
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

Chapter 56: Ai Wen, Harry VS Tom Riddle

"What's the problem?" Harry asked sharply, his fist still tight.

"There are a lot, like..."

Riddle's smile on his face, "A baby, without any magical magic, how to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How can you escape safely, leaving only a scar, and the power of Voldemort is Destroyed?"

Now, his wolf-like eyes are shining with a weird red light.

"It's interesting. You were defeated by Harry, but you didn't know how you failed. Voldemort, is this what you call a powerful force?!" Ai Wen sneered.

undefinedHe carefully looked around and looked around for the diary.

Now Riddle is just a memory without physicality, which is formed by the vitality of Ron. Attacking him has no effect at all.

Only by finding the diary of this diary can you solve everything.

"I once again yelled at you, mud!" Riddle said softly. "It seems that you already know my identity. Yes, I am Voldemort. He is my past, present and future."

He took Ron's broken wand and drew a few in the air, writing three shiny names: Tom Mavolo Riddle!

Then he waved his wand, and the letters automatically changed their position and became: I am Voldemort!

"This is my own new name!" he whispered. "Don't you think that I want to use my dirty Muggle father's name all my life? You know, in my veins, I am flowing with Salazar. Slytherin's own blood, would I still keep the name of the disgusting ordinary Muggle? He abandoned me when I was not born, because he found his wife is a witch!"

"That's impossible!" Riddle's face glowed with a heart-rending sneer. "I want to give myself a new name, which means my new life! I know that one day, when I become the greatest in the world. When the magician, the wizards everywhere don't dare to say the name easily!"

Although Tom Riddle was already known as Voldemort, Harry's brain seemed to froze when he saw the name appear in front of him.

He looked at Riddle in wood and wood. He was this person. He used to be an orphan who died of his parents. When he grew up, he actually killed his parents and so many other people...

"No, you are not." Harry forced himself to speak, and his calm voice was full of hatred.

"Not what?" Riddle asked sharply.

"Not the greatest wizard in the world!" Harry said quickly, "I am sorry to disappoint you, but the greatest wizard in the world is Albus Dumbledore. Everyone says that. Even if you When you are strong, you don't dare to try to control Hogwarts. Dumbledore sees you when you go to school, and he still makes you feel guilty, no matter where you are hiding these days."

The smile on Riddle's face disappeared and he put on a very ugly expression.

"Dumbledore didn't believe me from start to finish. When I saw him at the first time in the orphanage, I knew." Riddle snapped. "But it doesn't matter, I know many of him. I can't imagine the magic, I am the most powerful. Now, let me know everything, Harry Potter. How long your words are, you and the muddy life around you can keep how long."

"Why did you suddenly lose power when you started with me? No one knows." Harry said stiffly, "I don't know myself, but I know why you didn't kill me. Like Ai Wen said, Because my mother died to save me, she defeated you with her love for me!"

Harry shivered because he was desperately suppressing his anger. "She stopped you from killing me. I saw you real. I saw you again last year. You only have a bunch of tatters left, you can only be half dead. Look at you." The magical powers are vast, and the result falls to this end. You are hiding in Tibet, you are ugly, disgusting!"

Riddle's face was distorted, and then he squeezed a sly smile.

"I understand, your mother died to save you. It is not a ridiculous maternal love, but a powerful spell. Yes, it is a very effective spell, I understand now! After all, you There is nothing special about it, you just escaped from my hand by luck."

Riddle turned and looked at Slytherin's statue, and the smirk on his face became more apparent.

"Now, let us see, you and the mud next to you, there is no luck, can once again escape from the greatest black wizard in history."

There was a creaking sound in his mouth, and Slytherin's huge stone face moved.

Its mouth opened, and the bigger it grew, the more a huge black hole was formed.

Ai Wen looked up and looked at the face of the Slytherin stone statue hidden in the dark. Then he saw the diary that he had not found before, and it was placed on the statue.

The basilisk slowly slipped out of the statue. It was full of scars. It was not as prestige to see it in the Gryffindor common room. Snape's attack and the cock's voice made it look abnormal. Tired and weak.

But for the two little wizards, the snake monster is still deadly even if it is weak again.

"Kill them!" Riddle yelled wildly.

The basilisk quickly slid over them, and Avon's wand made an attacking orange glow, an eye spell, but it was solved by Riddle's spell.

"It's stupid, you thought I would let you use the same trick twice." Riddle screamed, "Muddy, taste the taste of death..."

His words have not been finished, and the empty secret room suddenly remembered a burst of music.

This voice is illusory and ethereal, ethereal and mysterious, and it is exciting.

Ai Wen saw a crimson bird suddenly descending from the sky, as big as a crane, playing its quirky music on the vaulted ceiling. It has a golden tail, as long as a peacock's tail, and a pair of glittering claws, holding a tattered parcel on his claws.

"It's Fox, the phoenix of Dumbledore!"

It quickly flew over and threw the tattered things on his paws at the feet of the two. Evan saw that it was the school's broken branch cap.


Riddle suddenly laughed. He smiled too much. The dark room shook a little, as if there were ten Riddles laughing at the same time. "This is what Dumbledore gave to his protector. A bird that can only sing and a broken hat! Do you feel courageous? Do you feel safe?"

His voice just fell, and he saw the Fox flying toward the basilisk and hovering around its head.

The basilisk rushed toward the phoenix with a thin, long fang in his mouth.

But it didn't work. Fox slammed down and its long golden scorpion plunged into the head of the basilisk. Its mouth sings a weird song, from time to time to the snake's nose covered with scales, here to squat, there smashed, black blood spewed out from the eyes of the basilisk, its eyes were smashed It is.

"No, kill the two boys! Leave the bird, the boys are behind you!" Riddle screamed.

"Harry, believe in yourself." Avon put the cap on the floor into Harry's hand. He turned and ran to the statue of Slytherin. He yelled and yelled, "I am going to get the diary, you. It must be destroyed."

Harry looked at the patched hat in his hand. I don't know what Aiwen meant. What can this stuff do?

Then, his hand seemed to touch a long, hard thing in the hat. He looked down and saw a shiny silver sword appearing in the hat. The hilt was set with a dazzling egg. ruby.

Harry pulled it out and the ruby ​​on the hilt shone with a faint glow.

The test of courage, the sword of Gryffindor!