
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 123: Uneasy time

Harry knew for the first time that Black was actually his father's best friend during his lifetime.

Before that, neither Dumbledore, Hagrid, Weasley, Connelly Fudge, or anyone else told him that his parents were betrayed by their best friends and died. It was Black to Voldemort. Sold out your parents!

Harry felt surprisingly angry, and his parents probably wouldn't believe it until they died, and their best friend betrayed them.

He tried to imagine this feeling. If one of the three people, Irving, Ron or Hermione, betrayed himself to Voldemort, he would be sad to die.

I am distressed, and my father was also in this mood before he died.

undefined Throughout the afternoon, Harry was stunned in the empty bedroom. He found Hagrid's album that he gave to himself two years ago, all of which were photos of his parents' magic. He sat on the bed, pulled the curtain around the bed, and began to flip the album page by page until...

He stopped at the photo of his parents' wedding day, his father beckoning to him, his face full of laughter, his messy black hair inherited by Harry standing in all directions. There is also a mother on the photo, because of happiness and full of face, standing with his father holding hands, and that person.

It must be him, their best man, and Harry never thought of him before.

If he doesn't know that it is the same person, he will never guess that the person in this old photo is Black. His face is not sunken, but handsome and smiling.

Harry couldn't help but think that he was already working for Voldemort when he took this photo. Is he already planning to kill two people around him? He knows that he has to face Azkaban for twelve years, in the face of this twelve years that will make him unrecognizable?

But those dementors did not affect him, and Harry tried to remember this handsome smile on the photo.

Then, he turned the album back, he saw a photo of his father's graduation, the photo was a group of four people.

In addition to his father, Professor Lu Ping in his school days, and Black, who still smiles on his face, there is a boy who is short, fat, and very weak, hiding behind them. It looks a bit like Neville Long Barton.

He should be the little dwarf Peter, the wizard who was killed by Black.

Professor Lu Ping told him that after his father's death, only the little dwarf Peter was looking for Black everywhere. He wanted to avenge his parents, but he was not Black's opponent. He paid the price of his life, and Black was hurting. After killing his parents, he killed him again.

"Dirty, stinky traitor!" Harry clenched his fist.

He is full of hatred that he never knew before, and this hateful feeling is like poison.

He saw Black laughing at him through the darkness, as if someone had taken the photo from the photo album and posted it to his eyes.

He looked as if someone was showing a movie for him, and Sirius Black was blowing the little dwarf Peter into pieces. He seems to hear someone whispering in excitement: things become, master! The Porter couple has made me a secret person! Then there is the voice of another person, this person is laughing sharply!

It was the sound that he would hear in his mind when the dementor approached, the laughter of Voldemort!

Harry knew what he wanted to do. He was going to find Sirius Black. He wanted his parents and the little dwarf Peter to avenge.

Although Professor Lu Ping repeatedly warned that he should not look for Black, he also agreed to the other side.

But when he thought of Black's impunity, he was sitting here doing nothing, and the thought almost made him unable to stand it.

Harry secretly made up his mind, and at this moment, he suddenly heard a noisy voice coming from the hall outside the auditorium. In a short while, someone ran in with a pale face.

They are all students who have just returned from Hogmund, and they are all ignorant. They have no joy when they return from Hogmund. They look at the expression on their faces, as if something terrible happened there.

Harry's heart hangs up, is it that Sirius Black appears in Hogsmeade? !

He saw Neville running over his face in a panic, with a large scarf around his neck, a few bags of candy from the Duke of Honey, and even the cloak on his body had not had time to take off. He hurriedly pulled Live each other.

"What happened?" Harry asked eagerly.

"It's a werewolf!" Neville gasped and trembled. "There was a werewolf in Hogmund, who attacked Avon and Hermione."

"What?!" Harry's just hanged heart quickly sank again. Evan and Hermione actually met the werewolf. He couldn't imagine the next thing.

"How are they?" Harry stared at Neville. "They won't have anything for them?"

"I don't know, Harry!" Neville was about to breathe. "I was in the hall, I saw the professors running with them to the hospital. Hermione was crying, but it looked good. But Avon fainted in Haig's arms, his blood on his robes."

When he heard Neville, Harry was cold.

He doesn't have time to think about Black now. He has to go to the school hospital to see Ai Wen.

Although Ai Wen is very powerful, it is impossible for a minor wizard to defeat the werewolf. I hope he will not hurt too much.

Harry just stood up and saw the huge figure of Hagrid rushing into the auditorium.

Hagrid's face was full of tears. In addition to the last time I received a letter from the Committee on the Handling of Dangerous Biology, and I heard that the eagle-headed beast had a chance to be executed, Buck had never seen Hagrid. Tragic and scared.

He shouted Hagrid's name and wanted to rush to ask Hagrid about Evan and Hermione, but not, the entire auditorium was in a mess, and everyone was talking loudly about the werewolf appearing in Hogmund. Things.

Hagrid rushed to the professor's seat three or two steps, what he said to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore hurriedly got up and walked down to the teacher's seat. Everyone turned to look at him and hoped that Dumbledore could explain a few words so that everyone could understand more about the current situation.

But he didn't. Dumbledore only whispered a few words to Percy when he passed by Percy, and then he followed Hagrid in a hurry and left the auditorium. It seemed to be going to the hospital.

"Quiet, keep quiet!" When Dumbledore and Hagrid disappeared, Percy immediately shouted, "I am the president of the Boys Student Union. I can guarantee everyone's safety. Please believe me, no monster can break into Huo. Gwaz Castle."

No one listened to him at all, and the messy scene continued.

Everyone suddenly found that there was no teacher in the auditorium this evening. The headmaster had just followed Hagrid. Professor Sprout had rushed back in advance because of something in the house. Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Nept and Professor Lupin are all absent. They seem to have made an appointment in advance, and they all disappeared.

Without the teacher to maintain order, the noisy arguments in the auditorium were a hundred times louder than usual, and Percy could not control the scene.

But after a few minutes, something happened that made everyone quiet down, and everyone was silent.