
Harry Potter and the Heir of Grindelwald

Nor knew long ago who his grandfather was. The name Grindelwald chiseled into his brain with the clarity of his very first memory. His mother whispering terrible things, wishing he was never born. That he was the bane of her existence, and the continuation of that terrible mans legacy. That he would herald the end to come. It was hardly the things a child should be hearing, tiny fingers reaching above mismatched eyes curiously with a giggled coo. Grasping for a mother who refused to touch them.

LunaLexx · Phim ảnh
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5 Chs

A Legacy Begins - part 1

It didn't take Nor long growing up to learn about his heritage, surrounded by his strange "relatives" and the eccentric house elf Podsy. The elf always brought up his bloodline and called him Master, saying he was deserving of more than the mansion he currently lived and the few followers he possessed. He couldn't quite understand what he meant by that at the time, the place he lived was more than enough to get lost in, excessively even since he still hadn't explored it all. He was even stopped several times from going to certain areas, so how was it lacking?

But more concerning was his comment about followers. Nor had never seen followers around the mansion, only his strange relatives, and they certainly followed him around keeping him out of trouble, teaching him things, but did that make them followers? Nor found the elf's way of speaking strange sometimes, perhaps that was what he meant. He dismissed the remark after that. But as he grew older more things began to stick out.

He was as infamous as Harry Potter was famous.

Or at least his grandfather was. His story had yet to begin. But it was about to. And his legacy would surely be just as bright.

"Remember, young master. Keep your head held high." The well-dressed man that came to visit would always say. Hand gripping the child's shoulder lightly.

"No one is as worthy to continue his legacy. We have high hopes for you."

The young boy was no more than five, yet he stood with such poise and elegance one would question his true age. Raised in a way befitting a Pureblood, truly. To any who knew of his heritage. But few did. Shrouded away in secrecy by the followers of Grindelwald, entrusted to teach. And teach they did. The basics, history, heritage. Anything and everything to prepare him for the task that his grandfather had failed.

Expectations were heavy on his shoulders, far more than any child normally would have. But he was no normal child.

It soon became apparent as he grew that he was a genius, in every sense of the word. Reading and writing at an early age, being caught with a book more often than not deep in the Grindelwald library.

He learned quickly. Holding conversations with fluency.

No matter the subject, he excelled. It was praiseworthy. And the followers watched eagerly. However... something dangerous soon arose when he turned 5.

Magic came sooner than expected. It was small at first, going unnoticed, until the child summoned a book off a tall shelf into his hand. Right in front of the house elf Podsy.

But it wasn't just one. Every book in the library suddenly came falling down with heavy thuds all around them, nearly falling on the elf itself before he Apparated closer to his young master. When the final book fell heavily the elf simply stood there a moment, mouth agape.

Magic manifesting in a child normally wasn't dangerous. But the sheer amount he seemed to possess was.

He was unstable. Volatile. And a danger to himself. They couldn't leave him unchecked until school started. He had to start learning to control his magic before then.

With that, the lessons on the basics of magic began.

The boy found it strange at first that his strange "relatives" were teaching him things they said he'd learn in school anyway, but simply shrugged and complied. He was rather curious himself about the subject and didn't want to wait anyway. Excited, really. So barely containing his wide grin he threw himself into the lessons with reckless abandon. The subjects were harder than he anticipated, but he never gave up. Pushing himself harder and achieving even more for his efforts, much to the pleasure of the adults around him. he soon earned much praise and proudly accepted it. He earned it after all, no need to be humble. Even the strange elf had said so.

It was like that, learning the basics to keep his magic from lashing out, that he finally turned 11. And an important meeting was called.

It was time.

I feel like the beginning chapter's suck, I'm not good at 3rd person lol. BUT, I'd still appreciate your thoughts! So let me know what you think! <3

On that note I plan to be in Nor's perspective for future chapters, if you feel 3rd person is lacking, I'll switch to first person. Personally I feel like I write first person quicker (may or may not be true lol), but if ya'll want it to continue in 3rd person let me know, I just feel I'm terrible writing 3rd person so feedback is definitely welcome. Preferably mandatory lol. Thanks for reading! :)

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Also creation can be hard with my seizures, so cheer me up! An inspirational comment, joke, or just plain vote! All is welcome!

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