
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 1362: Contraband trade

"As for the discussion just now, I think Hermione is right." Ai Wen said his opinion. He noticed the expression of Harry and Ron's disapproval. "I don't mean that magic is dangerous, but ha. It is really irresponsible to use your own behavior without knowing what a magic is.

"The prince won't leave dangerous magic," said Harry stubbornly. "He's not a Death Eater, I believe him."

"I also think that he is not a bad guy, we have the same view at this point." Ai Wen said.

He didn't want to argue with Harry. This guy now has absolute trust in the prince, and he can't convince him for a while.

If you say a bad thing about the prince, it is estimated that Harry's emotions will be excited again, just like the arguments just now.

undefinedThis kind of thing is actually very well understood, and the initial goodwill between different people is different.

In the case of hidden identity, Snape's notes helped Harry to make a big splash in the potion class, and he got a preliminary good impression from him, and there were many non-magical things inscribed with Harry's point of view. In other words, Harry and the student's Snape match, the mixed-blood prince directly got his trust.

Before this kind of trust, Hermione had no evidence to guess, even if it makes sense, Harry would not believe it.

"I believe that the prince is not a bad wizard, but we are not sure about his true identity." Ai Wen continued. "So, be careful, you can check the magic left by the prince in advance and find an empty classroom." Use them one by one, check the magic above, and make sure they are used by others after no danger."

"This idea is good, check all the magic left by the prince." Ron agreed. "I dare say that there are certainly many interesting spells like the fuchsia in that book."

"Well, I don't have any opinions. If this makes you feel relieved." Harry was convinced.

"I also agree with this suggestion. It is much better to check all the magic left on the book. It is much better than the irreversible consequences of direct use." Hermione hesitated and said, "But during the test. Ivan must be present."

"Why? I can do this with Harry and I, Ivan is so busy..."

"Because Evan has enough strength to deal with unexpected situations that may occur, we assume the premise that the magic left by the guy who calls himself the prince is dangerous." Hermione said, "He did leave me. With such an impression, a decent wizard will not create magic like a fuchsia."

"You are prejudice, Harry's father used this magic."

The endless debate has begun again. If you don't consider the external factors such as time, physical strength, etc., they can argue for such a day, and no one can convince anyone.

Fortunately, Ginny appeared at this time and shifted her attention.

"I just saw Professor McGonagall, she asked me to give this to you." She said that she handed over a piece of parchment.

The above is the familiar thin, long, sideways font, which is Dumbledore's font.

"Thank you, Ginny, Dumbledore's course, on Monday night." Harry unfolded the parchment to Ai Wen. He felt that his mood was easy and enjoyable, and he moved from the prince to the other. In the matter, "Yes, Ginny, will you go to Hogsmeade with us later?"

"I am going with Dean, maybe I will see you there." She waved away and waved at them.

"Right, go to Hogsmeade, sorry, Harry, I forgot to tell you, I will be with Lavender for a while, she wants me to accompany her with a new store, like selling coffee. The store of things is very popular recently." Ron said, added another sentence, "You know, I refused, but she is too sticky!"

Of course, everyone knows that from the last semester, Ron always complained to them about Lavender, which is not good, and that is not good, such as too much love to stick to him, so that he does not have time to be with everyone. For a while, he even said that he would consider keeping a distance from Lavender, but only to say that the body is very honest.

"Well, do you have any plans for today?" Harry asked, looking at Avon, Hermione, and the breakfast that had been focused on himself, and was not interested in anything about the identity of the prince and the dangerous magic. Ryan.

"It's a little bit!" Avon said, he is going to see the pig head bar and Mundungus.

He wants to buy something from this guy, not a common contraband.

Aiwen needs a fresh, dead family elf body.

He doesn't have any special hobbies to collect the elf's body or take a corpse to do something, but he needs this thing to start the demon altar below the kitchen.

This is the necessary material to summon the demon. Since Dumbledore's second training is next Monday, then Avon is ready to get this stuff.

Mundungus wrote a letter before telling him that he had gotten a body that met his requirements!

"We are going to go to the candy store to have a look." Hermione said she knew that Avon was going to trade this special contraband. When she repainted the magic runes of the demon altar, she also helped. "And then go buy some everyday." Supplies and casting materials, and ...."

"Gnomish Pu!" Elaine interjected.

"Yes, I have to buy a pygmy pupa. This magical animal has recently become very popular among girls."

"It's the weird animal that is rolling, a long, slender pink tongue, a strange animal that spits out like a snake?" Harry said, remembering the picture of Ginny picking that thing that day.

"It's that thing. There was no one to raise it before. Since Fred and George's shop was put on the shelves, the pygmy Pu became popular. Many girls think they are cute."

It's a strange aesthetic, so strange animals suddenly became popular among girls.

A round monster that only sticks out his tongue and squats, Ai Wen doesn't understand where the stuff is, and the girls like it.

Elaine, who has always been less interested in this kind of thing, mainly asks for a pygmy Pu.

But then again, this is a trend.

The goods sold by Fred and George's shop are becoming more and more popular, and there are many things that he seems to be inexplicable, leading the trend between the little wizards.

"In short, there are a lot of things to buy today, Harry, are you with us?"

"I'm still forgetting," said Harry hesitantly. He thought it would be best not to join the shopping trip of Avon, Hermione, and Elaine to pick out cute pygmy buds and casting materials. "I plan to do it." Go to the three broom bars for a while, if you are finished, you can go to me..."