
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1247: Letter and talk

Because of Evan's intelligence, Ginny suddenly became very depressed, and she was thinking of a new way to get rid of Hibiscus.

Not waiting for them to discuss anything, the door was pushed open again, and Mrs. Weasley came in.

"Ginny," she whispered. "Go downstairs to help me make lunch."

"I am talking to everyone!" Ginny said angrily.

"Come on!" Mrs. Weasley said, she closed the door.

undefined"She just didn't want to stay alone with the glue, just let me go!" Ginny said angrily.

She squinted her long red hair, so she escaped a hibiscus, then hung her arms like a ballerina, and floated out of the room.

"It's best for you all to hurry down," she said as she left the door.

"I really don't know why she is so prejudiced against Hibiscus," Ron said thoughtfully.

"Just because she made you look like this." Hermione replied with no anger, "If Lavender..."

Ai Wen really didn't want to talk about the emotional aspects. Bill finally married with whom, they said no, and he felt that although Furong had many shortcomings, it was not as bad as Hermione and Ginny thought, but girls looked at one person. The angle and direction are obviously different from those of the boys.

They are not very fond of Furong, I hope that Bill can get married for another person.

On this topic, Ai Wen and Harry and Ron are not together with any of Hermione and Ginny's opponents.

"Right, Hermione, how did you contact Elaine before?" Ai Wen asked, opening the subject. "When will she come back from Norway, will she come to the residence? We don't have to write to inform you." she was?"

"Or write a letter. The letter she sent me before just said that she will come back before the start of school. It hasn't been a few days," said Hermione. "But I don't think she is likely to come to the country. Here is Under the full surveillance of the Ministry of Magic, although the Ministry of Magic revoked their wanted, the identity of the vampire is still very sensitive, and many people still think that they and Voldemort are a group, planning those attacks, Elaine and Carresis they I don't believe in the Ministry of Magic..."

"No one can trust the Ministry of Magic, they can't do anything well." Ai Wen pulled out a letter to write to Elaine.

"Yes, look at the current situation, it's worse every day." Ron agreed. "The wizards are afraid to show up, afraid to be stared by the Death Eaters. I know for the first time that there are so many blacks. The wizard exists, and the diagonal alley is deserted, but the business of Fred and George's shop is beyond imagination."

"We heard about Mrs. Weasley last night, and she said that they are very business-minded," said Harry.

"It's too understated," said Ron. "They are making a lot of money now. I really want to go and see the place, right, Ivan, do you know what their store looks like?"

"I don't know, I haven't been to Diagonal Lane for a long time." Ai Wen said, telling Elaine on the letter that he had returned to the UK and asked her the date of her return. "I originally wanted to hand over the shop of Sirius. They manage, but Fred said that the upstairs is a newspaper, not suitable for a joke shop, he rented a shop with George outside, and then designed it according to his own ideas. Right, they are willing to help me. Show off the new broomstick..."

The results of last summer's summer heart bounced off the "star-selling", and are still in the product display stage, there is no public sale.

Ai Wen didn't have time to guide the production of these brooms, and now is not the time to play the broom.

"The shop is definitely great, otherwise it won't be visited by so many people. To be honest, we haven't been to Diagonal Lane this year." Ron said with a yearning, "Mom said that for safety, Dad also got Going together, and now Dad is busy with work, I don't know if I will be free."

"Dumbledore said that we can go to Diagonal Lane in a few days, and the people in the Ministry of Magic will accompany you all the time..."

"Really? This arrangement is awesome!"

"If Elaine is coming back, we can meet at Diagonal Lane."

Ai Wen said that he would hand over the letter he wrote to Elaine to Hermione and let her help check it out.

He didn't say much on it. After all, the owl mailing is not safe, and it is possible to disclose the content.

"Right, how is Percy?" Harry asked. "Is he talking to your mom and dad?"

"No," said Ron, shaking his head.

"But now he knows that your father's statement about Voldemort coming back is right..."

"People tend to forgive others' mistakes, but it is difficult to forgive others." Hermione said, adding a few words to the letter and handing it back to Ai Wen.

"One is Dumbledore's famous saying."

"He will give me and Ai Wen a class this year." Harry led the conversation.

When I heard this, Ron was caught in the bread in his mouth.

"He wants to teach you and Ai Wen?" He couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, he told me that it was in your broom shed last night," Harry said, turning to look at Ai Wen. "Do you know what this is all about? Is it with that prophecy?" related?"

At the time in Dumbledore's office, both Avon and Harry heard the prophecy in the prophecy.

Knowing that Voldemort had chosen Harry, they were destined opponents, and only one person left.

"It is really related to that prophecy." Ai Wen thought for a moment.

"Wait, what is the content of the prophecy?" Ron couldn't help but ask, "You..."

Her words have not been finished, Hermione stopped him, "Hey!"

After Dumbledore's open and honest conversation that day, Ai Wen did not tell the prophecies and conversations he heard, even Hermione did not tell, after all, these things are related to Harry, related to his life and death.

Whether to say it or not is Harry's own choice.

All the people who knew what happened that night, such as Ron, Hermione, and Elaine, seemed to have reached an agreement, and they did not ask this question very tacitly. So, until today...

"In fact, there is nothing. There are a lot of speculations about the prophecy. There are also correct ones." Harry said, taking a deep breath. "From that prophecy, it seems that I am the one who turned out to be Voldemort... at least It says that we can't live at the same time."

No one spoke, Hermione and Ron seemed to be digesting what Harry had just said.

"This is the content of the prophecy. You are the one who defeated Voldemort, Harry." Ron said slowly. "So, Dumbledore will teach you and teach you more magic to defeat Voldemort. "

"Not just me, but Ivan, and I don't know what he will teach us."

"In addition to the magical aspects, he mainly helps us understand the past and the way to defeat Voldemort." Avon said, "In fact, when I and Hermione left Hogwarts, he followed me. Having said that, there are two plans for giving us individual counseling."

He got up and wanted to ask Hedwig to help him send this letter and see that the dead voles on the ground are gone.

Hedwig stood quietly in the cage, perhaps it was solved when he came back last night.

After all, as an owl, it has no habit of wasting food.