
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 1021: Real and unknown world

"Ai Wen, what should I do?" Elaine asked in a panic. "My uncle..."

She also noticed the abnormality of Carresis, feeling that he was controlled by a strange, strange and powerful force. This power comes from the statue of the evil spirit not far away, it has a faint red light, and it looks more and more Bun, choose people and devour.

Elaine didn't know what to do, it was not the power she understood.

"Give it to me!" said Ai Wen. He raised his wand and the statue of the evil spirit did not respond, but he did not rush.

He can feel that the terrible evil spirit wants to deliberately lure him in the past, this is its plan.

undefinedThe little power it just recovered was not enough to attack Evan directly. He could only expect Evan to attack it first, as Carrezis did at the time.

Only then will it have a chance, and Ai Wen will not do this.

He has a lot of experience in fighting evil spirits!

For the horrible and unknown power of the evil spirits, direct confrontation is unwise. Before the evil spirits come to the real world, the more important is the battle between the spirit and the soul, against the innermost negative emotions evoked by the evil spirits.

Therefore, he needs positive power, not strong destructive power. The guardian curse is the best choice.

"Call the gods guard!" Ai Wen shouted and summoned his patron.

The previous experience has made Ai Wen clear, emitting positive energy, and the patron saint who can resist all negative emotions is effective in dealing with evil spirits, evil spirits and other evil shadow monsters from endless voids.

As he called, the animal made up of silver rays appeared from the air and swung around him.

This is a black cat that shines in silver, but it is not a black cat.

It's bigger than a cat's body, it's more powerful, and it's more agile. It appears from the air and rotates quickly around Avon.

Since the last call to the patron saint in the lighthouse of Sicily, Avon has discovered its changes.

After going back and studying it, he found his patron saint changed from a black cat to a black panther.

This kind of thing is amazing, but it did happen, and the guardian of Avon has changed!

As we all know, every patron saint is unique. It is a symbol of the inner heart. It expresses the deepest thought in one's heart. Each person's character is different from the inner world. The expressed emotions are also different. The change has changed.

The most typical example is Snape, whose power to summon the patron is to do happy things with Harry's mother, Lily.

Therefore, after Lily's death, his patron saint became an elk, which was once the patron saint of Lily and his proof.

What was his patron saint, Ai Wen did not know.

But after Lily's death, Snape's patron saint was an elk, always.

And Tonks, after she likes Lupin and pregnant with his children, her patron saint becomes a wolf!

Her patron saint has also changed, because her motive power to summon the patron saint has changed from other happy, guardian positive emotions to Lupin's happy things. Therefore, her patron saint becomes the same wolf as Lupin. .

One thing to note is that because the patron saint is the power of justice, only positive emotions can summon it.

It is different from the inner evil eater by the Dark Mark, so the Death Eater has no patron saint.

Like Snape and Tonks, the patron saint of Avon has also changed from a black cat to a black panther.

He didn't do anything happy with him, although the memory with Hermione was also very happy, but Ai Wen is more of a will to use the guardian.

Therefore, his patron saint changed, or more accurately, evolved, which probably also proved the growth of Ai Wen.

In addition to having the same meaning and magic, the black panther is more powerful than the black cat, and his strength and guardian will become stronger.

After the patron saint circled Avon, he flew over to Kairesis and Elaine.

The white energy shield appeared out of thin air, cracking the control of the evil spirits to Kairessis.

A burst of broken glass, the reddish radiance that has been shrouded in the body around Carresis gradually receded, and the evil spirits are retreating.

Carresis still stunned, but the breathing gradually stabilized, and the painful expression on his face faded away. As long as he took time to heal, there would be nothing.

"Humble resistance, you don't know what you are doing!" The low voice of the evil spirits re-emerged in the heart of Ai Wen, very small, but extraordinarily clear, "Hope, is a sense of unnecessary fantasy, in a powerful and unknown fear Before, you have lost yourself, face your own heart, the lost lamb, give me the sorcerer's stone and the seal of your book, I will forgive your sins, allow you to serve me and become among the worlds. Spread the messenger of fear..."

"Shut up!" Ai Wen said, there is no way to communicate with the evil spirits.

It turned over and over to just seduce and lure Ai Wen to fall, the possibility of the promise of the evil spirit is basically zero, and those things have no meaning to him.

"Weak and ignorant humans, you understand the existence of your positive confrontation. What you see is only part of me, less than one in ten thousand." The evil spirit did not give up, it continued, "Your ancestors, those Humans who are many times stronger than you are trying to conquer me, but they only get destroyed only. I didn't destroy you immediately. It is already the most benevolent thing in the world."

After giving up Carresis, it began to try to influence and control Avon.

The patron saint ran over, with a white mist, and the positive energy began to block the penetration of the spirit of the evil spirits.

Ai Wen increased the magic output, protecting himself and Elaine, and its voice began to distort and became more and more weak.

He looked at the statue and wondered what to do to destroy the guy.

"The Book of Abraham" is undoubtedly effective, but Ai Wen does not know how to use the above magic.

Every time I encounter a danger, this book comes out by myself.

But it didn't respond this time. Obviously it thinks this danger is nothing to Avon.

Also, what is this statue now, both the Horde of Horde and the connection with the evil spirits.

No matter how you think, this is a bit too scary.

"My companions and I came from the darkest corners of the world. The human tentacles just touched there, and the sights that were seen by the eyes were shocked." The evil spirit continued, "That is the present of our world, and this is also yours." The future of the world, your resistance has no meaning, just doing a useless struggle, you will understand, one day, you will decide to serve me, and kindly I decided to show it to you, let you understand What are you getting?"

As soon as the voice fell, the statue of the evil spirit with red light slowly floated from the ground...