
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1096: Dumbledore and Grindelwald

"That was my most painful day. After Arianna fell to the ground, the three of us stopped and looked at it all unbelievably." Dumbledore said in a sad voice. "Later, Greenwald escaped. Without hesitation, this is except for anyone I can expect. He disappeared, took his plan to fight for power, he abused the Muggle conspiracy, and his dream of finding a death sacred, and I used to encourage these dreams. And helped him. In the end, I stayed to bury my sister and learn to spend the day in guilt and extreme sorrow, which is the price of my shame."

Grindelwald knew Dumbledore's feelings for Arianna. The reason he fled may be because of jealousy, perhaps because he was afraid of taking responsibility for murder, but in short, he left and let things go in the worst direction.

If he stays and does not leave, then the pattern of the magic world will undergo earth-shaking changes...

"The earth-shaking changes!" Ai Wen repeated.

Speaking of it, the magic world really needs reform, but it should not be promoted by a ambition like Grindelwald.

undefinedIt should not be a terrorist like Voldemort. The concept of horrible and backward glory of pure blood should have been eliminated.

Dumbledore was originally the most suitable person, but he did not mean this. He was afraid of rights, afraid that he would make mistakes, and he was too old. He had consumed too much energy to maintain peace and stability in the magic world. .

After the death of Arianna, the two wizards who had worked together for the same goal went to two completely different paths.

Dumbledore lost his sister, paid a painful price, and finally realized the meaning of love. At the same time, he also gave up the pursuit of rights, gave up the idea of ​​reform, and maintained and improved the existing pattern.

Grindelwald continued to follow the original concept and brought terrible disasters and endless suffering to the world.

"After that day, many years have passed." Dumbledore continued. "I heard some rumors about him. It is said that he got a powerful wand. At that time, the position of the Minister of Magic was placed in mine. In front of me, more than once, but many times, of course I refused, because I already know that I can't give power to me; my performance in youthfulness proves that power is my weakness, my temptation, if let me Having power will make a big mistake."

"Professor, you are much better than Fudge. If you become the Minister of Magic, you may lead the magic world to complete the change." Ai Wen paused and added, "Well, in a new way, not war or like now such..."

Ai Wen is still just the point of view. Undoubtedly, with the rapid development of Muggles, the magic world really needs change.

The society is developing, the times are progressing, the status quo is maintained, and the magic world will be declining. However, the ideas of Grindelwald and Voldemort, which are mixed with personal opinions and the idea of ​​launching war to conquer the world, are destined to be unsuccessful, using gentle means. It is the right direction to change the traditional concept of the wizard, to abandon the backward tradition, and finally to integrate with the Muggle world.

"Maybe, but the best thing to do with power is those who never practice the power of the right, because only then will they not be lost in the right." Dumbledore said, "Ivan, you and Harry are such people. If possible, I think you will do better."

"I can't!" Ai Wen hurriedly shook his head and said, "I am not interested in rights. I want to say that Hermione is the most suitable candidate."

She is very smart, not greedy for rights, not lost, and knows what she needs.

Like the house elf protection campaign she led, this is a joke for many people, but the liberation of the elves raises their rights, sets up an organization, and puts it into action, but not the average person. Can do it.

If Hermione becomes the Minister of Magic, she will definitely bring new changes and good changes to the magic world.

Ivan believes this, he can also help Hermione.

"Miss Granger is really good, but she still has a long way to go to be a leader," said Dumbledore. "But she also fits the point I said, never drilling power, only Such a talent is best suited to power. And like me, staying away from the power center, it will be safer to stay at Hogwarts, I think I am a good teacher..."

Ai Wen did not speak, Dumbledore was indeed the best teacher, the best principal.

But it is undeniable that his desire to control his rights is still strong.

Even after such a long time passed, he still did not change his weaknesses, and he was still a strategist in his bones.

This is Ai Wen's evaluation of the principal in the first grade, and it is still the case.

Dumbledore will not allow people, things and factors that are beyond their control, and he will try his best to understand everything.

Under his gaze, maybe he won't do anything that is bad for you, but it feels bad.

And history has proved that for a wizard like Tom Riddle, this kind of attention is actually ineffective, or can be counterproductive, there is no way to stop him from falling down step by step.

"In short, when I was busy cultivating young wizards, Grindelwald called an army." Dumbledore watched Avon. "This is back to the previous topic. People say he is afraid of me, but I think I am more afraid of him."

"I am not afraid of his magic, nor afraid of his strength. I know that we are evenly matched. Maybe I am still a little better. But what I am afraid of is the truth. Ivan, you understand, I have never known the terrible in that. In the melee, who made the mantra that killed my sister. You will probably say that I am a coward, and the most fearful thing I have from my heart is that I have caused her death, not only because of my arrogance and Stupid, and I still sent her a fatal blow to her."

"But..." Avon said. "It may be Grindelwald, so he just ran away!"

"No, I think the reason why he fled is because of me, he knows what I am afraid of, he knows me, doesn't want me to know the truth of the matter, keeps the secret in my heart forever, and does not say it until the end." Dumbledore said that he wiped his tears with his sleeves. "And I am like a coward, and I don't see him until the end. It is shameful that I will not show up again. People are dying, he seems unstoppable, I must do my best." The power, at the time, was only me alone to stop him..."

Evan silently, he thought a lot, but never knew the truth would be like this.

Is Dumbledore's speculation true?

Grindelwald escaped because he was afraid to let him know the truth.

Think about it, these two people are really...

Ai Wen didn't know what words to use to describe it. He could only say that they really understood each other and were willing to think for each other.