
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1707: End of a reincarnation

Boom! ! !

As a magical force, Ai Culture follows the magical beam. His spiritual power controls the enormous magic around him. He leaves the castle of the Ravenclaw family and slams into the statue of the evil spirit.

The inside of his head is now blank, leaving only the statue of the evil **** in front of him.

That is his goal!

He has to control the huge magic to smash and ruin the statue of the evil spirit. This is his only remaining thought.

undefinedAs for the physical condition, the power of control, and other follow-ups, Avon didn't feel anything or thought at all. He had no time to think about it. He only knew that he now controls the endless magic, far beyond the limits he can imagine.

These magical forces surround him and gather with him as the core. He can control these magics to destroy everything.

When a person has a powerful power, there is a feeling that it can easily destroy the world, but Avon now feels that he is beyond this level, he does not think about anything, but nothing can stop him.

Huge magical roars slid across the air, and the entire space was striking.

At this moment, it seems that there is only this magic beam between the heavens and the earth.

Numerous magical forces collide with each other, and the magic of red and blue is intertwined. With Avon and two pieces of Sorcerer's stone as the core, it forms a huge magical beam beyond imagination. It cuts through the void and destroys the earth. The power of the forward.

The horrible evil spirits are in contact with the magic beam, and they are instantly annihilated and dissipated.

The sacred **** statue, which was previously incomprehensible, gave up the devour of Haierbo and the surrounding souls. It madly flew inside the door of death. It had to leave this space immediately, instead of consuming the despicable Helbo magic, but fleeing.

It can now be determined that once it is beamed by the magic behind it, it will surely dissipate.

This terrible magic is not the power that mortal spellcasters should have.

The Ravenclaw family has accumulated for thousands of years, and the power that has accumulated since the ancient magical era has all come out at this moment.

These gathered together magic energy can already cut through the void. If the body of the evil **** is swallowed here, it may not be afraid of this attack, but now it is not possible, and the statue of the evil god, which is said to be indestructible, cannot resist the collision of these magical powers. .

It madly flew inside the door of death, and the red light of the demon was bursting out. The door of death, which had already begun to close, was hardened by it. The space inside the glorious green stone door and the door was red.

Compared with the light of the rapidly approaching magic beam, these red light, which can reflect the red sky, is as dim as fluorescence, and can be extinguished at any time. This shows the huge power gap between the two sides.

The statue of the evil spirit is intertwined with the despicable Haierbo and enters the gate of death together.

In the next second, Ai Wen followed with a huge magic.


The door to death swayed violently, and the huge doorpost was covered with cracks.

The crack is getting bigger and bigger!

The door of death seems to be broken by two evil spirits and powerful magic. After shaking for more than ten minutes, it gradually stops.

The interior of the stone gate is dark, leaving nothing.

The darkness that could not be seen at the end slowly circulated inside the gate of death, and even the light was absorbed. It seemed to be a void leading to infinity. After everything calmed down, the threshold slowly closed until it was completely closed.


be quiet!

The entire Ravenclaw family territory was dead, and a living creature could not be seen.

The souls that have not been swallowed up by the evil spirits are gradually dissipated in the air. They are killed by the evil spirits of Haierbo, cursed by the power of the **** of death, and will always be here. Until the millennium, Ai Wen comes here, the new cycle can Start again.

In the silence of death, the music of the music box sounded slowly at the central tower, which sounded extraordinarily monotonous and sad.

Music seems to be telling this terrible battle, telling the destruction of the Ravenclaw family.

But not long after, a huge roar came from inside the castle to cover the sound of the music box.

Because of the great magical power, the entire Ravenclaw family's castle collapsed rapidly, and the magical light that never faded on the five turrets dissipated. The statue of Valkyrie fell from the tower, the Ravenclaw family. Glory disappeared.

Starting today, the once-famous Ravenclaw family has become history!

After about two hours, the roar of the castle gradually stopped.

At this time, the castle of the Ravenclaw family has been destroyed by the magic of the outbreak, and the magic gathered to the central tower is dissipated.

The land centered on the castle and the Gate of Death is full of chaos, even though the entire magic world knows that there is a problem, but no wizard dares to enter the Ravenclaw family's territory before the magic subsides.

The first to come here was the nearby Muggle lords, adventurers and thieves. When the wizards of the Presbyterian Church arrived here one year later, they saw only countless architectural wrecks, looted castles and ruins of death.

No one knows what happened here!

After careful investigation, the Presbyterian Church thought that there was a problem with the door to death.

They transferred the door of death to the Presbyterian Church and kept it in strict custody. This stone door did not see any magical power. Only those who witnessed death could hear the whisper of the dead in front of the door. It seems that the inside of the door did not look like the outside. Going up so calm...


After the millennium of the Ravenclaw family territory, the black witch's magic has been carried out to the key part.

The ghosts of the Ravenclaw family are re-emerging the magic of the past, they are about to open the door to death...

In the square in front of the Gate of Death, one after another, the cult believers committed suicide in a cruel and terrifying way.

Every black wizard dies, there is an ancient magical text flying from the stone wall on both sides of the virtual door.

These ancient magical characters flew into the air, echoing the two evil spirits above the stone gate.

Over the sky, the shadows of the **** of death and the **** of engulfing are intertwined and intertwined. More precisely, it should be the **** of engulfing that stretches out numerous ugly tentacles tightly wrapped around the **** of death, entangled in the terrible The eyeballs are getting tighter and tighter.

The two evil spirits, which are tightly entangled together, look even more weird and cannot be described.

The black witch is suffocating with excitement, and she can feel the power of the evil spirit is rapidly increasing.

With her help, it will not take long for her master to come to this world.

Purification is about to begin!

The owner will purify everything! !

All mortals squat down and receive the judgment of the great God! ! !