beam suddenly speeds up, colliding with the entangled evil **** with unstoppable power.

Aiwen saw that the phantom of the evil **** was rapidly dissolving, and the two of them were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Whether it was the mysterious **** of death or the mighty **** of devouring, they now only left the terrible roar in this space. Reverberating within, becoming more and more hoarse, becoming more and more meaningless, just like the cry of a dead banshee, announcing the demise of the two ancient gods.

Finally, in the constant impact of the magic light beam, the hideous evil **** statue lost all its aura and became an ordinary wood sculpture. It was impacted forward by the magic light beam controlled by Ivan and hit the huge eyes of the temple together.

undefinedAiwen originally thought it would be like the eye-shaped evil **** seen in the depths of Aragok's lair, but when it got closer, he clearly saw that the evil god's eye above the temple was a huge ruby. The diameter is almost the size of an adult giant, and countless ghost-like rays of light flicker in it, seeming to contain countless souls.

This huge ruby ​​is obviously a legendary magical item. Ivan can feel that it is exuding a strange power, and it seems to be able to **** the human soul away. There are also many noises in it, like countless creatures shouting, it is this The essence of space is the hub of the land of death.

A voice was talking to him, and a phantom appeared on the ruby. As long as the ruby ​​was controlled, Ivan would replace Helbo and become the new **** of death. At that time, he will completely conquer death and everything will belong to him. .

He even saw a secret treasure left by ancient spellcasters and gods, which contained the true meaning of magic. As long as he could get it, Ivan would gain unparalleled power and become the master of the world. This is just the beginning. The more alluring secret lies in that treasure...

At a glance, the illusion began to appear in Ivan's mind, but before he could fully understand it, the magical beam slammed into it. It seemed that it was finally blocked, and its momentum was suddenly stagnant, but in the next second, Ivan heard it. With the sound of a certain glass breaking, under the impact of magic, a crack appeared in the center of the ruby. In the blink of an eye, countless cracks spread across the entire gem.

"Death... is approaching..."

The **** of death uttered a final sigh, the huge "eye of death" was shattered, and countless fragments flew out and splashed out.

What followed was a huge number of souls rushing out, their hideous faces, roaring and fleeing around, but they immediately melted under the action of the magic beam and turned into a little bit of starlight.

everything is over!

The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, no matter what kind of conspiracy the **** of death Haerbo had a thousand years ago, everything has now disappeared.

Ivan tried to control the magic power, but the powerful magic power had long been out of his control. He became a part of the magic power. He could not even cut the connection between the magic power and the magic stone. The beam of out-of-control magic power carried him forward. It seems that it will not stop until it is exhausted.

It may be because of the magical power of the incarnation. Ivan couldn't feel panic. He was unusually awake. Anyway, this was a thousand years ago, and time didn't make any sense to him now. When the magic was completely dissipated, he was thinking of a way to go back.

At this moment, the noisy place of death was completely silent, everything would end again, but it was the beginning of a new reincarnation. Suddenly, Ivan heard a strange sound.

Click, click, click...

The sound became denser and denser from the initial faintness, and Ivan immediately reacted. This is the sound of time. During several time travels, he has already been familiar with this sound. The time converter on his chest is working out of control. Down, the pointer above was spinning frantically.

The surrounding scenes began to change, and time changed again. Thousands of years passed in a blink of an eye. The magic quickly disintegrated. Ivan felt that he was going to disappear with it. He tried to control the magic again, but still did not succeed. Increase the output of the Philosopher's Stone and protect yourself.

At this moment, a red ray of mysterious light flashed, and the huge ruby ​​"Eye of Death" that had collapsed appeared out of thin air.

"This is..." Ivan immediately reacted. He returned to the past a thousand years ago, when Haierbo had not been defeated.

He hurriedly looked around and saw a brand-new temple with a horrible scene.

Mountain-like piles of flesh and blood piled up in front of the temple. Under the huge "eye of death" stood a person, a despicable Helbo or a human form Helbo. He was casting spells, and countless souls and flesh and blood were being drawn towards him. He flew away.

There are also a group of wizards under the temple. They are trying to rush towards Helbo, but they are blocked by many indescribable monsters. The battle is in full swing, and the magical light keeps flashing.

Aiwen glanced at the wizards who were fighting under the temple, and his gaze returned to Helbo at the top of the temple.

The scene before him is undoubtedly very evil, the **** aura and black magic aura that soars into the sky are about to become the essence, facing the oppression of Ivan.

The worst is that Aiwen is very unstable around him, and a black space crack will appear from time to time, devouring the magic power that surrounds him.

This is a crack in time. Ivan has read it on a certain ancient book of magic, but he didn't expect it to exist. The current situation is really troublesome.

In the chaotic flow of time, the magic power dissipates faster, and Ivan cannot control the magic power. If the magic power disappears, he will be swallowed by the time crack. He can only passively increase the output of the magic stone. In fact, even if he can control the magic power, The current situation is also messed up. Should Ivan eliminate the Eye of Death at this point in time and Helbo who is casting spells?

He did not expect to go back to earlier. If he did something that affects time at a longer point in time, such as destroying Helbo, then all the foundations of the time when the Ravenclaw family opened the gate of death would be lost. After a thousand years of re-existence, it will no longer be the world that Ivan is familiar with. The entire timeline will become chaotic, and the world will even be destroyed.

If he doesn't do anything, then he will not be let go until Helbo's magic is completed. Don't even think about it. Now Ivan cannot be the opponent of the **** of death in his heyday. This is going to be killed in seconds. Rhythm!