
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1480: Friendship boat

Although the image of the prince in Harry's heart collapsed, not quite the same as he imagined, but Harry still felt that he should believe in the other party, and the prince wanted him to use that magic. This kind of trust is born with it. Harry also explained that it was not clear.

He will be more cautious when he reads this book later.

But he said that he had handed over the book and made a joke. He never had such an idea from beginning to end.

"Wait, Harry, are you telling me," said Hermione, "you have to go back and take..."

"Take that book? Yes, I will." Harry said firmly. "Listen to me, Hermione, I know what you are worried about, but without a prince I will not win a blessing, nor I will know how to solve Ron's poison, and I won't..."

undefined"Get the name of the potion wizard you don't deserve." Hermione said sharply, "You are..."

"Oh, Hermione!" Ginny suddenly said, everyone turned around and looked at her in surprise. She was talking to Harry. "I figured it out. It sounds like Malfoy wants to use an unforgivable curse. You I should be glad that Harry has a good trick to deal with him!"

"Of course I am very glad that Harry has no curse!" Hermione said, apparently stinging. She obviously didn't believe that Ginny actually stood up and supported Harry at this time. "But you can't say that there is no god." Shadow curse, Ginny. Even Ai Wen said that it was a black magic, seeing what field it hurts Harry! I think of the prospects of your game, I thought..."

"Oh, don't start pretending that you know Quidditch!" Ginny grabbed the white road. "That will only find you."

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became very embarrassing. Hermione and Ginny, who had always had a good relationship, are now sitting with their arms around, their eyes in the opposite direction. Fortunately, Irene, who has an innocent face, is in the middle of the two, otherwise the atmosphere is certain. More awkward.

With Ai Wen's understanding of Hermione, she is now extremely wronged...

Ginny is really, how to say, to Harry!

Her relationship with Hermione is very good, but it is nothing to do when facing Harry.

Perhaps this is the difference between a good friend and a favorite boy...

At this time, Ai Wen felt that he should comfort Hermione and stand up to support her.

Ron looked at him uncomfortably, smelling a bad taste, grabbed a book and hid behind the book; Harry suddenly felt incredibly happy, and he looked at Ginny with joy, because she The support, the original feeling of depression is all pleasant.

"Harry, I can understand your thoughts," Ivan said bit by bit. "But I think Hermione said it makes sense."

"You want me to hand over the book? Is it?" Harry asked. "Don't forget, Ivan, you have a copy of that book, you have seen it."

"I haven't forgotten it. It's because I have seen it, so I know its danger. It is far more dangerous than you think. The original owner of the book, the half-blooded prince, is only good at potions. Obviously, there is a great interest in black magic. There are many similar magic studies in the book." Ai Wen said that he felt the obvious hostility in Harry's tone. "As for the copy, it has been destroyed by me. I hope that you also want to put..."

"I will be careful with the magic above." Harry said firmly, raising his voice. "But I will say the last time, I will not hand it over. Ginny is right, just waiting for Mar. Fu used an unforgivable curse for me, but did not let me fight back?!"

"I didn't mean it with Hermione, but the situation is that Snape will never give up on the book. If he asks you about the prince, I think you'd better tell the truth. Not..."

"Oh, Ivan, let alone!" Hermione slammed the table and stood up. "Ilan, at the time of review, let's go! According to the review plan, you should read the world in this evening. The part of the history of magic."

"Ah!" Elaine didn't think that the flame of war suddenly burned on himself. He said innocently, "I just had a night with Ai Literature, I..."

Her protest was ineffective and was directly taken away by Hermione.

Poor Elaine, the history of the world of magic has more than 3,000 pages, not to mention the reading materials that Hermione added.

After reading it all, she doesn't want to sleep tonight!

Looking at Hermione's appearance, she seems to have no plans to let Evan and Elaine sleep tonight!

Ai Wen got up and followed up, looking back before leaving.

Ginny was whispering something to Harry, and Ron also got together.

Ai Wen didn't know if Harry had listened to him. It should be no. But it doesn't matter. Since Snape already knows that Harry can use the gods, things should almost change, and Harry's lies are simply not enough for the prince himself.

Although he had a conflict with Ai Wen and Hermione, it made Harry feel bad, but because of Ginny's support, his mood was still pleasant.

If Ron can just leave together and leave him alone with Ginny, it would be better!

But Ron didn't have this kind of conscious. After expressing his support, he began to discuss with Harry the shadowless spell.

Then, the topic was transferred to the upcoming Quidditch competition, and there are many tactical arrangements to say.

This evening was a good opportunity to confess, but Harry finally talked to Ginny for a whole night of Quidditch...

This feeling is really strange, but still that sentence, Harry is generally happy.

His good mood didn't last long. The next day he began to endure the fall of Slytherin students, not to mention the anger of the Gryffindor students, because their captain was forbidden to participate in the last game of the season. Important game.

On Saturday morning, no matter what he said about Hermione, who is still angry, Harry is willing to use all the blessings in the world in exchange for Ron, Ginny, and Elaine to go to Quidditch, this punishment. It is simply unbearable.

Hermione and Ginny seem to have not reconciled, and naturally they have not forgiven Harry.

That night, Ai Wen was not accidentally pulled by Hermione for a long time.

Elaine was even worse, and finally fell asleep directly on the thick history book of magic...

Still, on Saturday, they went to see the Quidditch match that lacked Harry.

This seems to be the norm, and Harry always has a variety of reasons for lack of vitality.

Fortunately, Ginny was able to replace him for command, but sometimes it was not so accurate because of lack of experience.

The Ravenclaw team is also known for its tactical changes, so the game is extremely difficult.

If Harry was better, but this time, he had to leave the group of students wearing rosettes and hats, waving flags and scarves into the sun, walking down the stone steps and entering the underground classroom. The noise that has been going to the distance has not been heard.

He knows that he can't hear a comment, a cheer or a sigh here...