
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 1022: Magic silence

At the same time it floated up with the flesh and blood corpses on the ground, which were quickly decomposed by the evil spirits.

The flesh and blood are turned into fine granules, gathered together in a dense manner, and quickly gathered away from the statue of the evil spirit.

The red light around the statue is getting stronger and stronger, but not enough. These forces can't break through the protection of the guardian of Ai Wen, but the power of the evil spirit is increasing rapidly.

I don't know how it was done. The Valkyrie flying in the sky began to be absorbed by it and turned into dust particles.

A huge vortex formed at the bottom of the abyss, and countless particles rolled and roared like sandstorms, turning into a horrible encounter.

undefinedIn the creepy voice, the power of the evil spirits accumulates and can quickly compete with the power of Avon.

In the mourning, the big mouth swallowed Ai Wen, and the scene in front of him changed to a strange world.

It is not the soul world that was dominated by black and white, but a real, truly tangible world.

In this world, the desperate darkness is the main tone, the blood is red with heavy rain in the sky, the ground is riddled with holes, the huge gully slowly emerges green pus, and Ai Wen has seen it for three seconds. The bell recognized the body of the evil spirit, which has eroded the world.

Ai Wen saw the constant tentacles, and the huge planet-like body.

This huge body is even bigger than what Evan had seen twice before, and it is also shocking.

It expands outward at a speed visible to the naked eye, endlessly, and seems to fill the world.

The evil spirits stare at Ai Wen, and the temperament of the monks reaches the heart and evokes the fear hidden in the deepest part of the soul.

It breathes, devours hope and releases despair, sucking in courage, and exhaling is fear.

Ai Wen was lost in the terrible sight of the moment, feeling that the eyes were not enough, or that the mind could not hold it all.

He wants to defend, but he doesn't know what to do. The power of the patron saint is nothing compared to the evil spirits in front of him.

He floated there quietly, watching the evil spirits corrode and devour everything in front of them, and they will never stop.

Ai Wen can't even tell, is this all an illusion, or is it true? !

Watching it devour all the essence, he suddenly has a ridiculous idea, what taste does the world taste?

Is it delicious?

Because it looks so happy, then greed, can't wait to swallow and eat everything.

"Human, do you want to be such an immortal existence like me?" The voice of the evil spirit sounded again, with a hint of glory in the cold. "Serve me, I can help you, just like I helped the wizard who just fought with you. Help you to become a master of the universe from the weak ants. Under my guidance, you will become my companion. The world you are in will be destroyed by you. You will feel the power of fear in the process of destruction and gain inexplicable power. The great satisfaction, you will be intoxicated, like this feeling, we will go together to conquer other worlds. Now, tell me your choice, give me the magic stone and the seal book..."

Ai Wen took out the thick book of Abraham. He had never felt it before. The book was so heavy.

"Yes, it is, open it, summon me, I will come to your world and give you glory."

The evil spirit continued to confuse, and Avon let go of his hand, "The Book of Abraham" slowly floated on his chest.

Without him going through the book, the book opens automatically.

The page flipped and went to Avon to record the "silent" magic page, the second half of the third.

He got the magic from the depths of the swamp next to Hogwarts, and has been studying it for the last two years, but because it was too complicated, too esoteric, and the magic needed to be huge, Avon once thought that this magic could not be cast.

He can only cast this magic split, the effect is still amazing.

Now, "The Book of Abraham" guides Evan to use this magic, and old and strange words and complex magic runes appear automatically in his mind.

He clearly does not know, but has a strange familiarity.

The Sorcerer's Stone also flew out of Slytherin's locket and surrounded by Avon, like a golden red satellite.

Following the sudden memory in his mind, Ai Wen held the right hand of the wand and manually.

He began to curse, and the wand in his hand drawn a complex, esoteric magic rune.

"Human, how can you get this magic, who told you!" The evil spirit screamed, with panic in his voice.

This is the last sound that Ai Wen heard. As he moves, the golden red mist flies out of the magic stone around his body, bringing light and color to this dark world. The speed of the evil spirits is slowing down, and the tentacles stop shaking. Even the whispers disappeared.

These soft mists seem to hurt a lot, and the world in which Evan is in is rapidly collapsing.

It wants to stop its magic, stop the connection with Avon.

Eight hundred years ago, the Ma Ren brave found the statue of the evil spirit from the sunken temple.

The "silent" magic stone ancient caster was specifically there to use to restrain this evil spirit.

It was only because of time that the magic stone that used to be the source of magical power lost all its magic power, and it was able to let this evil spirit escape and escape.

To put it simply, "silence" is a spell that specifically restrains it. It can be seen from the reaction of the evil spirit that it is afraid.

The world is collapsing, the golden red mist begins to build "silent" magic, it does not attack the huge evil spirits, it is impossible.

The pages of The Book of Abraham began to turn again, turning to the front page of the third chapter, with the page of the portrait of the evil god.

The illusion of evil spirits emerged from the pages of the book, and a miniature version of the evil spirit appeared in front of Ai Wen.

The "silent" magic begins to appear around its illusion, and the golden red mist wraps it around.

The evil spirit seems to be hurting hard, it sways faster, the world is accelerating and collapses, all illusions disappear, and Ai Wen returns to the real world and returns to the bottom of the abyss, but the evil spirits in front of him have not disappeared, it was Control, began to drift to the statue of evil spirits.

At the end, Ai Wen has a feeling.

He felt that the magic in his body was about to reach its limit, and now it relies entirely on the magical power of the magic stone to support it.

As always, he is still only a transit station, powerful magic is cast through his body, he has everything.

The evil spirits have also verified the end of the strong, the breath on the statue has completely disappeared, and it has become an ordinary wood statue.

But this is not enough. As long as this evil spirit, bound by the "silent" magic, enters the statue, this evil spirit will be sealed again and can no longer come back. This magic can even cause damage to its body...