
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1432: Poisoned again

"Well, grab him, boy, grab him!" said Slughorn. "I have a necessities in my bag. This antidote is not difficult..."

Ron turned a blind eye to their conversation and listened to it. He kept looking around and squeezing hard.

"I didn't see her, Harry, where is she? Where is it?"

"She hasn't come yet," said Harry, clasping Ron's neck so that he wouldn't get under the sofa, watching Slughorn open the dispensing bag and add some to a small crystal bottle. This is a little more.

"I haven't come yet? That's good, that's good!" said Ron eagerly. "How do I look now?"

undefined"Very handsome!" Slughorn walked over and handed Ron a cup of clear liquid. "Drink it, it's nourishing, it keeps you calm when she comes, and becomes more girly." like."

"Great, this is exactly what I need." Ron couldn't wait to say, snoring and drinking medicine.

Harry and Slughorn watched him, and for a moment, Ron looked at them with a smile.

Then, his smile disappeared slowly and slowly, and eventually became an extreme fear.

"Returned to normal?" Harry asked with a smile, and Slughorn laughed happily.

"Thank you very much, Professor."

"You're welcome, children, you're welcome." Slughorn said, "Do your best, raise your hand."

Ron sat down on the armchair next to him, like a frost, and looked at his knees incredulously.

He remembered the terrible words and the terrible thoughts he had just said. Even the dead heart was there. What did he do?

"Come on, mention the spirit, this is what he needs now," Slughorn continued, hurriedly to a table full of drinks, "I have butter beer, wine, and the last bottle of oak." Aged mead, um, why don't we open it and celebrate Mr. Weasley's birthday? The pain of dispelling love is nothing more than a good wine..."

He laughed again and Harry laughed. This is the first time since the last catastrophic temptation that he was alone with Slughorn. Maybe, just let Slughorn keep a good mood and let him drink enough oak toasted mead...

"Come on!" Slughorn handed Harry and Ron a glass of wine to each person, holding a glass and saying, "Happy birthday, Ralph!"

"It's Ron, Professor!" Harry whispered.

Roan didn't seem to hear the toast, he poured the wine into his mouth and swallowed it.

For a second, almost just a heartbeat, Harry felt a terrible problem, and Slughorn didn't seem to notice it.

"Well, Love, I wish you more friends in the future..."

"Ron!" Harry shouted.

"Oh, um, you are right, of course Ron!" Slughorn said with amazement, thinking that Harry was correcting his mistake.

What was even more amazing happened. Ron dropped the cup and wanted to stand up from the chair, but fell down.

His limbs violently groaned, his mouth spewed, his eyes were protruding, and he was poisoned!

"Professor!" Harry yelled. "Think about it!"

But Slughorn seemed to be scared, not knowing what to do, just looking at Ron in shock.

In the blink of an eye, Ron twitched, breathing hard, and the skin began to turn green.

"This, how, but, he..." Slughorn said stutteringly.

Harry knew that he had to do something. He threw down Slughorn and rushed to the dispensing bag opened by Slughorn. He pulled out the bottles and cans and rummaged inside. Ron was poisoned. It must be detoxified.

Not far away, Ron's terrible snoring sound filled the room.

Finally, Harry found the piece of waist-shaped stone that Slughorn had taken in the potion class, the bezoar!

He ran back to Ron, opened his mouth and put the ox into his mouth.

Ron slammed violently, sighing and taking a breath, and his body was soft.

For a time, there was only a heavy breathing in the room like a broken bellows.

................................. ......

After Ron was sent to the school hospital, Ai Wen, Hermione, Ginny and other talents got news.

It was already the afternoon of the day, and when they rushed over, Ron was already lying in a hospital bed like a dead man.

Madam Pomfrey covered him with a curtain and was isolated from other areas.

Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley had just left and they were going to the Dumbledore office.

The ward was quiet, leaving Harry alone sitting by the bed.

"Is he okay?" Hermione asked worriedly, walking over to sit next to Harry.

"No life is dangerous, but Madam Pomfrey said it was a deadly poison and needed a rest for a long time."

"What the **** is going on?" Aiwen asked, and was the attack planned by Malfoy? !

Harry recounted the story he had told many times to Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey.

I have to say that Ron's birthday is really not good.

First, the powerful sensational agent of Romeda Vanni, then the deadly poison prepared by Malfoy, poisoned, poisoned...

Shortly after they entered the ward, Edwin and George, who got the news, rushed to Hogwarts School Hospital to visit Ron.

"We have all heard that it is unlucky, isn't it?" Fred said, looking at Ron in bed sadly. "Today is his birthday, we have prepared a gift."

"But we didn't expect to give gifts like this," George said grimly, putting a spree on the chest of Ron's bed.

Then he sat down next to Ginny.

"That is, in the scenario we imagine, he is awake," Fred said.

"We also plan to be in Hogmund, waiting to surprise him!" said George.

"You are at Hogmund?" Ginny looked up.

"That is, after I handed over part of the production line to Muggles, I and George found that they had a little more money, and the amount was quite impressive. So, we want to buy the store of Zoco." Fred said dejectedly, "Well. After getting a Hogmund branch, Hogmund is a lot closer to the school, but if you can't go shopping on weekends, there is still a ghost in that store! Forget it, don't say it now."

He pulled a chair and sat next to the leftmost Avon, looking at Ron's pale face.

"Still Ron, who can tell me how he was poisoned?"

Harry sighed and saw everyone looking at himself. He repeated the story he had just said.

Throughout the day, he felt like he was about to say it hundreds of times.

"He drank the wine and fell to the ground. Then I stuffed the oxen into his throat. His breathing was smoother. Slughorn ran to call people. Soon, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey went on. Come, they brought Ron here. They thought he would be fine. Madam Pomfrey said that he would stay here for a week or two. Because it was a deadly poison, he would continue to take the essence."