
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1099: Slytherin's test

Like the first one, this black magic is also transforming the body, and then gains powerful power, but instead of changing the blood into a vampire and gaining magic, it is so simple that the black wizard becomes the evil spirit and makes ordinary people Become a void monster...

It's really terrible. Just think about it and it's chilling. How can this kind of horrible magic exist in the world.

Ai Wen is more and more certain that the first few paintings he sees are related to this. The first step to becoming a evil spirit is to collect the bodies of a large number of creatures, kill these creatures, collect their souls, and then put these bodies. Stitched together to form a scary flesh-and-corpse splicing monster...

Therefore, Ai Wen will see humans, basilis, fire dragons and other creatures in the body of the monster in Carreuse's memory.

That is the body of the evil spirit, it was born in this way.

undefinedIt turned out that this flesh and blood hodgepodge is like this, a evil spirit made by humans.

This black magic on the wall was left by Slytherin, and together with the evil spirits and the snake monsters was his harvest of the Greek adventure.

In other words, this magic was created by the despicable Haierbo.

Judging from the current situation, if there is no accident, the despicable Haier wave becomes this evil spirit with this magic, which is the one that is disintegrated by Slytherin.

The most terrible black wizard in history, after studying countless curses, basilisks and Horcruxes, completed his eternal life in this evil way.

It not only conquered death, but also became more powerful and ready to conquer the whole world.

Compared with being a evil spirit, making a Horcrux is nothing at all...

Of course, the despicable Haierbo may have split his soul into a Horcrux, so even Sarah Slytherin did not destroy it. He could only disassemble the three parts and seal them separately. In three places.

Although there is no direct evidence to prove this, Ivan thinks this possibility is great.

Everything and reasoning are exactly the same, verifying each other.

Thousands of years have passed, and the desperate Haierbo's Horcrux has been damaged by accident!

He is no longer indestructible, so Avon last time destroyed the eyeball monster and destroyed part of his body with the help of the magic left by Slytherin.

Slytherin must have expected such a day before leaving the corresponding magic.

In this way, there will be corresponding arrangements in Norway, and it is not impossible to destroy the body of the evil spirit.

This is good news, bad news is also there.

Because the murals in the cave were badly damaged, Avon didn't see the whole process of this complicated magic.

He was not sure if there was any in Norway, and Carresis did not know that he had never seen a mural that carved this terrible black magic.

"I and my people can't get into the core of the seal. The magic left by Slytherin is very powerful. Only his true descendants can enter." Carresis said, hesitated and looked even more frustrated. "Voldemort Going in, I don't know what he got."

The news was terrible. If the layout was the same, Slytherin definitely left this terrible black magic in Norway.

In other words, Voldemort is likely to have acquired this magic and know how to turn himself into a **** of evil.

If he knows this magic, with his character, there is no reason not to use it.

Needless to say, there is a statue of the evil spirit in his hand. His new soul device, the evil spirit in the statue will definitely help him and give him the necessary guidance.

The current situation is that Voldemort is ready to transform himself into a new evil spirit at any time...

Following this line of thought, more and more evidence proves this.

For example, that night, Ai Wen heard the words of the evil spirits to himself in the Temple of the Soul.

He thought that the evil spirits were talking nonsense, but now it is not. It was with Ai Wen at the time, "As long as Ai Wen is relying on it, handing over the Sorcerer's Stone and the Book of Abraham, it will help Ai Wen become It is as immortal as it is, just like helping his companions."

The companion here is definitely Voldemort. This is the agreement between Voldemort and the evil god.

The evil spirit in the statue helped him become his own kind, and he summoned it to the world...

By then, they will join forces to conquer the world in a way that is beyond imagination and cruel and evil.

Such as his predecessors, Grindelwald's death sacred device, his own creation of the Horcruxes, these are nothing, if Voldemort turned himself into a evil spirit, his evil degree will be beyond imagination, and the degree of badness is super Imagine.

Ai Wen was scared by this terrible speculation, and he hoped that this kind of thing would not happen.

But then again, since Salazar Slytherin has left such a terrible magic, she will definitely be prepared accordingly.

Otherwise, it also leaves a way to crack, perhaps this is also part of what he calls the test.

The troublesome Slytherin, he left the strongest black magic, leaving this temptation and test.

In the end, he hopes that the students of his college will be strong enough to meet his requirements and hand over the keys of the treasure...

In this case, it is necessary to go to Norway for a field visit!

Carresis just said that only the immediate descendants of Slytherin could enter the core location before the seal magic was completely lost.

In other words, only Voldemort can enter it, and no one else can get in.

Of course, they now have a 15-year-old Tom Riddle!

Riddle can also enter if the verification there is a snake cavity or a verbal verification.

Ai Wen looked up at Dumbledore. Does his so-called preparation mean this?

So he didn't destroy the ring

The body of the evil spirit, Slytherin, seal, ring, death, and the soul of the soul machine, everything is too coincidental, coincidentally let Ai Wen feel scared, he has a kind of trapped into Salazar Slytherin himself The feeling under the design.

This kind of coincidence has brought together a little bit of a shockingly large layout.

A plan that has been around since the millennium, all of them are just a part of this plan, just a chess piece.

The terrible Sarah Slytherin, Ivan had thought that the test left by Ravenclaw was the most complicated. It seems that this is not the case. Slytherin's plan is really shocking, and he still There is no time converter to help.

From this point of view, Gryffindor is really a good person, it is too much to take care of Ai Wen, the descendant of his own college.

So handy to hand over his treasure, rather than designing a complicated test...

Ai Wen now hopes that the test of Hufflepuff, who is famous for his kindness and fraternity, is not so difficult. Otherwise, he is really not sure if he has the time and ability to get the recipes she left for her...