
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 1026: Raise a vampire

After returning to the room, Ai Wen re-narrated Hermione's detailed passage of the whole incident, and was very happy to give Elaine her care.

This girl has too little contact with the normal society, lacks common sense, and asks Ai Wen to sleep with her, take a bite to taste the taste, give an anesthetic effect, or leave the first night to Ai Wen and so on. headache.

The key is that she is still serious, not realizing that she said something wrong, but let Ai Wen doubt that she is wrong, I am embarrassed.

Just say this thing, he can't determine whether the vampire's saliva is an anesthetic substance, just in case it is.

But doing this is not very good...

undefinedIt's not a good idea to explain it to Elaine, because an explanation often involves more problems.

Think about it, you have to explain to her, in normal society, people and people generally do not bite each other and bite.

But this is not enough, because Elaine will say that she generally does not bite others, only to Ai Wen, this is good for him.

She said that you have no way to refute.

Then, I have to change direction and tell her what is the normal way to deal with this problem.

At the right time, telling Elaine in a vague way, she is not wrong, too close, only between men and women on special occasions, such as bed, no room and classroom or iron pot.

Elaine is very easy to be shy. When she understands the meaning of Ai Wen, she often does not say it.

Just staring at him with his burgundy big red eyes, the words "Silver" are clearly written in the eyes.

However, Ai Wen has no other meaning, so it is misunderstood!

The key is that she is still black enough to remember the things that offend her, always remember, turn around and tell Hermione, or take a look at the faces of everyone...

If you want to explain, there is no way to explain it. You said that you are doing nothing to do with the girl's family. !

In short, it is very troublesome!

Hermione is patient enough to explain these basic common sense with her, and give it to her.

They rushed to each other and gave them to sleep at night. They were all solved by Hermione.

It is really not suitable for Ai Wen to take care of and develop something.

Also worth mentioning is Elaine's food, and her taste is actually the same as everyone else.

Or, like Jinni, like sweets and meat, do not like to eat greens, but there are obvious differences in the details, Elaine's favorite is **** lollipop, Ginny likes orange flavor Candy, Elaine likes to eat three-quarter cooked beef or eat raw directly, Ginny likes to be fully cooked...

Unlike what Evan had thought before, Elaine was able to eat a variety of foods, and there was no rumor that vampires spit when they ate ordinary food, but if they didn't **** blood, they couldn't eat enough to draw strength from the blood. Become weak.

As soon as she entered that state, she seemed to want to bite Ai Wen and start to hold on to him...

Therefore, Ai Wen specially ordered a lot of flavors of dragon blood back, spent a lot of Jin Jialong, Sirius also sponsored him.

You know, these dragon blood is not cheap, and Ai Wen is buying a lot.

It is not easy to raise a vampire, especially a senior vampire who only drinks dragon blood.

His purchasing behavior directly led to the shortage of dragon blood in Diagonal Lane, and the price soared in the short term. Others bought it back as a precious potion or alchemy material, occasionally using one or two drops, and Aiwen bought it back as Three meals a day.

Even if Elaine eats less, it is a horrible number to accumulate.

Elaine is probably rich, or her uncle Carresis and the family are very rich, but she does not.

And she doesn't have much money, and she doesn't care about it.

Anyway, there is dragon blood to drink, no, drink Ai Wen, not picky eaters, she is probably such an idea.

Carresis was unconscious and lying in the room on the third floor. Ai Wen also went in and saw it several times.

In this state, naturally, he could not be asked for money. As for the other vampires, all disappeared without a trace, and I did not know where to escape.

Ai Wen wanted to find them and could not find the money. He could only raise his own money to raise Elaine.

Now, after every meal, Elaine will go back to the room with Ai Wen to drink blood.

She is able to accurately identify the taste of different types of dragon blood, which is good to drink and which is not good to drink.

This makes Ai Wen very admire, in his opinion, these dragons are very embarrassing!

Of course, Ai Wen didn't get a return and didn't get it here. Elaine didn't have anything.

She has many ways to repay Ai Wen, but it is also a meal, and these are very precious things.

No matter how you look at it, Ai Wen is cheap.

For example, when the night is quiet, let Elaine cast or write the magical vampires she will have for Evan.

This is a magic that the outside world can't get, very precious.

For example, the wand left by Salazar Slytherin is now in Avon.

Ai Wen studied for a long time, he is not a wand craftsman, knowing the knowledge of wand is learned from books.

But you can be sure that this wand is not simple.

Even if he is a novice, he can feel it. Aside from its special historical significance, the power of this wand itself is beyond imagination.

For example, if you want to change the flame that ignites the candle, enter a weak magic, but with this wand, you can use this magic to make a fireball.

Avon didn't use Dumbledore's old wand, but he felt that Slytherin's wand should be similar to the old wand.

No matter how you look at it, it is a legendary magic item.

Needless to say, the red line on the wand is the same as the Slytherin's locket box. In the same vein, Ai Wen speculates that the Slytherin guy must have left any information, engraved in his wand and pendant. Above the box, ring and double snakes, this information must be related to the evil spirits.

Imagine that the evil spirits did not want to cooperate with Voldemort, but when Carresis appeared, it changed its position.

Harry said that it wants something that Carresis has, what can make the evil spirits feel, what is it?

Refer to the article that Ai Wen is interested in, it should be the same level of items as the Sorcerer's Stone and the book of Abraham. Will it be this wand? !

In addition, Slytherin's wand has a force that Evan does not understand, which hinders his further investigation, so that he can't know what the rod core is without destroying the wand. Maybe he can only find Mr. Olivander. Such experts can figure out.