
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 1526: Burial

The conversation froze, Professor McGonagall and Sirius had the opposite opinion and did not give up.

This situation has been seen many times in the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. Ivan can understand the thoughts of Sirius and understand the difficulties of Professor McGonagall.

Just give up Hogwarts, no one can accept it emotionally.

However, in the case of disparity in strength, it is too stupid to stick to Hogwarts Castle against Voldemort. It is tantamount to taking the road.

Voldemort probably had a clear foothold in the phoenix, and he could then destroy them with the Ministry of Magic.

undefined"Sirius, our aim is to defeat Voldemort, not to keep Hogwarts, and there are many things waiting for us to do." Ai Wen said, "Dumbledore's death is not the end, but the beginning of the war."

"You're right, Avon!" Sirius's body swayed a little. "But there will always be people who will sacrifice the war. If necessary, I will stay to defend Hogwarts."

His appearance is really worrying. Will he take any excessive act to avenge Dumbledore?

"I know your thoughts, Sirius, but now is not discussing sacrifice. Meaningless death is just stupid, I hope you can remember this." Professor McGonagall said, "Let's listen to other people's opinions. What do you think?"

"I support Black's view. The situation is really bad, but I am not in favor of closing the school. I believe that Dumbledore must hope that we can continue to run the school." Professor Sprout said, "I feel that as long as there is a student who wants to come. When you go to school, the school should start."

"But will we still have students after that?" said Slughorn, who is rubbing his forehead with a silk handkerchief. "In this case, as long as the sane parents will let their children stay at home instead of sending When I come to school, I can't blame them. After Dumbledore's death, we can claim that Hogwarts has nothing to do with him or the Phoenix. I personally think that it is no more dangerous here than anywhere else, but you can't hope. Mothers think so too. They want the whole family to be together. This is a natural thing."

"I agree!" Professor McGonagall said. "Dumbledore's imprint on Hogwarts is too deep. It is not that we claim that it doesn't matter, and that Dumbledore never faces Hogwar. It may be wrong to close the door one day. When the chamber was reopened, he considered closing the school. I must say that compared to the monsters with Slytherin in the depths of the castle, I think Dumbledore The fact that the professor was murdered is even more disturbing."

"We must look for directors to discuss." Professor Flitwick said in a sharp and detailed voice, "We must act according to the rules, and we must not make such a sloppy conclusion."

"I agree with Filius's opinion, we must be cautious." Lu Ping said, "It is up to the school's board of directors to decide whether to close the school."

"Haig, you haven't said a word yet." Professor McGonagall and others said after they finished their opinions. "What is your opinion, will Hogwarts continue to do it?"

In this conversation, Hagrid used his big handkerchief full of tears to squint and twitched silently.

Until now, he is not willing to believe that Dumbledore is dead.

Upon hearing Professor McGonagall's question, Hagrid raised his red eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know, the professor has to decide by several deans and principals."

"Professor Dumbledore is paying attention to your opinion." Professor McGonagall said, "I am the same."

"I, I will stay, no matter what happens in the future." Hagrid said, the huge tears fell from his eyes and flowed down the messy beard. "This is my home, since I was 13 years old. Yes. If a child wants me to teach them, I will teach. But I don't know that Hogwarts has no Dumbledore."

He twitched and his face disappeared behind the handkerchief again, a silence.

"Very good!" Professor McGonagall said, glanced at the venue outside the window to see if the minister had already arrived. "I know everyone's views. In this case, I must agree with Flitwick and Lupin's opinion and should look for it. The board of directors negotiated and they will make the final decision."

"What about the students? This semester is almost over."

"Yeah, this is something we have to consider. How to send students home. It is better to have a comment sooner or later. If necessary, we can arrange Hogwarts Express to come tomorrow."

"What about Dumbledore's funeral?" Sirius asked.

"Ye," Professor McGonagall said, his voice trembled as if he had lost a little bit of decisiveness. "Although we did not find Dumbledore's body, we did need a decent funeral."

There is no doubt about this. If Dumbledore could not return, the funeral would be a real funeral.

It is very timely to hold a funeral. Only Ai Wen and Harry know the truth, but they are not sure that Dumbledore will return.

"I, where are we going to place Dumbledore's tombstone?"

"I know that Dumbledore's wish is to sleep here, at Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said.

"There is no better place than Hogwarts!"

"Well, if the department thinks it is appropriate, we know that there is no principal in the history of Hogwarts."

"No principal has made such a big contribution to Hogwarts." Hagrid growled.

"Absolutely!" said Professor Sprout.

"In that case, we will hold a funeral and build a tombstone for Dumbledore in Hogwarts, and you can bury his wand," Professor McGonagall said.

"The wand is the most important item of the wizard. From the day I met Dumbledore, he used this wand, which can replace Dumbledore."

A moment of silence, many people have sore eyes, such a great wizard as Dumbledore, and even the body did not stay in the end, leaving only his wand.

His funeral can only bury the wand, which is so tragic, Hagrid sent a mourning.

"We can wait until the funeral is over and send the students home. I think many of them want to say goodbye to him."

"This arrangement is very good, our students should be grateful, this is very suitable, we can arrange them to go home after the funeral," Professor Flitwick screamed.


"Just do it, this is the only thing we can do for Dumbledore now."

"Oh, I think so." Slughorn was so excited that he raised his arm and wiped his eyes.

"He is coming!" Professor McGonagall said suddenly, his eyes staring at the field. "The minister seems to have brought a delegation."