
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1349: Guidelines from the championship

Finally, if Avon wants to get the key to Ravenclaw, will it be the second magic stone? !

Ivan had speculated before that the so-called treasure keys should all be sorcerer stones or something similar in shape and size.

Because at the entrance to the treasures deep underground of Hogwarts, there are four statues of founders and four stone altars. Each altar has a circular groove about the size of the sorcerer's stone. It is the location where the key is placed.

But he looked around and there was no magic stone or something similar in Ravenclaw's hands and on the table.

Ms. Ravenclaw did not seem to want to take anything out. She just smiled and looked at Ai Wen.

undefinedUndoubtedly, Ravenclaw's smile looks beautiful, but it's a bit daunting, and the beauty makes people feel unreal.

Like Professor Dumbledore, her gaze seems to penetrate the human mind and see what you are thinking.

Explaining from a magical point of view, this shows that she is proficient in soul magic, sorcerer, demon sorrow, etc...

Thinking of this, Ai Wen subconsciously avoided Ravenclaw's gaze.

He rethought the message revealed by Ravenclaw's words. Regarding his fear of Voldemort and the evil spirit being too strong, Ms. Ravenclaw just used a sentence to let him do his best to do his best. In dealing with the past, Ivan guessed that she must have had an opportunity, but she was not willing to say more.

There are only three things he can do now. One is to cooperate with Dumbledore to see if there is any arrangement there. Professor Dumbledore can't do nothing; the second is to seize the time and opportunity to improve his strength and fight for the final battle. prepare.

As for the third thing, and the most important thing, it is to find the treasure key left by the four founders, there must be something inside.

Therefore, Ms. Ravenclaw also pulled the topic back to the treasure and handed the key to Ai Wen.

"Goldrick left a piece of magic stone for you, but you may not know that the magic stone is not an ordinary magic stone. It has Godric's will, which is the biggest key to other magic stones. "The difference." Ravenclaw said without hesitation, "It is not a powerful force that can open a secret treasure, but the will of the four of us. Therefore, I will leave you with the treasure in the treasure key. Existence. Although it is not a sorcerer's stone, it is also a gemstone. As the most prominent symbol of the crown, as a representative of wisdom, the generation is kept on the crown."

Immediately, Ai Wen's eyes fell on the crown of Ravenclaw's hand.

There was nothing but the raven on it, unless the white gems on the raven's wings were counted, but he felt that the gems were too small.

Even Ravenclaw said that the key is mainly because the four founders are in the will, not the power, but Aiwen still believes that the size of the key is similar to the size of the altar groove, and it is not Things.

His gaze was down, and there was an oval groove under the statue of the Raven. There should be something there. Ivan had seen the replica and portrait of the Ravenclaw crown before, knowing that there was originally a groove on it. A huge sapphire, is the key to Ravenclaw's sapphire, and where is it?

Wait, this guy won't have any problems again?

This is very likely, except for Gryffindor, the other three founders do not seem to intend to give him the key directly. The test they left was more difficult than one. Even if Avon had completed the test of Ravenclaw and brought the crown back to her, she did not seem to be willing to hand over the treasure key quickly...

"You also saw that the gem that should have been on top is not on top, and the crown you brought back is not complete."

"I didn't find it from the tree hole of the Albanian forest, that is, the place where the Helena hides the crown." Ai Wenxin snorted and said in a hurry. "Before me, Voldemort first found the crown, he made it. Become a soul device."

"That gems are not taken by the descendants of Salazar, because the gems have a very powerful force. Before Helena took the crown, there is already my will in the gems. Only my magic can Separate the gems from the crown," Ravenclaw said. "The gems must have been taken away by you, and you will be the future..."

"You mean me in the future?!"

"Yes, that jewel is still in the crown of Helena, you have to take it away."

Ai Wen didn't know what to say, and it was a problem.

Helena is currently in the forests of Albania. The place is full of virgin forests. Ivan does not know where she is, how can she find the crown? He didn't want to spend a few years determining the location of the tree hole, even if he had the help of a time converter, it was a boring and meaningless thing.

"That is, we have to find Helena!" Ai Wen sighed. "She is hiding in the virgin forests of Albania, and Barrow..."

He slammed down and remembered that Barro would kill Helena.

Ai Wen is not sure if Ravenclaw knows about this. He is used to the ghosts of Barrow and Helena, and is accustomed to the fact that they died. But now it is more than a thousand years ago, all these tragedies have not yet The age of occurrence.

In the face of Ravenclaw, it is not very good to tell her daughter that she is about to be killed.

"I originally hoped that Barro would bring Helena back, but it doesn't seem to be. Herlena's fate has been doomed since she decided to leave Hogwarts. This is mainly my responsibility, I am not a A competent mother." Ravenclaw whispered, "If there is a chance, I hope to say sorry to Helena."

She seems to know that Helena is about to die, but the expression and voice on her face are still calm, without the slightest wave, just silently put the crown in her hand in front of Ai Wen.

"Don't wear this crown, Ai Wen, it will guide you to find my treasure key..."

A moment of silence, Ai Wen did not know what to say, this topic is a bit heavy.

Simple reasoning, Helena's departure from home largely demonstrates that Ms. Ravenclaw's education of her daughter is indeed a failure, but as the world's smartest wizard, as the four founders of Hogwarts First, as a person who can't feel the feelings by nature, there are many things that can't be blamed for Ravenclaw himself.

Ivan couldn't help but wonder, who is Helena's father? Is Gryffindor? !

If it is really Gryffindor, then he is also a failure as a father, but from the current situation, it seems that it is not like...

Ai Wen is not sure if he asks Ravenclaw about the answer to this question, will it make the atmosphere more embarrassing.

Anyway, this is not a question he should consider, he is just a fifteen-year-old child!

Why do you want to think about how to teach your child correctly, and who the father of the child is.

In the silence, Ai Wen sighed again and took the crown and put it on his head...