
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 24: Unprecedented success

"Unprecedented success, Avon!" This is Fred and George's evaluation of the newspaper.

Now, the Hogwarts Magic has become the most popular thing in the whole school, and all the students are discussing the above.

The front page about the article that Gryffindor and Slytherin fought at the Quidditch Stadium greatly satisfied everyone's curiosity. In particular, Colin captured a few very beautiful photos and showed off the handsome side of Ai Wen.

Handsome appearance, outstanding strength, and he is a newspaper organizer, Ai Wen's popularity is almost faster than Harry's, becoming the most famous student in the school, and all of them are positive comments, even girls are preparing to write love letters. he.

This is to grasp the benefits of public opinion. In the press release written by Ivan, Slytherin is mainly responsible for this battle.

undefinedOf course, the same is true.

Now, everyone is condemning Malfoy on one side, which makes him honest. Just glaring at Ai Wen and Harry from the distance, did not come up to trouble.

In addition, Hermione's review article does not seem to be as bad as imagined, of course, most normal little wizards will not go to see these things. But at lunch time, Avon noticed that several professors were reading the contents of those articles carefully.

Introducing the contents of the school's secret road, Quidditch, and magical creatures, it is also unexpectedly welcomed by the lower grades. Although a lot of the original texts in the book have been extracted, many small wizards will not watch. Those professional books.

In fact, they think that these are very helpful to themselves and can be quickly integrated into school life. The word games and jokes designed by the twins are the best choice for many seniors to pass the time.

As for Luna's "How to Find a Boundary Beast", it seems that no one but her own has expressed too much attention.

However, Luna is still very happy to put a recent issue of "Singing and Reversing" to Ai Wen, and said that her father is willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with them to jointly publish the research results of the beast and the bubble nose.

Of course, the most popular and most popular readers are the pictures of Lockhart and his novels.

This is especially evident among girls, Hermione is going to cherish these things, and she is not a case. There are even a lot of Slytherin girls who secretly collect the Hogwarts Magic, making it like a secret activity.

What is even more rare is that from the afternoon, some people have purchased new newspapers from Ai Wen. They are going to mail them back to their parents. Most of them are also admirers of Lockhart. The increasing number of purchases has made Avon have to consider the matter of printing.

When I was at dinner, I finally noticed the story written by Ai Wen about Harry's mother Lily Potter, a lot of detailed text descriptions, and brought everyone back to the Godric Valley 12 years ago. To the battle that affects the current magical world.

As the most famous event in the history of modern magic, all the little wizards know how Voldemort failed, because the person who defeated him sat among them. However, no one knows the details, especially those written by Ai Wen, which have not been published before.

For a time, this story replaced Lockhart's novels and became the focus of attention.

Today's dinner is destined to be much longer than usual. Everyone is immersed in the tragic history and has no mood to care about the food in front of them.

In addition to the Slytherin long table, the long tables and classroom seats of the other three colleges were very quiet, and everyone looked down at the newspaper. This time, instead, Slytherin was caught off guard. Because of the public boycott, they did not know what other people were watching, and they were not good enough to ask.

Finally, under the leadership of the leader, they left the auditorium with embarrassed faces, but everyone's eyes were obviously curious.

Ai Wen's mouth was slightly upturned, and it seems that she has to work day and night tonight.

So far, Slytherin's public boycott has almost existed in name only. Ai Wen also noticed that Snape was absent tonight, and it seems that this article has a great influence on him.

In fact, in the following week, Professor Snape's mood has been low. He always left the classroom the first time after class, and did not eat in the auditorium. No one except Irwin knew what he was thinking. It's simply unbelievable that I didn't even have trouble finding Gryffindor students in the classroom.

This is just one of the effects of this article. Now almost everyone knows what happened on the day of Voldemort's failure. They were infected by the fierce duel between James Potter and Voldemort, and they were finally shown by Lily Porter. The mother's love is touched.

As the article said, she had a chance to live, but for Harry, she gave up. In the end, the power of love invalidated Voldemort's magic, and the magic world ushered in a new era.

More than an hour later, when Avon and Harry got up and left the auditorium, all the students spontaneously applauded.

They are paying tribute to Harry, paying tribute to his parents, and paying tribute to the heroes who saved the magic world.

In the evening, Gryffindor hosted a grand celebration party, and all the staff of the Hogwarts Magic newspaper became the focus. This made Colin very excited, and he has never been so concerned about it.

The Hogwarts Magic has achieved unprecedented success. After giving away more than 700 copies, the newspaper has been printed more than 300 copies.

Even the merchants who advertised on it benefited, the magical fireworks that Fred and George had transformed, all the stocks were swept away in just one day, and they were stepping up to make new fireworks.

At the beginning of the Hogward business, the sales of the goods they promoted in the newspapers increased by 30%. For example, many people ordered three lemonades from the broom bar through the owl, which made Rossmer Ms. Tas had to enter a large batch of lemons. She was so sad that she did not ask Ai Wen to drink butter beer. For example, Ai Wen's grand recommendation in the newspapers instantly became the most popular candy for Hogwarts.

This makes the Anbro Severum couple of the Duke of Honey Candy store happy, and know that the pile is not a popular candy.

Of course, when the new students bought this thing, they found that the candy was exactly the same as the living cockroach. Many people had no appetite for a moment of disgusting, and Ai Wen got the horrible title of "killer".

A few days later, all the merchants of Hogward sent a letter jointly, and I would like to invite Ai Wen to come again this weekend to discuss the next cooperation issue.

Although the price they are willing to pay is still lower than the average advertising fee of the Daily Prophet, it is also an extremely rare progress, and Avon decided to sign a long-term contract with them.

In this way, the basic expenses of printed newspapers can be solved.

This gave him a big sigh of relief, otherwise he would have no money to pay for the next edition of the Hogwarts Magic.

Three days later, in the morning, when Avon was having breakfast, he and Hermione whispered to discuss the contents of the next newspaper, and he received an unexpected letter.

"Look, guys!" Ai Wen gave them the faith. "It is the editor of the Daily Prophet, Barnabas Gup, who is willing to buy the rights to reprint our articles, including all photos and materials about Professor Lockhart. And the novel, my story about Harry's mother Lily Potter, and..."

Ai Wen stopped and everyone looked at him nervously.

"And, about Hermione's "Rejection of Discrimination against Dignity, Preserving the Legal Rights of Muggle-born Wizards," and "Calling the Ministry of Magic to Pay Attention to the Flight Safety of Juvenile Wizards," two comments by Ai Wengan Baba.

"God!" Ron opened his mouth in surprise.

"This is true, Avon?!" Hermione slammed.

"Yes." Ai Wen added with his nose. "In fact, Mr. Gu Fei thinks that your review article is very deep. If you want, you only need to sign the contract attached to the letter, they will At this time tomorrow, the manuscript fee and the reprint fee will be mailed together."

"Of course I am willing!" Hermione took the contract.

"The editor of the Daily Prophet is absolutely crazy. Why do they want to buy Hermione's article?" Ron said in amazement. "Is it because she called on the Ministry of Magic to ban the underage wizard Quidditch game?" "

"Who knows, maybe he has a strong fear of heights like me, and he is dizzy when he sees the broomstick." Ai Wen stood up. "I am going to ask Professor Lohart for advice. Colin is with me." Go, take a new photo by the way."

Looking at the back of Ai Wen, Harry blinked innocently, and he couldn't understand what depth is.

However, he just agreed that Ai Wen posted the story of his mother Lily to the "Prophet's Daily", and he felt it necessary to let more people know about her.