
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1667: Going to the dark

Harry's scar seemed to be torn again, and the real scenery around him disappeared.

He is Voldemort, and the old wizard who is skinny is looking at him contemptuously.

"Kill me, Voldemort, I am very happy to die! But my death will not bring what you are looking for... There are many things you don't understand..."

Harry felt Voldemort's anger, his chilly bones echoing in the narrow cell.

"I have gained eternal life and will be immortal."

undefined"No, you are closer to failure. Voldemort, what you got is what we have abandoned." The old man smiled contemptuously. "You lost yourself in the pursuit of power. You thought you had escaped death, but you So you lose your more precious soul; you think you have gained strength, but you are so vulnerable and vulnerable; you try to understand the endless darkness, but you lose yourself in the darkness; you have reached an agreement with the existence in the dark, destined You will be destroyed"

Voldemort's anger broke out, and he extended his wand to the old man, a green light filled the cell.

The weak body of the old man was twisted and struggled in front of Harry, and could not help but make a painful cry.

Drilling a mantra!

The pain of the old man seemed to be passed on to Harry, as if he had also cursed the curse, and the pain quickly spread to the whole body with the scar as the origin.

Harry was awakened. He opened his eyes and felt that the bones under his body seemed to be torn apart.

He gasped, and after a long time, he gradually calmed down.

Harry didn't understand why Voldemort was going to torture a strange old man. What the old man said was what he meant.

At this point, the sky was already dark, passing through the broken wall above, and Harry saw the night sky.

The night is so deep, covering everything, only a few stars are shining with tenacious light.

The dim light of the torch swayed in the night wind and seemed to dissipate at any time. By shaking the fire, Harry found that the ghosts he saw before he woke up were all gone. They seemed to have lost interest in him, not hovering around him, leaving him alone left alone.

Suddenly, a strange sound began to sound.

"Ron, is that you?" Harry muttered, feeling that his lips were dry.

Not Ron, he saw a black bird appearing in the night sky and gently falling on the stone above his head.

This is a raven!

Ravenclaw's logo, but Harry soon wondered about his idea. Is Ravenclaw's sign a raven? !

He felt as if he was confused, as if he had been at Hogwarts for a long time, and he had not figured out what the sign of Ravenclaw College was. Although in the official school scene, Ravenclaw's flag always appears as an eagle with a sky-blue background, in private, most students believe that the Ravenclaw Academy logo is a raven.

It's strange, the signs of the other three colleges are always so obvious, the golden red lion, the silver-green snake, the tan 獾

Only the Ravenclaw Academy logo is vague and confusing.

In many people's minds, the often-occurring azure eagle is always replaced by a mysterious raven.

It seems that there is a strange magic that is constantly affecting.

It was strange that Harry couldn't help but wonder how he had never realized this problem before. !

The eagle and the raven, the blue sky and the dark night sky, which one is really in the field of Ravenclaw? !

Evan tried to hold his breath as far as possible, and there was a rotten smell in the air, as if something was rotting and dying.

He doesn't like this taste, just like he doesn't like this place.

In front of him is an endless wilderness, the difference is that there are no plants or any other signs showing the existence of life, the land is the kind of dull black, as if it has been corroded by something, Ai Wen opened his hand, no sticky The soil slipped from his fingers like the life that was disappearing.

From the sight of the moment, it is hard to imagine that this place was once a huge lake full of vitality.

As the oldest gathering place for witches, this lake was once home to many ancient wizarding families, like Hogmund or Godric Valley, where the wizards lived for a long time, including many famous wizards and wizard families. Among them, the Ravenclaw family is the most prominent.

It used to be a holy place of magic and life until the terrible disaster of unknown reason

Ai Wen recalled the information recorded on the map provided by Lucius Malfoy, and the rotten smell in the air became more and more intense.

He was stunned and coughed a few times, as if something unpleasant was inhaled into the body.

The surroundings are getting darker and the sun is setting. It seems to enter the night earlier than the rest of the UK.

Behind Ai Wen, the speed of the sun controversy visible to the naked eye disappeared and was swallowed up by the night.

Soon, black became the main tone of the region.

According to the map provided by Lucius Malfoy, Irwin is now standing on the edge of the core area of ​​the land of death.

Moving on, you can enter the former Ravenclaw family and many other wizarding family homes, and now the black witch is leading hundreds of black wizards to excavate there. After learning the specific location of the place of death from Lucius's mouth, Ai Wen did not stop at Malfoy Manor. He asked the house elf to go back to report, and he came here with a phantom appearance. He came to find the missing. Harry and Ron, if possible, are best able to stop the action of the Black Witch here.

Because of Harry's sake, in some things, Avon knows more than Malfoy, including what the black witch is looking for in the land of death. Malfoy has been inquiring for so long, and only knows this and the door to death. Related, Ai Wen knows that she wants to find a spell to open the door to death here.

This time the opponent is a mysterious and dangerous black witch and a raven's claw, but Aiwen is very confident in himself.

After all, he passed the test left by Ms. Ravenclaw and got her approval.

But when he really came here, he realized that his previous thoughts seemed a bit too optimistic. He knew that the information did not help the current situation. Ivan felt ominous and dangerous in the dark. He suddenly hesitated, maybe it was not a wise choice to come here in the dark.

Ai Wen can feel that since he came here, there is a strange force calling him in front.

He couldn't be sure what it meant, and there seemed to be something waiting for him, but the rich darkness and the power of death were allowing Ai Wen to resist.

Depressing the uneasiness in my heart, Ai Wen took out his wand and went to the darkness.