
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1110: Vampire Castle

"I can't believe it, Fred and George actually fled from Hogwarts!" Hermione waved the letter she had just sent, "They both opened a joke shop in Diagonal Lane and sold those dangerous. Something, Mrs. Weasley will be sad!"

"Why are you sad, the mischievous products they make are very interesting." Elaine said, followed by a letter from Fred and George.

"It's not something that doesn't mean anything, but..." said Hermione. "The two of them should graduate from Hogwarts and do what they want to do."

"Well, Hermione, don't need a diploma to prove anything, they have done a great job now!" said Ai Wen. "Continuing to stay in school is just a waste of time for them. It doesn't make much sense. It's not as good. Valuable things to do out in advance."

Similar to his current situation, he continued to stay in school and couldn't learn much useful knowledge. The main reason why Ai Wen's delay was because the secrets of the treasures left by the four founders were not solved, Fred and George did not have this concern.

undefinedIn short, the story of their flight to freedom has been repeated for countless times, and this has become part of the Hogwarts legend.

In this letter, two people elaborated on the detailed process of the matter.

It is said that they were preparing to make trouble outside the headquarters of Umbridge, the headquarters of the Special Operations Group.

The entire Hogwarts Castle is now full of traces of Fred and George's mischief, only that place is tightly protected.

Felch calculated that Fred and George would definitely go, so they lie there with a group of Slytherin students.

Needless to say, for the honour and dignity of mischief, they did not appear unexpectedly in that place.

Even if you know that there is an ambush, you still have no hesitation.

Perhaps Fred and George are already planning to leave Hogwarts, and they have to make a big scene before they leave.

After some chasing and fighting, they were caught, but they were not prepared to smash.

Fred and George raised their wands high and the fireworks they prepared in the castle detonated at the same time.

In the violent shaking and chaos, two people used the flying spell in front of all the students in the school.

In a twinkling of an eye, the "star-selling" that had been locked on the wall of the Umbridge office flew to them.

Fred and George stepped on the broom and performed very exciting flying skills in the fireworks and the enthusiastic applause of the students.

In the end, two people quickly rushed out of the castle and flew into the beautiful sunset outside.

The most legendary place in the whole story is the dialogue between Fred and the Pippi.

"For us, send them to hell, Pippi."

It can be ascertained that the Pippi ghosts have never heard of the students' orders for centuries, but the Pippi ghosts suddenly waved their funnel-shaped hats to Fred and George, giving the twin brothers the highest respect.

The departure of Fred and George was not the end of Hogwarts's prank, but the beginning of the whole **.

The castle was completely messed up, and a large number of students fiercely competed for the newly vacant smashing king's seat.

There are all kinds of mischievous traps everywhere, as well as the magical creatures that are messed up. The ammunition and the stink bombs are thrown into the corridor one after another. After the class, I read the bubble curse and become the new fashion of the students. This can ensure the supply. They are fresh air by themselves.

But it also makes them look weird, like a goldfish tank on the head.

Filch was holding a whip in his hand and wandering around the hallway, eagerly catching the tricksters.

The problem is that there are too many such people at the moment, and he does not know which direction to look for.

The Ministry of Magic Special Action Team and Slytherin students want to help him, but they always have something strange.

The curses, traps and attacks against them were endless. In the end, the members of the special operations team did not dare to leave the office, and the Slytherin students did not even dare to leave the public room, they were all scared!

As for the Pippi ghost, he seems to have deeply recorded Fred's parting speech in his heart.

He screamed and screamed, flew over the school, slammed the table, and suddenly rushed out of the blackboard, tearing down the statue and the vase.

A few times, he put Mrs. Loris in a pair of armor, and when the furious administrator rescued it, it was still yelling.

The Pippi ghost shattered the lantern, extinguished the candle, juggled the burning shovel on the top of the screaming student, pushed the pile of neat parchment into the fire or threw it out of the window; he also pulled out the bathroom. All the faucets, so that the entire third floor was soaked in soup, throwing a pack of tarantulas in the center of the auditorium during breakfast time.

The other professors at the school are not willing to help manage, they are blind to what is happening in front of them.

After the delay in finding Umbridge's whereabouts, the Ministry of Magic and Fudge are now in a new trouble and choice.

They want to send Aurors to Hogwarts to maintain order, but they are worried about the reaction of public opinion.

However, without sending Aurors, all reform activities have stalled.

Whether you are willing or unwilling to admit it, Hogwarts has lost control as it is in the current world of magic.

After leaving Hogwarts, Fred and George did not return home and flew directly to Diagonal Lane to start their own joke shop.

They have already rented the store long ago, and they also helped Aiwen manage the store.

As Hermione expected, Mrs. Weasley was very sad and angry about Fred and George.

She always hopes that both of them can enter the Ministry of Magic, and at the very least, they must complete their studies smoothly. However, there are examples of Percy and the precedents of Evan, Hermione, and Elaine fleeing. She gradually accepted this. The reason for all these mistakes was attributed to Fudge.

The progress of things has entered a state of heat, and Fudge and the Ministry of Magic are completely passive.

In such a situation, Avon, Hermione, and Elaine finally waited for Carresis and set off for Norway.

The castle of the Vampire Slytherin family is located in the deepest part of the frozen plains, and Avon can never forget the scene where he first saw the castle.

In the chilly wind and a huge round moon, this behemoth stands on a steep cliff, like an eagle on a giant rock: tall, old, once brilliant, but now full of desolate.

Under the bleak moonlight, the castle was silent, revealing a mysterious atmosphere in the air.

In the distance, the snoring of the pines came faintly, and occasionally the sorrow of one or two beasts was even more chilly.

In such a place, time and space seem to have stopped working, and people can't help but wonder if they are at the end of the world.

Along the steep cliffs, Ai Wen looked down, and the empty valley was dark and dark.

If you want to hide things like the body of the evil spirits, this place is indeed the best place.

Isolated from the world, no one smokes, no matter what kind of evil will gradually be forgotten by the world 8)