
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1562: Hermione and Tonks experience

Without verification, Lupin can confirm that Tonks is true, just as Sirius can confirm that Harry is real.

Of course, Ai Wen can also confirm that Hermione in her arms is true.

As soon as he hugged Hermione, he was sure.

"I thought I would never see you again, Evan." Hermione said that she clung to Avon and didn't care that other people were looking at them.

"I am also worried about you," said Ai Wen. He hugged Hermione for a moment, let go of her, and looked at the broom that Tonks threw on the floor. It was the star of their research. "How did you delay it? I I remember you riding on the night, how to change to a flying broom?"

undefinedHermione didn't answer, Tonks released Lupin and said with excitement, "You still don't know, we played a victory. Hermione is so great, she stunned two Death Eaters. At the beginning, there were three Death Eaters who chased us. Hermione solved two of them. One of them just hit the head. It is very difficult to aim at a moving target from the air. You should really look at the rest. The unlucky one, he was scared by Hermione, and turned and fled. I certainly couldn't let him go. I used to chase him for a while, and the night ride was too slow, so I changed the broom and picked the star. The speed is very fast, I quickly catch up with the guy, he is riding the light wheel 2010, this is the new broom this year, the balance is very good, but the speed is not as good as the star."

Ok, only Tonks can do this kind of thing, no wonder they didn't come back on time.

However, this is a rare good news tonight, although at the time they should not go to the dead.

"You just chase the Death Eater?!" Lupin was just angry with Tonks.

"Yeah, but we soon started to flee. I just stunned the Death Eater, and five Death Eaters emerged from the dark. The leader was Bellatrix." Tonks said. "She is much better than the three Death Eaters and more crazy."

"You met Bellatrix?"

"I have met, to be precise, she is looking for me." Tonks, "The old woman is crazy, she wants to catch me desperately, she doesn't even look at Hermione, Remus, she does everything possible." I want my life. I really want to catch her, I should catch Bellatrix, but we must have injured Rodolfos. We are not opponents, but she can't catch us, and later We went to Ron's Mulier's house, but missed the door key, and she blamed us for a good meal."

A muscle on the cheek of Lu's cheeks was beating. He nodded, but he seemed to be speechless.

"Tonkes ruined Bellatrix." Hermione whispered, a little embarrassed, she couldn't be as nervous as Tonks. "Yes, Ivan, when we rushed out of the encirclement, we saw Voldemort chased after Ron and Moody, and he didn't use the broom or other mounts.

"Floating in the air, yeah, I saw him when I was with Sirius to save Ron and Moody." Avon said, "This is a black magic that we didn't understand, but don't worry, Hermione, me and Xiao. Sirius rescued them, they are still in a coma, but they will recover."

"How are other people?"

"Mr. Weasley, Fred and Bill, and Furong haven't come back yet. After we fought with Voldemort, Harry and Hagrid were finally found by Voldemort, but they didn't have anything, Lupin also took George is back, but"

"George lost an ear." Lupin finished the last sentence for Avon.

"Throw a lost" Hermione screamed and repeated.

"Snape is dry," Lupin said.

"Snape?" Harry cried. "You won't say it."

"He is chasing the hood and slipping away. The sacred curse has always been Snape's skill. I really hope that I will retaliate against him at the time, but I can't do that. After George was injured, I can only try my best. He stayed on the broom and he lost too much blood."

"Damn, don't let me meet that odious nose!" Sirius snorted angrily.

"Calm down, Sirius, one day we will go back to him to settle the bill, but not today."

There was silence in the yard, and there was no movement in the four.

The stars stared at the unyielding eyes, so indifferent.

Mr. Weasley, Fred, Bill, and Furong have not returned yet, hoping they will not do anything.

"Please, who can come and help me!" Hagrid stuck in the door frame and shouted.

Evan, Hermione, and Harry pulled him out in the past, and then the four went back to the living room through the empty kitchen.

Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Elaine, and Gabriel are still caring for George, and Mrs. Weasley has stopped him from blood.

With the light, you can clearly see that George's ears are gone, leaving a clear hole.

"how is he?"

"I can't make it grow again. It was got rid of the black magic, but the luck in the unfortunate... He is still alive," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Yeah, fortunate in the misfortune!"

"Thank God!"

"I heard a noise in the yard. Is my sister coming back?" Gabri asked.

"Not yet!" said Ai Wen. "Don't worry, Gabri, she won't have anything. The general Death Eaters can't stop Hibiscus and Bill."

It was another moment of silence, and it was clear that this atmosphere would continue until everyone returned without a problem.

Ai Wen felt that she should not stay here. He just wanted to propose to go upstairs to see Ron. George moved on the pillow and opened his eyes.

"Hey, some of your little guys are there, don't frown on each other." He said weakly, "Happy, I still."

Just then, there was a loud noise in the kitchen.

"Let's leave, Remus, I will prove who I am, but I have to look at my son first, and you have to hurry to get off!"

Mr. Weasley shouted, and then he rushed into the living room, his sweat on his bald head and his glasses slanting.

Fred followed him, both of them pale, but not injured.

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley sobbed and said, "Oh, thank God!"

"How is he?" Mr. Weasley slammed down to George.

Fred looked at the wounds of the twin brothers from the back of the sofa and couldn't believe his eyes.

"How do you feel, George?"

"Very good!" George groped his finger to the side of his head, his face showing the familiar smirk, "Sound!"

"What's the matter with him?" Fred asked in horror, "Is his brain hurt?"

"Easy!" George said again, looking up at his brother. "Look, brother, I have a hole. Hole, Fred, understand?"

Mrs. Weasley cried even more sadly, and Fred's pale face suddenly became bleeding.

"Poor!" He said to George, tears could not stop flowing down. "It's really bad! The whole world's ear-related humor is in front of you, and you pick a 'hole listening'?"

"This is good." George smiled and said to the tearful mother, "Mom, you can finally separate us."