
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1659: fight

"Take you martial arts" Harry turned quickly and waved his wand, but the man who looked like a mouse across the face was faster than him.

A red flash flew over and Harry's wand flew out.

He grabbed his right hand and saw that the little dwarf Peter was curling up in the corner, his wand in his hand shuddering at him.

"The worm tail!" Harry said softly, his voice full of disdain and contempt, compared to the anger of the traitor who once again betrayed his parents, compared to the wrath of the wand by the little dwarf Peter, the other side has been It's still not dead, and Harry is surprised.

When Harry heard the little dwarf Peter from the mouth of Sirius last time, he heard that he was almost dying. On the night four years ago, the black magic he cast lost control, causing a huge explosion. Let him pay the entire right arm as a price, and then be attacked by countless eight-eyed spiders in the forbidden forest.

undefinedOn that night, the little dwarf Peter's body can be said to be riddled with holes.

If it wasn't for Irving to use the time converter, he would come back and he would have died in Hogwarts forbidden forest.

Moreover, not only physical damage, Sirius's anger and subsequent torture in the wizarding prison Azkaban were tortured by the dementors every day, and almost killed his life. Even if it didn't exist at the time, it was a matter of time, and everyone thought so.

He can't live long, and every day, for him, it will be more unbearable pain than death.

But I did not expect that he actually came over.

Voldemort saved him from Azkaban and re-admitted him.

The little dwarf Peter is now a member of the Death Eaters and stays at the Malfoy Manor to guard Ron.

It is a great irony to guard his former "master".

In order to avoid the revenge of Sirius, the little dwarf Peter had been hiding as a rat in the Weasley family for thirteen years. For a long time, he was Ron's pet. Perhaps it was with this in mind that Voldemort gave him such a task and had to say that it was really a bad taste.

Opposite Harry, in the dimly lit corner of the chamber, the little dwarf Peter stood timidly, with fear and surprise.

He flew Harry's wand, but it didn't seem to give him much security.

In the face of Harry, who suddenly appeared here, Dwarf Peter was far more scared than other Death Eaters, even more than Harry himself.

He never dreamed that he would meet Harry again in such a way.

"Hah, Harry Potter!" The little dwarf Peter trembled with a sharp voice. "Why are you here?"

"I came to save Ron." Harry replied bluntly. "I think Sirius will be happy to know that you are here too, the worm tail."

Hearing the name of Sirius, the little dwarf Peter had a chill, and he said in horror, "No, Harry, you can't"

"What happened to Ron?" Harry interrupted him impatiently.

"It's the magic of the Dark Lord." The little dwarf Peter snorted and gasped, and the disgusting eyes turned around.

He seems to have just realized that there is only Harry alone, and he just flew the other's wand. He faced Harry with no wand in his hand. Harry couldn't do anything to him. He grabbed Harry. Potter is so incredible, as long as he will be handed over to Voldemort, he will receive an unprecedented reward.

"Others, Harry? Just one of you, isn't it?" asked the little dwarf Peter. "The great Harry Potter is alone to save his friend."

As he asked, he raised his wand and tried to walk toward Harry.

His body left the shadow in the corner, and Harry narrowed his eyes to look at the little dwarf Peter.

The other person's body is too eye-catching. His whole body is covered with black robes. Compared with the sly face, not only is he not thin, but he is much fatter than he was when he met a few years ago. It makes people feel very weird at first glance.

Yes, very weird, very abnormal.

The feeling of disobedience when I touched Ron was once again raised in the heart of Harry.

He looked at the strange tail of the worm in front of him, wondering why he was getting fat.

You know, Sirius was able to leave Azkaban that year, mainly because he was too thin and so thin that he could get out of the iron gate that held his cell. Harry never saw him being held in Azkaban. The wizard has become fat, especially like the little dwarf Peter is so fat now.

His left hand pointed his wand at Harry, and the right arm that had been cut seemed to have recovered.

But the little dwarf Peter seems to be reluctant to use this hand, and he hides it completely in his sleeves, covering it with rigor.

"Your right hand has recovered?" Harry asked casually, distracting the other's attention.

He did not directly answer the question of Dwarf Peter, he hopes to delay the time to find opportunities.

The pain on the head hurts, which makes Harry feel bad.

"Yes, the Dark Lord gave me a huge reward." The insect tail gasped and said, "He gave me a new body."

"Why?" Harry asked aloud. "Why is he doing this? Who are you selling?"

He couldn't see the significance of the wizards like the worm tail to Voldemort. Why did Voldemort consume mana to reshape his body? !

"This is a great glory." Peter said insincerely, there seemed to be a bit more in the sharp voice to contain the fear. "You don't understand, Harry, you don't understand what happened to me, you don't understand." How powerful and incredible the magic of the Dark Lord is."

"Hey!" Harry snorted disdainfully. "You know too much and will betray my parents 17 years ago."

"I have no other choice!" the little dwarf Peter shouted. "I am not as strong as they are. I don't want to die. I have no choice but to go or not. This is the only way I can avoid death." Come on, child, now you should tell me, are you alone?"

"Ivan and Sirius are outside, they may come down at any time."

Harry's voice just fell, and as the other side relaxed, he threw himself into the insect tail that had come to him.

He grasped the tail of the wand with one hand and held the arm of the wand tightly, forcing it to lift upwards, and the other hand wrestled with the other.

Ha used his whole body to throw a punch, and Sirius played an effective role in his special training. He could not hold on for so long.

The wand of the worm's tail sparked, but there was no way to use magic.

He seemed to be subdued by Harry, however, his right arm, which had been hanging on his side, suddenly floated.

That's right, it floats like this, at a very different angle.