
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1289: new semester

In view of the limited chances of being able to return to the past without changing the time, Avon must be cautious.

Fortunately, Ravenclaw's life information is well documented.

Going to the library to flip through the information, you can determine which day she is in Hogwarts.

Ivan thought, after getting ready, go back and meet the witch who is known for his intelligence.

Take the secret treasure key stored in her hand and let her see what is going on...

undefinedWhen he returned to the common room, there were only four people, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Elaine.

They sit in an unobtrusive corner and whisper.

It can be seen that Harry still wants him to hear Malfoy on the train, hoping someone can support him.

Upon returning to the common room, he couldn't wait to tell Hermione and Elaine about it.

Upon hearing this information, Ron's reaction was that Malfoy brag in front of Parkinson. He felt that Malfoy was deliberately saying this because of vanity, but it proved that he had nothing. The suspicious action of turning over the lane in the summer vacation was not as complicated as they thought.

He changed his initial thoughts and thought that he didn't have to care about Malfoy.

Hermione was a little hesitant. She couldn't be sure whether Malfoy was deliberately bluffing and wanted to show that she was awesome, but she felt that the lie was too much. Normal people would not say so, using Voldemort as a boast. Talking about capital, Malfoy's courage is really beyond imagination.

Elaine advocated taking action against Malfoy because she thought it was so interesting...

When I saw Ai Wen back, everyone's attention was focused on him, waiting for him to express his opinion.

This discussion has been done many times since they returned from Diagonal Lane. What will happen if we continue to discuss it, Ivan's opinion is that since Harry feels that Malfoy is suspicious, keep an eye on it, but don't act alone on the train to do dangerous things.

It is impossible to stimulate the development of things in an uncontrollable direction, and Harry cannot let them do nothing.

Paying attention to Malfoy is the only thing they can do at the moment, and they can also grasp the progress of things.

Then he ended the topic, let them go back to sleep, and have to get up early tomorrow morning.

Before returning to the bedroom, Ai Wen also asked Hermione to help him collect information about Ravenclaw...


The next morning, Avon woke up early.

Starting today, he will go to the n.e.w.ts course with sixth graders.

However, in the school year, he was still a year older than Harry and Hermione.

This means that if there is an opportunity, he can use this year to apply for an international exchange program and go to other magic schools to learn.

This incident was also promised by Dumbledore, and the rest was the choice of school and formalities.

If Voldemort can fail early, he can also set off early.

Ivan hopes that Voldemort will end his sinful life as soon as possible, get up and change into school uniform, and chat with Colin.

When they went out, Hermione was already in the common room, and she had a thick piece of information in front of her.

"Good morning, Hermione, what are these?"

"Good morning, I can't sleep a little, maybe it's a little too excited, I think about the class selection." She said, "So, I went to the library to find some information, and by the way borrowed a few books about Ravenclaw. ""

This is not a few books. For other people, this thick pile of information may take a few months.

However, this is Hermione's style, she regards reading as a pastime.

This information, she can read it in about a week.

Ai Wen picked up a magic book about Ravenclaw and sat next to Hermione.

Colin and other students went to the auditorium. The two of them had to wait for Elaine to have breakfast together. This was an appointment last night.

Ai Wen is not in a hurry. He looks at the book leisurely, but soon it becomes unsuitable for reading.

More and more students woke up, and as they passed by, they curiously looked at Evan and Hermione on the couch and whispered with their hands.

This situation became more serious when Harry came out of the bedroom.

"It's rude to point at me!" Ron screamed at a particularly short, first-year boy.

The boy was holding his mouth with his hand and talking to his friend about Harry. He was so drunk by Ron, and his face rose red.

He almost panicked and fell from the stairs, and Ron smirked.

"Haha!" He took a sigh of relief and glanced at the book in front of Hermione. "It should be like this for the new students. I didn't know how to be polite when I was in the first grade. To be honest, I really like the sixth grade. This year we will have a lot of free time to sit here and do the whole class and do nothing."

"We need to use that time to learn, Ron!" said Hermione, putting the book in her hand down. "The n.e.w.ts course is much harder than before. I am not sure if I can learn."

"Get it!" said Ron. "You are going to report a few classes this year, I..."

"Stand up!" Hermione suddenly said, and she quickly stood up to stop a fourth-grade student.

The student was clutching a dark green disc and was about to squeeze past her.

"The wolf flying saucer is a contraband and will be handed over soon," Hermione said harshly to him.

The frowning boy handed over the roaring flying saucer, and a cat's waist was drilled under Hermione's arm, chasing his friends.

When Ron walked away, he took the flying saucer from Hermione's hand.

"Great, I already wanted something like this."

Hermione's protest was overwhelmed by a loud giggling, and Lavender came out of the bedroom.

She seems to think that Ron's words are particularly fun, or that she is glad to be able to play with him.

With the confiscated wolf flying saucer, two people pulled their hands to eat breakfast, leaving three people face each other.

Harry hesitated for a moment, didn't keep up, but stayed with Avon and Hermione.

Ok, Ron has always been like this, very much in line with his style...

Another very personal style is Elaine, who has never come out of the bedroom.

Finally, Hermione returned to the bedroom and dragged her out of bed.

"The vampire is a night creature, and I am not suitable for daytime activities," she said, not waking up.

When she saw Evan, she wanted to fall on him.

"You said that is a bat..." Ai Wen hurriedly held her.

Twenty minutes later, three people walked into the auditorium, and Ron and Colin had already taken care of them.

The ceiling tiles are blue and blue, with a few faint clouds floating like the sky above the tall, mullioned windows.

The weather was very pleasant, but the atmosphere quickly became awkward.

They saw that Hagrid was waving to them in a teacher's seat.

In addition to important occasions, he rarely comes to the auditorium to eat, can appear here, indicating that he is in a very good mood now, and this good mood is probably because of his new semester course, as well as the magical animals he prepared, strictly speaking Said that this is his first year to teach newts class courses.