
Chapter 60 - Uagadou School of Magic

Dumbledore and Snape stood in Dumbledore's office, looking at each other across the desk.

"I must admit, Severus," said Dumbledore, "I am fascinated by Felix's ability to cast spells without a wand." "It is quite reminiscent of the magical practices in Africa, particularly at the Uagadou School of Magic."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I am aware of the magical practices in Africa, Albus. But what is your point?"

"Well, I wonder if there is a connection," Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "Perhaps Felix's ancestry traces back to Africa or the Uagadou School of Magic."

Snape scoffed. "That seems like quite a leap, Albus. We have no evidence to support that theory."

"True," conceded Dumbledore. "But it is worth considering, is it not? And even if there is no direct connection, the fact that Felix is able to cast spells without a wand is still quite remarkable."

Snape nodded, reluctantly conceding the point. "I suppose that is true. But it does make me wonder what other secrets Felix might be hiding."

Snape couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he watched Dumbledore talk about Felix with such admiration and enthusiasm.

"How, unusual"

Snape thought. He tried his best not to look at the face of Dumbledore and look like he was thinking heavily on the subject. He does not want his mind to be searched.

He knew that the headmaster had a tendency to place a lot of importance on certain students, but something about the way he spoke of Felix made Snape particularly uncomfortable.

As the conversation continued, Snape couldn't help but let his thoughts drift, wondering why Dumbledore was so invested in this one particular student.

Perhaps there was more to Felix than Snape had initially thought, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Dumbledore sat back in his chair, deep in thought. He had just finished his conversation with Snape, who, as usual, seemed less than thrilled with the topic of Felix. Dumbledore couldn't help but feel that Snape didn't fully appreciate the potential that lay within Felix.

As he sat there, his mind wandered to the mention of Uagadou.

"I should also start giving out some missions to people I know to look for his family or bloodline."

"He just does not exist as it is."

Dumbledore thought as the face of Felix appeared in his eyes. He does not know, but something about his intuition tells him that this kid is not simple. Most of the time, he does not prefer to call him a kid but an adult.

He had always been fascinated by the school and the unique magic that was taught there. It was said that the students of Uagadou had the ability to perform wandless magic, just like Felix.

Dumbledore made a mental note to reach out to his contacts at Uagadou to learn more about their methods and teachings. Perhaps he could glean some insight into Felix's abilities and help him further develop his skills.

With nothing else to do at the moment, Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, lost in thought.