
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

Chapter 173: Contradictory existence

Just as the giant python was about to meet Avon, it suddenly became a snake-like black belt, automatically wrapped around Avon's neck, wrists and ankles, layer after layer, and tied Evan from head to toe. It's solid.

Ivan was tied like a mummy, lying on the ground weakly.

"I should have done this to you, you and Potter are both a problem!" Snape said sullenly, "Remember, Mr. Master! Before you fight, you need to first understand the strength of each other." Gap, don't try to challenge opponents that you can't beat, this behavior is purely looking for death!"


"Shut up, sit here quietly before I catch Black." Snape turned his head and inserted his wand back into his waist. "It's stupid to help a murderer! I want to be the principal, first." The matter will expel you and Potter."

undefinedSnape bypassed Avon and was ready to leave the common room.

"Wait a minute, Professor!" Ai Wen yelled out loudly. "You can't catch Sirius Black. He is innocent, all the little dwarf Peter."

Snape ignored Evan's shouts, his face was gloomy, his footsteps did not stop, and he walked out of the Gryffindor common room sideways.

"Twelve years ago, it was the little dwarf Peter who sold Harry's parents to Voldemort, who killed Harry's mother!" Avon continued to shout, hoping Snape could hear him, "If you If you want to avenge Lily, you must believe me."

Evan's voice echoed in the empty public room.

He didn't know if Snape had heard his own words, or heard it, but still didn't believe him as he did before.

Believe that Sirius Black is innocent, this is a very difficult thing for Snape who has been blinded by hatred. In this matter, he seems to be completely irrational. He only wants to catch and kill Black.

Ai Wen only wants to hear Lily's name and can calm him down.

After three seconds of time, the footsteps were not heard outside, and Snape seemed to be far away.

Just as Ai Wen gave up his hope, he saw Snape returning again.

His wand was again in his hand, his face was gloomy and terrible, and he quickly walked over to Ai Wen.

"Repeat what you just said, Mason!" Snape looked down at Evan, and he didn't have the slightest feeling in the cold voice. "Tell me what happened in the past. If you dare to lie, I will let you pay." The price."

"Trust me, Professor!" Evan hurriedly said. "It was the little dwarf Peter who sold Harry's parents to Voldemort. He was a traitor. Everything was done by Peter, who killed Harry's mother, Lily. ""

"Black is their secret person!" Snape said in a word.

"No, at Sirius's suggestion, Harry's parents changed the secret person to the little dwarf Peter at the last minute. No one knows this except for the four of them. They used to think this was a trick, no one would The secret person who thinks about the Porter couple will actually be the weak and humble little dwarf Peter."

"These are all Black's ghosts, he is lying, he is evading his responsibility to sell them." Snape's eyes became empty, and he looked at the front blankly.

Ai Wen knows that this is because the other person is using brain closure. It seems that Snape does not want to know what he is thinking. He does not want to express his true will. He didn't want others to know his feelings about Harry's mother, Lily Evans, the softest and most vulnerable place in his heart.

Snape will not be able to reveal the slightest gap in his inner protection.

What he looks like now seems to be figuring out the truth of what happened that year, but in fact, he only cares about Lily alone. He won't say it, and if it is possible, he will bury it in his heart forever, until the moment he dies.

I clearly love a person deeply, and I am willing to give everything to her, but I will never say it.

The most hated enemy has married the woman she loves most in her life. He can only send a blessing in the back.

The only love of one's own life, the willingness to give everything to protect, was killed in the end because of his leak.

As the most outstanding wizard, even Dumbledore relied on his magic, but in the end he died.

As the greatest double-faced spy in history, he lied to everyone, including the Dark Devils, but did not really understand him until after his death.

This is Snape, a contradiction to the ultimate existence.

"The little dwarf Peter is not dead. He is an Animagus. He is now Ron's mouse, and he controls Ron with the Soul." Ai Wen looked at Snape's hollow eyes and continued. "I believe in me, Professor, I will prove it to you."

Snape stood there quietly, did not speak, he was waiting for Ai Wen to continue.

"The little dwarf Peter is now preparing to run away. He is in Professor Lupin's office! If the speed is fast enough, you can meet him in the foyer on the first floor." Ai Wen gasped. "Believe me, just stop and just prepare to escape." Out of the castle's mouse, you can know the truth about what happened that year."

When Evan's voice just fell, Snape immediately turned and left, because the force was too strong, his black robes swayed in the air, making a shrill sound.

Looking at Snape's back in a hurry, Ai Wen stunned.

The other party does not seem to have released his plan, or because he can't wait to verify what he said, and he will forget him here in a hurry.

Ai Wen struggled hard, and the rope on his body became tighter.

"Animagus!" he whispered.

In the next second, Ai Wen's body changed rapidly and turned into a petite black cat, which jumped abruptly before the rope tightened.

Ai Wen left the common room and ran to the foyer quickly along the empty dark path. By the time he approached, he heard the snarling roar of Sirius Black in the foyer, and he was questioning the little dwarf Peter.

Everything was exactly the same as he had experienced before. Snape prevented the little dwarf Peter from fleeing the castle at the last minute. He was quietly standing behind the second floor, holding his wand tightly in his hands and listening to the dialogue in the hall. .

"I know, I admit, I used to be confused, but you have to think about it for me, what can I do? You don't know, the black devil, his powerful weapon, you can't imagine it, I was Scared, Sirius!"

Ai Wen heard the sharp, trembling voice of Peter Dwarf, and he admitted everything.

Hearing this sentence, Snape, standing behind the credit, took a step back.

He couldn't believe it, and the expression on his face was full of pain.

Ai Wen sneaked away, and he noticed that Snape seemed to cry out.

Tears soaked Snape's eyes, he did not notice Ai Wen, he seems to fall into the memories of the past, back to the dark night of twelve years ago. (To be continued.)