
Chapter 59 - The First Year Ends

Felix sat alone in the backyard of Hagrid's house, the warm summer breeze gently brushing through his hair. The first year at Hogwarts had ended, and he was left with a sense of uncertainty about what to do next. He gazed out into the vast, sprawling landscape, lost in thought.

"The events have not changed because of my existence; Harry is still able to take on Voldemort; this should be the end of the Philosopher Stone."

Felix thought.

As he sat there, he realized that he had been so caught up in the excitement of his magical education that he had neglected to think about his future. What did he want to achieve in life? What were his goals and ambitions? These were questions that he had never really considered before.

"I mean, there are many things I can do with my power. As long as I am not drawing attention to myself, I should be able to use spells to change my life a bit."

Felix took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. He focused on his breathing, letting his thoughts drift away. Gradually, he began to feel a sense of calm wash over him, and he felt his body relax.

As he opened his eyes, Felix realized that he had found his answer.

"I'm living the best life I can with the people here."

Felix stood up and brushed himself off. He felt a renewed sense of energy and purpose, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. As he walked back to Hogwarts, he felt confident and excited for what the future held.

He remembered the talk he had with Dumbledore just a few days ago, where the headmaster had offered him a place to stay at Hogwarts. Felix felt grateful for Dumbledore's kindness, but he also felt a bit conflicted.

Dumbledore did tell him that he could visit Hogwarts due to his conditions of state and having no parent or anything. But because of his power and the fact that he is not an ordinary kid, He did not report him or anything about living with other kids in a foster home.

He had a home to return to, but Hogwarts felt like home too. He wondered if he should stay at Hogwarts or return to his old life. As he sat there, lost in thought, he felt a light breeze brush against his face. The rustling of leaves caught his attention, and he looked up to see a beautiful owl perched on a nearby tree branch, staring at him with piercing eyes.

Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the owl's presence. It reminded him of the magical world he was now a part of. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the warm sun on his face and the cool grass beneath him.

He knew he had a lot to think about, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet of the moment. As he opened his eyes, the owl had flown away, leaving him with a sense of calm and a newfound appreciation for the magic that surrounded him.