
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1265: Hidden identity

The first time you go to the underground world, you really need a guide, but the premise is someone who can trust.

Otherwise, things may get more troublesome.

In the dangerous place below, there is no need to say more about the end of a guy with a ghost.

Does the bar owner want money, or is there any other attempt?

Ai Wen directly rejected the other party, whether it was him, or Harry, Hermione, and Ron did not believe this guy, they decided to go on their own, under the gaze of the other party's flashing eyes, four people crossed the bar and entered a mess. Kitchen.

undefined"I don't like that guy, I don't like this place." Ron said without saying anything.

"Small voice, Ron, I have a bad feeling." Hermione said, "Does he see our identity?"

"There should be no, we have a hood, but he must have doubts. Our four are incompatible with this place."

"Yeah, it's too obvious. The most sensible thing to do is to leave here immediately," said Hermione.

"This sentence, you have said it many times, Hermione, let's go down and see, are you not curious about it? Ron doesn't think so, "even if he knows who we are, what can we do?" With Ai Wen, what are we worried about? "

"If Malfoy is because of this, know that the four of us are following him..."

"That's just, I can not wait to direct severely beat him up, let him explain everything out and see what he and werewolves in the planning of the conspiracy." Ron over his nose, "My God, it tastes! Too Disgusting!"

In front of them is a kitchen surrounded by rough stone walls and caves.

In the room, most of the light comes from the innermost fire, and the stairs leading to the basement are next to the fireplace. The black pans and other cooking items that look extraordinarily hang from the dark ceiling.

In addition, there are many things like dried meat pieces.

But the most striking thing in the kitchen is the flesh and blood that spreads on the chopping board.

Just away from the distance, it is not really clear, and now you can clearly see the torn animal body.

"This place is like a slaughterhouse!" said Ron. "Do they kill animals directly? It's disgusting to look at this thing."

"They didn't seem to use a knife, they just tore it down." Harry said in surprise, staring at the piece of meat.

"How can normal people do this?" said Hermione, only looking at it and moving her eyes to something else.

"It seems like this, strange..." Ai Wen narrowed his eyes and leaned over to look closely at the flesh and blood on the chopping board.

There are not only traces of being torn, but also being bitten by something.

Look at the traces, it should be shortly before, who in this bar really eats raw meat in this way.

The kitchen, raw meat, werewolf, what Avon suddenly thought of, a terrible thought in his mind.

He looked back and saw that the bar owner was looking at them, only to see a silhouette in the dark.

"The stairs are here, let's go," said Hermione, sticking out her wand. "Fluorescent."

Under the light of the wand, they walked down the stairs, and there were many huge barrels in the basement, none of them.

Evan thought about the thoughts he had just made and asked, "Have you noticed the eyes of the bar owner?"

"I saw it, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and certainly not sleeping well last night." Hermione recalled.

"This is obvious. How can you sleep well when you live in such a place?"

"It's not the bloodshot, but the color of the eyeball, and the pupil..." Ai Wen said. "That's not the normal person's eyes. There are some traces. I used to see it in Lupin. That guy might be a Werewolf."


Evan's voice just fell, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron all turned and looked at him in surprise.

If this is the case, it is really terrible, and there is a feeling of chilling.

The bar owner just reminded them to be careful of the werewolf here, but now Ai Wen said that he is a werewolf.

"I can't be sure. After all, the werewolves are no different from ordinary people before they change. There are only some subtle differences. The light just was too dark. I didn't see other features." Ai Wen said, "but the piece inside the kitchen." The meat gave me a wake up, normal people will not be so fleshy, and there are traces of biting above, except for the werewolf, I can't think of any creatures that eat raw meat."

"The piece of meat does have traces of being bitten." Harry said, he turned his head back and there was nothing behind him.

He has a strange feeling that he can't tell, as if he is being watched, this bar is really gloomy.

"And, he reminded us that Malfoy was taken over by a werewolf, which is suspicious in itself, isn't it?"

"I'm thinking about it," Hermione analyzed. "If the strength of the werewolves is so strong, the bar owner is really afraid of the werewolf as he said, it won't be for a few gold. Long told us this kind of information."

"Yes, this is where he looks suspicious." Ai Wen said, "Be careful, be vigilant. If the bar owner is not a werewolf, it is also a metamorphosis with special hobbies. He will not do anything, we will pick up It should not be too lonely."

The upturned alley is still under the control of the Ministry of Magic on the surface. If the other party intends to do anything, it will wait until Ai Wen enters the underground world and they start to work. The four of them are suspicious in this place. A great target for robbery.

This result is inevitable, just the real identity of the bar owner, giving people a feeling of creeps.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron are still discussing this topic, and the three of them keep turning back and confirm that no one is following.

Ai Wen came to the wall on the north side of the basement. He looked at the wall carefully and then tapped a brick with a wand.

It is the same as the method of entering the Diagonal Lane in the Diagonal Bar. This is a magical institution that was very common in that era.

In the next second, the brick that he knocked on shook and began to move. There was a small hole in the middle, and the hole became bigger and bigger. In a short time, there was a winding road in front of them, and the floor was covered with marble. There is an ominous green light.

They walked into the underground world and followed the passage to the crypt below.

It's not like the darkness of imagination, but the light is more than the murderer's bar.

This is a hollow circular area, divided into upper, middle and lower layers, standing at the top to see the bottom of the diagonal.

Each layer has a number of channels extending all the way to the depths of the crypt, or to other crypts.

It is the central area of ​​the underground world, and it is also more lively than the overturned alley above.

Along the circular ramp, many wizards are posing in a tattered stall. From time to time, there are sounds of selling, and the things sold on them are varied. There are all kinds of things, not just black magic items, even Ai Wen. I saw that there are sales.

The price of is much lower than that of Diagonal Lane. Obviously the source is not legal...