
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

Chapter 133: Butterfly wings

Ron's behavior tonight was too abnormal. This picture gave Ai Wen a familiar familiarity.

In the Gryffindor common room last year, something similar happened!

Ai Wen can almost certainly confirm that Ron must have been in the Imperius Curse, and he was controlled to frame Professor Lu Ping.

He originally intended to say this thing. There is Dumbledore here. If you check it out, you can find out what Ron had just said, and what his accusation against Professor Lu Ping really comes from his true will. .

Who knows that he had just spoken halfway and was interrupted by Dumbledore.

undefinedThe meaning of the principal's words is obvious. He does not want to continue to talk about it. He is going to talk to him alone.

Ai Wen has some doubts, what exactly does Dumbledore mean?

What is he going to talk to himself? Does he know that Ron is already under control? Still, what other plans does he have?

Ai Wen looked at Dumbledore and his eyes were on Ron. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, Ai Wen didn't have the heart to pay attention to what Harry, Hermione, and Fudge, Snape, Lucius were saying, and his thoughts drifted farther and farther.

If Ron is really under control, who will do this? !

It was Lucius Malfoy, and Avon shook, and he had no chance to touch Ron. Besides, with Malfoy's character, he may be able to hide behind the scenes and spur the plot, but he is not fully grasped. He will not go out in person anyway.

As for Snape, it will not be him. Because of the past in his student days, although he hated Professor Lu Ping very much, he did not control a student.

Ai Wen squinted, who would it be, could reach Ron, and use the black wizard who slays the sorcerer...

"Wait a minute, it wouldn't be the little dwarf Peter operating all this behind the scenes?!" Ai Wen suddenly found out that he actually knew nothing about Peter.

In his impression, Peter seems to be very cowardly, very timid, weak and humble, timid to stupid.

But is it really like this?

Look at what he does: for strength, to Voldemort to sell his best friend; to hide his traitor identity for many years, not to be discovered by Dumbledore; when the trend has gone, to escape from Sirius Black's pursuit; to bear the burden, to a rat The form has been hiding for twelve years; the mountain has risen again, and alone finds Voldemort who has lost power; to help Voldemort resurrect, he has dedicated his entire arm, or cut it with a knife.

Thinking of what Peter did, Avon suddenly found that his entire back was soaked in cold sweat.

All this proves that Peter is not as weak as his appearance. He is an awkward opponent and very timid.

Not only to others, to the best friends; at the same time, he is also very worried about himself.

Ai Wen had an ominous premonition. He suddenly found himself preconceived and did not consider the strength and actual reaction of the little dwarf Peter.

What he is facing now is not the plot that has been set in the book, but the character who is alive and has his own thoughts.

Ai Wen suddenly realized that he really needed to talk to Dumbledore.

Although Black did not let him tell the teacher about this, Evan still thought that he should at least tell Dumbledore.

As originally planned, once he got in touch with Black, he immediately told Dumbledore that Peter was an Animagus.

This is the safest, and as long as Dumbledore intervenes, there will be no surprises.

I know that the plot is correct, but the enemy is not a fool who doesn't know how to work.

Whether it is Voldemort, Malfoy or Peter, they are difficult opponents, all evil black wizards, more difficult to deal with than originally imagined.

Last year's secret room incident was a lesson. In the original plot, Tom Riddle controlled Ginny. He wanted to know Harry and he wanted to know why Harry would defeat Voldemort. But because of his arrival, Ron accidentally got the one. The diary, Tom Riddle learned from Ron, definitely different from Ginny, coupled with his own performance, and finally let Riddle make a crazy move to get rid of himself and purify the whole Hogwarts.

It seems to solve the problem, but it makes the contradiction more and more prominent.

Ai Wen suddenly realized that he had always neglected a premise that all his own plans must be realized without changing the original plot.

However, I can't guarantee this at all. Last year, this year's incident is also true. A little trivial matter can cause great changes.

The butterfly gently **** its wings and can cause a hurricane.

Not to mention that he did a lot of things this year. The little dwarf Peter couldn't react at all. He didn't do anything as silly as the original. He now controls Ron, who knows what other plots he will have.

"Professor!" Thought of this, Ai Wen hurriedly looked at Dumbledore.

"Ivan, you can go to my office in a little while. I suddenly had a very interesting idea about the question you asked me last time!" Dumbledore looked at Ai Wen and said calmly, "You will feel Interested, I promise!"

"I have to remind you, Dumbledore!" Lucius had a cold smile on his face. He looked at Lupin with a bad heart. "Before you talk to the students, we first need to discuss the werewolves!"

"That's right!" said Dumbledore happily. "I just want to say this. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"The suggestion is not to talk about, but I think everyone has just heard the accusation of Mr. Weasley. From the perspective of the parents of the students, I think this dangerous werewolf is no longer suitable to stay in Hogwarts, we should Bring him back to the Ministry of Magic immediately, I think it is necessary to judge his guilt through Wissen Gamo."

"I am the same as you think, Lucius!" Fudge agreed. "The current bad situation is enough to start the Wissen Gamal special trial. I hope that you can go back with us, Lupin, we will give you a fair If you finally prove that you are innocent, we will put you back, no words!"

"No, Professor Lupin is innocent, he will not go with you." Harry shouted in a hoarse voice.

He still kept in front of Lupin and refused to let him go. He felt his tears were running out.

The same is true of other little wizards who are close together and stand in front of Professor Lupin as a wall.

Seeing them, Fudge embarrassed and looked back and looked at Dumbledore for help.

Dumbledore had not spoken yet, and Professor Lu Ping, who had been blocked by Harry, gently pushed him aside.

"Professor!" Harry shouted in a miserable voice.

Lupin didn't go to see Harry. He walked silently to Fudge. He knew he had to leave and left Hogwarts. He tried not to let his tears flow out.

Perhaps this is the ending that a werewolf should have.