
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1649: Drawings on the table

Harry walked up the steep stairs and walked through the dimly lit corridor, and the light in front of him was getting brighter and brighter.

"Knox!" he whispered, extinguishing the light of his wand.

Harry looked out in the corner and looked out, and there was a spacious hall outside.

At the end of the corridor is a gorgeous marble fireplace, the fire is beating in it, but because it burns for too long, the light is not very bright, the crystal chandelier is hung on the ceiling, deep purple There are countless portraits on the walls, as well as those gorgeous decorations and magic items that don't know the usefulness.

Even at 12 Grimaud Square, Harry didn't see so much.

undefinedThere is no one in the hall, and even the portraits on the wall are all empty, leaving only one frame.

The entire hall was occupied by a strangely dead silence and empty space, and the atmosphere was exceptionally gloomy.

It seems that everyone has left in an instant. It is not like a wizard's mansion, but rather a horror place that was suddenly abandoned.

It is a matter of course that such a scene appears.

Because it is exactly the same as Harry's memory, this is where the Voldemort started to kill last night.

Although the bodies piled up on the ground have been cleaned up, the air is still full of pungent **** taste.

Thinking of the bodies, Harry suddenly had a strong feeling of vomiting, and he resisted controlling himself.

He witnessed the big murder last night and knew the terrible things that happened here, but now I still feel terrible.

Even for the Death Eaters, I am afraid I will not be close to this hall in the short term!

I figured this out and almost did not hesitate. Harry entered the hall and quickly walked to the shelf next to the fireplace.

According to Dobby, there is a Malfoy manor house, and many important things are inside.

There is also a dungeon at the end of this chamber, and Ron is being held there.

But Harry quickly stopped, and the huge long table in the center of the hall caught his attention.

The ghost made a difference, and he went there, and a huge drawing was laid on the table.

The drawing is large, and the top is the structure of a door.

This is the arch of the death hall of the Department of Mystery of the Ministry of Magic!

Almost a moment, Harry recognized the door, although the door drawn on the drawing was not the same as what Harry saw before in the Ministry of Magic.

In the Ministry of Magic, the arch that Harry saw on the stone platform was very old and ruined.

He was once strange that it could still stand there and not fall down.

Above the door, a tattered black curtain or a hang on it.

Although there is no wind, it is gently swinging, as if it has just been touched.

But this door on this huge drawing in front of Harry is not like that. It is more complete than the door he saw in the Ministry of Magic. It seems to be the original appearance of this door. There are many above the arch. Exquisitely decorated, the hanging credit is also complete, with a strange pattern that Harry can't understand.

This pattern is difficult to describe, it seems to be a creature, some kind of terrible monster.

The position of the biological head, Harry judged that it was probably the head of the head, a bit like a giant octopus, but the tentacles that stretched out were much more, and the downward position of the head seemed to be a body, a bloated and obese body, vaguely With human contours, the physical curve is not as human.

Soon, it stretched like two sides, as if extending a pair of strange wings.

At the bottom of the body should be the place of the foot, which is a giant claw like a monster.

What the **** is this? !

If it is a creature, Harry has never seen such a creature. Then he suddenly thought that Avon had said before that this door seemed to be related to the evil spirits, so Voldemort and the Black Witch had to open it, would the monster on the credit be the evil spirit? !

Harry had seen a part of the evil spirit in Azkaban before, and it is said to be the brain of the despicable evil spirit of Haierbo.

But that thing is completely different from the monster in front of him, he can't make more judgments.

He stared at the monster on the wallpaper for a while, and a gust of wind blew, and he couldn't help but shudder. Suddenly, it seems that it was affected by this smog, and the credit on the drawing was gently swayed, exactly the same as the hang on the door of the Ministry of Magic. When he used his power to blink his eyes, it was not a wind at all. He clearly saw that the tentacles of the monster on the picture were swinging, and the credit was followed by a swing.

This is really terrible!

Looking at the pattern of the monster, Harry once felt a sense of spirit.

The monster is laughing at him, although he can't even tell where the monster's mouth is, but he has such a feeling.

Harry hurriedly regained his gaze and stepped back two steps, being scared of a cold sweat.

Then he noticed that the drawing was marked with a bright red ink next to the credit, a very complicated mantra.

Slowly, gently, Harry followed and read it.

"Death is not the end, the deceased will not rest forever, and the wonderful eternal annihilation will not end in death."

The mantra is not over, but it seems to have magic.

Harry had just finished reading this sentence, and a bang was heard, and the center of the door on the drawing suddenly showed white fluorescence.

The arch was opened!

Harry heard someone talking to him in his head, and the voice seemed to come from inside the door, just as he heard someone talking to him at the door of the Ministry of Magic, although he couldn't hear the words before. What is it, but Harry is attracted to it.

He came forward to the table and slowly extended his right hand to the fluorescent center of the arch on the drawing.

His right hand touched the white fluorescence, and the fluorescence began to slowly rotate around the center of the arch.

The fluorescence gradually turns pale green, the stars are shining, and the center is like an endless universe.

The door on the drawing seems to be associated with a different space, and magical power is pouring out of the arch.

For a moment, Harry thought that something would come out of it, a creepy thing, huge fears infesting him, but Harry soon woke up and eventually nothing happened, on the drawing The arch is not real, and there is no magic, it is just drawn on it.

Perhaps the black witch showed the arch to Voldemort in this way.

And Harry had just read that sentence, maybe it was the spell that the black witch was looking for to open the arch.