
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1208: Fighting with the gods

The body of Horus was getting bigger and bigger, and soon stood in front of Ai Wen with a fortress. .

His head position is almost as high as Ramses II floating in the sky, with more than two hundred feet. The voices echoed between the heavens and the earth. Every time the huge body moves, the whole space is shaking and rumbling. ring.

There is also a colored light group floating around him, and this **** obviously has super magical power.

Defeat such a guy and dig out his left eye...

Ai Wen seriously doubts that this challenge is too difficult for himself.

undefinedEven if everything, as Ramses II said, Horus will suppress his power, but he is still a god!

Among all the opponents of Irving, this guy is the strongest.

If he can, he doesn't want to fight.

But he did not have the right to refuse. Ramses II said very clearly, either fighting, winning the prize, or dying here, died in the Egyptian desert more than 2,000 years ago, maybe his cheekbones will be passed on later generations. Founded by archaeologists and adventurers.

Ai Wen thought that Nikolaimei had said that he had the experience of the book of Abraham. Perhaps this magic book was that he stayed in this desert, and finally he went to Leme's hand, otherwise how to explain a group of hemp Can a melon merchant get such a magic book?

He looked up at Ramses II and looked at the pharaoh who was not older than himself.

Ramses II is communicating with Horus, and the two speak very quickly, using a language that Ai Wen does not understand.

It may be a rare statement of the ancient magic, but he is not in the mood to study these ancient words.

These ancient casters are always like this, and a simple test in their mouths is more difficult than Ivan.

Can they not think about the strength of Ai Wen and give him a challenge that fits his identity?

Ai Wen is just a student. What is the test for Hogwarts' fourth- and fifth-grade students?

Stealing an egg from the fire dragon's nest is the correct answer to the official standard, or trying to fight a Death Eater. It is already good to do this. Maybe you can play some other tricks and taste a little bit. The text does not refuse, but no matter what you think, you should not dig his eyes from a god.

He clenched his wand, tried to empty his head, and told himself that when he was not distracted, he should come up with a solution as soon as possible.

"Ivan, are you ready? Given the limited time, I think it's best to start now, you..."

What Irwins II said later, Ivan has not heard it.

He saw Horus's huge body approaching himself, and he instinctively moved.

Although the tactics have not been thought of yet, it is not important now.

He abandoned the distracting thoughts, and now only the words "fighting" remain in his head.

Not only to show his own strength, he has to defeat everyone in front of him, defeat Horus, defeat the god.

He can do it, he can do it.

boom! ! !

Under the control of Avon, a giant composed of countless gravel stood up from the desert and picked up the sand.

The giant made a roar and rushed to Horus.

More yellow sand gathers together and flows into its body, making it bigger and harder.

Horus said a few words, and then did not hide, not directly to the sand giant who changed from Ai Wen greeted.

The two giants slammed together and confronted with the most primitive forces, making a horrifying sound.

The whole space was shaking, and they trembled because of their collision.

Ai Wen saw the muscle uplift of Horus, and his killing giant looked even worse and almost collapsed.

If there is still yellow sand in the replenishment, it will fall out of the gravel after a round of impact.

"Very good deformation, this should be a kind of creative spell, you seem to simplify it, of course, the power is a bit weak. If the Sit guy is here, you should like it, it often goes to the giants to wrestle Ramses II said, looking at the battle below with great interest, "You have to work harder, Ivan, this degree of deformation, can not compete with Horus."

No need to remind, Ivan can also see it.

Horus and the Sand Giant are battling, a short-lived stalemate, but no matter who can see it, his giant can't last long.

There are more and more cracks on the huge body, and it is getting bigger and bigger, and the gravel collapses in a large area.

Even though Ai Wen has worked hard, the speed of supplementation is not as fast as the collapse.

Can't go on like this, he quickly swung his wand, and the sand giant turned into countless gravel.

Horus slammed forward as he violently lost his opponent.

The gravel is re-deformed and becomes a giant python that entangles its opponent from top to bottom.

Ai Wen did not pause, pointed his wand at the desert under the foot of Horus, and quickly recited the spell.

The yellow sand began to turn down quickly and became a muddy mud, trapping Horus, which was trapped by the giant clam, and he was falling down.

Horus roared, struggling hard, tearing the giant python.

A pair of black wings appeared behind him, quickly swaying, letting him rise from the mud.

In the movement of the wings, countless yellow sands are also roaring.

Like a storm, the sand rain came to Ai Wen, and it was extremely fast.

His clothes and skin were cut by gravel that was swiftly slashed, and tiny scars were scattered throughout the body.

Ai Wen did not dodge and did not use magic defense.

He gasped, endured the pain, ignored the sharp rain like a sharp knife, and did not look at the desert that was collapsing around.

He raised his wand at Horus and waited for the opportunity.

Ai Wen knows that this is his only chance. When Horus is relaxed and does not use his full strength, he will end the battle as soon as possible.

If you continue, neither physical strength nor magic will support him to compete with this famous god.

Horus is known as the king of the king and the sky, the sky is his field, and the desert is under the control of his death.

Otherwise, it doesn't need to be so hard, just a thought, he can order the gravel.

There are also colored light clusters that are floating around him and made up of magical powers. These things are not decorations.

Not to mention, Horus has not yet picked up his weapon, the wand of Worth, who has a huge amount of energy and is amazed by the world.

No matter how you look at it, Ivan has no chance of winning. His purpose is to get the left eye of Horus.

He concentrated his spirit and the magic was gathering quickly.

When Horus broke free and flew out of the mud, Ai Wen's magic was also launched in an instant.

A silvery light, like lightning, flew from the end of the wand and shot at Horus's eyes.

"Successful?" Ai Wen's eyes followed his own spell, and the heart beat quickly because of tension.

Just as the curse was about to encounter the Horus god, a golden transparent energy mask that seemed to be composed of sunlight appeared, blocking the spell of Ai Wen.

Hey, the white light and the energy hood collide, and there is a ripple.

"Hey, you made him angry!" Ramses II said with gloating, "Ivan, if I were you, I would run quickly..."