
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1356 : Return to everyday

This time back to the millennium of Hogwarts, there have been many things beyond the plan and imagination of Ai Wen.

He witnessed the power of the four founders, knew the secret behind the changes in the world, and clarified his next direction. Moreover, the biggest achievement of the trip was to get her treasure key from Ms. Ravenclaw.

The complete Ravenclaw crown represents the world's coldest and most ruthless absolute wisdom.

After obtaining the Sorcerer's Stone left by Gryffindor, Ai Wen repeatedly guessed for a long time about the treasures of the remaining three founders.

He originally thought that the rest were also three pieces of Sorcerer's Stone, because as a treasure key, the Sorcerer's Stone was already very luxurious. It was definitely a top match. He didn't think that Ravenclaw would leave him with such a thing that he could improve. The crown of Ravenclaw, who is a man of wisdom, and the will of Ravenclaw and her blood magical talent.

undefinedIt's really a big gift. This extraordinary combination has already made the crown surpass the legendary magic items in the ordinary sense.

Tightly as the key to a secret treasure, this crown is already too expensive, too much meaning beyond the "key" itself. Therefore, Ai Wencai said that he did not get a simple key from Ms. Ravenclaw, nor did she have a crown that would give the wearer absolute wisdom, but inherited the will of Ms. Ravenclaw. He replaced Ravenclaw's guardian Hogwarts and used this cursed power to guard all the good existences worthy of his guard.

Even if you don't understand it, even if you bear all the pain, you won't regret it. This is Royna Ravenclaw.

One of the most reasonable reasons to blame the world, to despise those who hurt others, but not to do so, but to protect themselves in their own way...

Ai Wen did not deliberately praise Ravenclaw, praised how great she was, but after she had experienced the state of no feelings, he felt that Ms. Ravenclaw was really great. She had a loneliness but she believed. The soul of a beautiful existence.

He waited until he returned to the Dumbledore office and returned to his bedroom, and he was still thinking about it.

Aiwen originally thought that he knew the four founders of Hogwarts and knew about Dumbledore. He knew a lot about their secrets, but after a closer encounter, he knew how much behind the surface. A secret that is known.

Perhaps this is why Dumbledore insisted that they understand the growth of Voldemort.

Not only to find the Horcrux, but to truly defeat your enemy, the first thing to do is to understand him.

Maybe Dumbledore would understand himself more than Voldemort himself, knowing his weaknesses.

So, in front of Dumbledore, Voldemort had no chance at all, no matter how powerful!

................................. ......

As for the experience of traveling through time, including the crown he got and the information about the plans of the four founders and the coming of the evil spirits, Ai Wen gave a detailed explanation to Professor Dumbledore and simply said to Hermione. .

As Avon expected, Dumbledore did not seem to be particularly surprised.

He is still a well-informed person, and everything is planned, which makes people feel particularly reassured and uneasy.

Peace of mind is because there is omnipotent Dumbledore, and Avon is not alone in the fight.

He feels that no matter what, it is hard to beat the principal, even if the opponent is a combination of Voldemort and the evil spirit, even if the real strength of these monsters is beyond imagination.

Dumbledore is inexplicable and can give people this sense of security.

Ai Wen felt uneasy because Dumbledore was still the same as before, and he would not tell him anything...

As a leader with absolute control, Dumbledore has his own ideas and plans.

Others just follow his ideas and plans to implement it, even if it is Ai Wen, even if he is now as important as Dumbledore's position and importance, and has the full trust of Professor Dumbledore. It can't change anything.

Less than the last moment, Dumbledore was sure that nothing would be said.

Ai Wen is used to it, but this time Dumbledore did not tell him anything.

He told Ai Wen that the information left by Salazar Slytherin had been cracked out. The information contained a lot of things, including the magic that can turn people into evil spirits, and the body of the evil spirits that Slytherin took away. A part of the location, as well as the key to the Slytherin treasure...

These things are very important. If Dumbledore can help solve the most troublesome Slytherin test, then I need to find the key to Hufflepuff's treasure. I don't have much clues in this regard. Know that Hufflepuff is not only the greatest educator, but also a master of divination with ancient prophets. By the way, there is a strange altar of devil under the Hogwarts kitchen, which is also related to Hufflepuff.

Ai Wen felt that it is necessary to take demonics and related ancient magic as the focus of recent research, find time to look below.

If Dumbledore is still in the imagination of Evan, Hermione's reaction after listening to him after saying these things is somewhat unexpected.

She quickly accepted the things that Ai Wen said, not even a little surprised.

In her words, I have been with Ai Wen for a long time, and I have seen too many miracles and the only things I have thought about.

So she is already numb!

In this kind of thing, Hermione seems to have her own ideas.

When Avon didn't know, she seemed to think a lot and had her own idea.

Although these ideas are not as complicated as Dumbledore, they are equally firm and will not change easily. After that conversation, Hermione told Ai Wen that no matter what terrible enemy is waiting for them, fighting together, she will choose to stand with Ai Wen, not to take a step back.

Also, she is a companion to fight with Ai Wen, not the object of protection.

This is her special reminder to Ai Wen, what is dangerous in the future, Ai Wen can not leave her to go alone.

As for the terrible evil spirits and the destruction of the world that are about to come, she simply did not care, because these things can not be solved by her fear.

Very sensible idea, but it is not Hermione!

Ai Wen even suspected that she was possessed by Elaine, or that the trait of "big nerves" can be transmitted?

But soon, Hermione proved that she was Hermione, and she did not change at all.

For example, in learning, this mainly includes two aspects of pressure.

On the one hand, the pressure comes from the school's own curriculum, and the sixth grade is difficult.

These courses are not so easy for Ai Wen. After the beginning of this semester, he realized that he was actually serious in a certain degree. Before that, he mainly studied the complex and profound magic, some advanced The knowledge of magic is simply a matter of understanding, knowing half...