
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1648: Malfoy Manor

In a twinkling of an eye, a bang banged.

Harry and Dobby appeared in front of a very steep staircase, and the walls on either side were huge dark stones like Hogwarts Castle.

The light was dim and very quiet, and Harry didn't hear anything.

It can be seen from the expression of the domestic elf Dobby that this is the Malfoy Manor, and Harry is not sure if he is guarding.

Perhaps after the last Voldemort's killing, no Death Eaters dared to stay here.

undefined"Dobby, where is the dungeon?" he muttered, whispering.

Dobby pointed to the bottom of the stairs, his body could not help but tremble, it seems that it is almost to the limit.

Harry nodded. He didn't go down immediately, and looked at the corridor on the left for a while until the darkness at the end of the corridor swallowed his sight.

After confirming that there were no Death Eaters, Harry pulled out his wand and carefully descended down the steep stone stairs. The house elf Dobby followed him, pulling Harry's cloak, Harry's speed. Very slow, because the stairs are too steep, and if you are not careful, you may lose your neck at any time.

At the bottom of the stairs is a heavy door, and he gently taps his wand and says, "Alaho Cave!"

He opened the door, and although it was very cold, but because he was too nervous, he felt the sweat down the back.

On the side of the door is a damp and moldy room with a low ceiling and a dark interior that can't be seen.

"Ron, Ron!" Harry whispered, not sure if it was here.

The dungeon he saw in Voldemort's head seemed to be different from what he saw, but the pattern seemed to be the same.

"Ron!" Harry shouted again, without any response. He raised his wand and said, "Fluorescent."

The fluorescing gleam appeared from the end of the Harry Wand. He didn't dare to make the light too big, but still dispelled the darkness around him.

He saw the sight of the dungeon, and a figure curled up on the floor of the corner.

"Ron?" said Harry, who took two steps forward and then he saw who the climber was on the floor.

Not Ron, but the wand maker Mr. Olivander!

He seems to have been detained for a long time, because it is too weak to be almost unconscious.

Hearing Harry's shouts, Ollivander's body moved, but eventually he did not get up.

Harry knew that Ollivander was here. He remembered that he entered Voldemort's head for the first time this summer. He heard Voldemort mention Olympus to the Death Eater. Voldemort seems to be looking for a so-called one. The powerful wand of the "old wand", Mr. Olivander knew something, so he was caught here.

Deathly Hallows!

Harry listened to Evan and talked about this vocabulary. He also listened to Hermione's legend of three brothers.

Legend has it that those who have all the sacred devices of death can overcome death.

Voldemort certainly won't let such a powerful magic item, but in Harry's opinion, if he becomes a terrible monster, what is the point of defeating death? ! Of course, Voldemort is no longer a human being. He is a monster.

"Mr. Ollivander, Mr. Ollivander!" Harry gently pushed Olifande and did not get any response. He thought about it and quickly turned around and said to Dobby, "Dobby, It is necessary to bring Mr. Ollivander back. He is too weak and needs immediate treatment."

"Dobby wants to be with Harry Potter." Dobby trembled and said, "Dobby can't leave Harry Potter alone."

Harry hesitated and looked at the old and weak Olifande on the ground. Olifand needed immediate treatment. He seemed to be unable to persist. Even a second was a pain for his current state. The torment. If Harry waits for Ron to come back, it may be late!

But if Harry doesn't care about Ron, it's not going to send Ollivander to Grimaud Square with Dobby.

Whether they meet Evan or meet Sirius, they will not easily let themselves go back here, he can't just go back.

"Listen, Dobby, I want to stay here to find Ron." Harry said quickly. "You take Mr. Olivander back to see Avon for treatment, let them inform the people of the Order, and then you Come back here and pick me up, and if Ron wants to come when they arrive, you can bring them over."

"Dobby can't leave Harry Potter alone!" Dobby repeated.

"You don't understand, Toby, I have to stay here," said Harry. "I won't have anything. If you are fast enough, you will be back in a few minutes."

"But, but" Dobby seems to cry again!

"This is the order, Dobby, first send Mr. Ollivander back." Harry said a little impatiently, "Okay, let me tell me the other dungeon positions."

"Need to go through the hall above, Harry Potter, another dungeon on the other side of the mansion, there is a secret door next to the shelf, and the peacock on the top with a wand can enter." Dobby said, "Dobby does not The method is directly phantom to go there, there is a special magic, it is arranged by the ancestors of the host family, it is very old and powerful magic, many valuable things are placed in that area, the sky is too bad, actually reveals the owner The secret of the family is more than bad and bad."

He slammed his ears and slammed himself. The strength of Dalian, Harry, looked and felt pain.

"Stop, Dobby, don't punish yourself, this is the order!" said Harry. "The Malfoy family is no longer your master. You don't have to do this. What's more, you divulge secrets to save people, not because of what is bad. The reason. Now, you will go back with Mr. Ollivander."

"Dobby will come back soon." Dobby said, grabbing Olivander's hand.

It was a loud bang, the domestic elf Dobby and Mr. Ollivander were gone, and the surrounding re-entered into silence, Harry stood in the same place for a while, and the sound of the phantom departure did not alarm. In fact, there seems to be no one in the hall above.

This is a good opportunity. Harry feels that as long as he is fast enough, he should be able to go to the place he just said.

Ron must have been locked there. He now carries Voldemort's Horcrux, and of course he is to be held incommunicado.

Without further ado, there is no need to wait for more than with Evan or Sirius, and Harry will be able to do it himself.

He had the courage to come here and he would have found Ron bringing him back, and Harry wanted to prove himself.

At the very least, it has been going smoothly so far, and there will be no problems.

Harry tightened his wand and walked outside the dungeon.