
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1693: Once story

Although this guy seems to be an idiot in front of him, but Ai Wen did not relax his vigilance, he carefully looked around.

This place made him feel very uneasy, and the magic around him was too strong.

He could feel that the Ravenclaw family's castle was intact at this point in time, and the powerful magical array was complete. The magical powers of the castle were all gathered here, gathering in the huge spherical sacred stone carvings in front of him.

The magic is so full, the magic is so obvious, it is totally unimaginable in later generations.

This is completely the difference between the low devil and the high devil!

undefinedAlthough I don't know what this magic does, it's undoubtedly very powerful. If Hogwarts Castle has such powerful magic to defend, Avon feels completely different about the invasion of Voldemort or Black Wizard.

This is not a wizard, or a power that a wizard with a mortal body can match.

"So, what is the feeling of crossing time? Is it the same as when using magic? Is it like eating a honey lollipop? You know, I have seen a lot of magic books, knowing a lot of magic spells and spellcasting skills. But because I can't feel the magic, I never experienced the feeling of using magic. My sister told me that it feels very comfortable, just like the mouth contains a large piece of honey lollipop, but Not so tired..." Dalyan said incessantly, looking out, because he was too excited, he had a lot of things to say with Ai Wen.

The child mentioned the most is his sister, then the aunt and his father.

In his world, it seems that only these three people look like him. He does not seem to have other playmates of the same age.

The guy in front of him is nothing like the Dalyan that Aiwen saw before, wisely as if he saw everything in the world.

This entity-owned Dalyan, how to say, tone, look and all aspects, and his appearance of age are very matching, is a 13-year-old boy, even if Ai Wen did not answer, he also has a lot to say.

"Ms. Ravenclaw asked me to come here, for what?" Ai Wen asked directly, ignoring his idiot problems.

He is not interested, and he has no time to share the feeling of using magic with this guy.

For Ai Wen, the Dalian in front of him was just an ancient man who lived thousands of years ago. His name is unknown.

Before entering the Ravenclaw family castle, he did not even know that the Ravenclaw family had such a character.

After solving the immediate trouble, he and this guy estimated that there would be no intersection at all.

He was able to come here because Ms. Royna Ravenclaw wanted him to come here to help her solve the troubles of the Ravenclaw family and the troubles of the death gate. Ivan hopes that this matter will be able to Lightwood's secret treasure key is related.

"Right, this is a serious matter. My aunt just mentioned that someone will appear. When I need help the most, so you come! Ah, I saw you with the crown of your aunt, the crown of wisdom, Sure enough, you are her descendant? Are you from that college? The magic school named after Ravenclaw, you don't look much bigger than me!" Dalyan looked at Avon's head. Guan Yu said, he once again ran off the subject. "To tell the truth, I think the person who came will be an adult wizard, or very strong, just like Cedric Gryffindor. I used to see him when I was young. He at least. There are three of me who are so big and very powerful. He is definitely the most powerful wizard I have ever seen. The swordsmanship is also very good. Even the guard captain can't beat him. My trouble now needs a wizard with powerful power to solve... "

This guy, will not think that the stronger the sorcerer, the stronger the strength? !

What did he imagine the wizard as?

The Gryffindor guy didn't play a good role model. He was a non-mainstream wizard.

It can be seen that under the influence of Gryffindor, Dalyan is not too convinced of Ai Wen, it seems that it is not strong enough to dislike Ai Wen.

"So, what is your trouble?" Ai Wen asked impatiently. The Dalyan in front of him was too annoying. Even in Hogwarts, no small wizard who just entered school would own it like him. So many questions.

"It's my father, my sister, and other people, they are crazy!" Dalyan said, his expression suddenly became lost. "They certainly don't admit it, but I think they are crazy, otherwise how can it be? Want to open the door outside the castle?! Since half a year ago, everything has become a mess. They have become more and more different and become strange. My sister refused to play with me. I can feel it. The terrible thing that my aunt said is about to happen."

"Hmm?!" Ai Wen blinked, is the Ravenclaw family attempting to open the door to death? Everything in the castle has not been destroyed. The time of his return should not be the time when the door of death was opened thousands of years ago?

He seems to understand, understand what he needs to do when he returns to this point in time.

"Do you know? On one night four months ago, my sister asked me for help. She came to my room late at night and cried and told me that she heard a voice talking in her head, she It's going to be tortured and mad. It's weird. I obviously didn't hear anything. What's even more strange is that when she asked her about her the next day, she said that she didn't hear anything. She denied it. ""

"It's weird, isn't it? She seems to suddenly lose her memory, and she has become more and more strange since then." Dalyan approached Ai Wen and said, "I have been paying attention since then, and many people in the castle." It has become very abnormal, I think the terrible thing that my aunt told me is going to happen. I have checked a lot of information, which is the note of the family ancestors left by my aunt before, and she specifically stated in her will. These notes are left to me, this is definitely very important. According to the description in the notes, I think my sister said that the sound in her head is ringing, maybe a terrible monster in the door is affecting him. In fact, I have recently Month has been painting the various monsters in the door according to the description in the book. I originally wanted to ask my sister or other people whether I have seen these monsters, but do you know? Father did not stop me, if it was before It's impossible at all. He even thinks that I paint very well. I also let people carve the portraits out in the big garden below..."