
Harem Spirits but with whom!!? (Date a live fanfic)

Warning: +18 content and Lemon. Mio didn't die, and Tohka stayed with him. shidou finally had his happy ending, where his loving ones stayed with him. he thought he could finally stay a little away from his typical crazy life... he thought so but... why have Spacequakes suddenly started to appear again? And who are those new Spirits that start to appear without mio involvement?? And why do they claim to be males even though they are in a female body!!!?? kotori: "back too work Onii~Chan Shido: "I thought i had my happy ending" ..... basically a comedy fanfic about gender-bender versions of some male protagonists of some famous works. fem-Shirou, fem-kazuma, fem-Touma, fem-goku, fem-Naoufumi, and so on (you can choose who to involve) grazy idea right? but I got the idea in those weird 3 AM thoughts so I said why not

yatsumi_taki · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Chapter 5: Fem Shirou(rewrite)

The night had cast a serene hush over Tenguu City. Stars glistened like celestial lanterns in the velvety expanse of the night sky, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, adding a soothing melody to the night.

It was midnight, and Shido had just returned to his house. He'd spent a quiet but exhausting amount of time with Kotori, preparing for his upcoming date with Shirou. The day had taken a toll on him.

With a sigh, he closed the front door and leaned against it for a moment, trying to muster the energy to go to bed. All he wanted was some peaceful rest.


As Shido struggled to make his way toward his bedroom, the exhaustion from the day weighing on him, he noticed the soft glow of light spilling out from beneath the closed living room door. It was the kitchen light, specifically, that was on, and its dim illumination seeped into the living room.

With a quiet step, he pushed open the door to the living room and found Shirou in the kitchen, standing by the stove, skillfully preparing something that smelled heavenly.

Turning his attention back to the living room, he spotted Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Miku sprawled across the couch, peacefully lost in slumber. The tranquility of the moment seemed to infuse the room, and the dim light from the kitchen gave the place a serene glow.

In the adjoining dining area, he found Touka, Origami, Nia, Natsumi, and Yoshino with their heads resting on the dinner table. Small blankets had been thoughtfully laid over each of them.

"Oh, Master you back"

The girl from the kitchen, Shirou noticed the boy present.

"Yeah, sorry I was late."

Shirou, her smile unwavering, reassured him, "Don't worry about it. It seems you had so much work to do." She gracefully moved around the kitchen, tending to the dishes with a sense of dedication.

Shido cast a fond glance at the tired, slumbering girls scattered around the living room. He sighed and replied, "I'm afraid I've caused them quite a bit of trouble today."

"They tried to stay awake to greet you when you came back, but sleep got the better of them. Because you were running a little late, I took care of dinner, so don't worry."

"Oh, thanks, though I already prepared the dinner and saved it in the fridge. I forgot to tell them about it."

As Shido was spaced out, watching the girls sleeping soundly, Shirou's voice called from the kitchen.

"Master, your dinner is ready."

Shirou had set up a small table in the cozy kitchen with a clean, embroidered cloth over it.

"You really didn't have to."

"It's already late, Master. Eat your dinner and go to sleep. Don't waste time."

With no room to argue further, he nodded. With appreciation, he took a seat at the small table where a dish of curry with rice awaited him.

Shirou took a seat on the opposite side, watching him intently, waiting for his opinion on her dish.

He didn't say it, but he had already eaten dinner with Kotori, Maria, and Ellen on the Fraxinus, so he wasn't particularly hungry. However, seeing how Shirou eagerly anticipated his response, he didn't want to disappoint her.

Taking his first bite, "!!!", his eyes widened in surprise.

"This is really good," he exclaimed, and without pause, he continued to eat, savoring each bite as if he hadn't eaten in ages.

"Happy to hear that, Master," Shirou responded with a smile of satisfaction.

He knew she was talented in the kitchen, but since he had taken on most of the cooking duties that morning and insisted on handling lunch as well, he hadn't fully appreciated her culinary skills.

It didn't take him long to finish the whole dish, leaving the plate spotlessly clean.

"There's more if you'd like seconds, Master."

He was about to agree immediately, but an inner voice reminded him of his mission, causing him to hesitate.

"...Before that, I want to ask you something."

"Hm?" Shirou tilted her head in curiosity. "What is it, Master?"

"I know I already asked you, but the fact someone like you suffers like that, I just can't turn my head away..."

"Master," she interjected, knowing what Shido was aiming for, "Believe me, it's just your imagination. There's nothing wrong with me-"

"There is! Don't lie to yourself like that."

Shirou fell silent. The boy could see through her smile, just as Rin had once mentioned – she was truly a bad liar.

"Look, I don't have the right to judge you for your reticence. I've only known you for a day, so I can't act like I know you well. If I didn't realize that much, then I'm just being hypocritical. But at least I know you have the right to feel happy..."

Shirou's smile gradually faded from her face, but she kept her gaze on his.

"...You love helping people. You're a hero, and every hero deserves a happy ending—"

"I AM NO HERO NOR DO I DESERVE TO BE ONE!!" She finally burst out, Her hand collided with the table with a resounding thud as she rose from her seat.


Recognizing her actions, she nervously bit her lip and stole a glance at the living room. The girls remained undisturbed by the noise. With a sense of guilt, she quietly resumed her seat, her hands tightly interlocked.

"Please, Master," she murmured, avoiding his gaze and instead fixing her eyes down on the table. "Don't call me a hero. A hero wouldn't sacrifice those close to them for a fake goal just to end in failure..."

Shido remained silent for a moment, absorbing her words. He could sense the pain and regret in her voice.

"Actions are judged by what we intend to accomplish through them. There is no such thing as purely evil or purely good. We humans make judgments based on the context and situation we find ourselves in," he shared his thoughts. "For instance, if a doctor refuses to terminate a newborn for the sake of saving the mother, would we call that a heroic act or an evil one? That's how things work in this world."

Shirou looked at him

"I don't know your full story, so I can't make a fair judgment," He replied. "And do I even have the right to judge? I'm certain you're as lost as to what brings you into this world in that state. I think you've just assigned yourself a role to serve me, but I don't believe that's the real reason why you're here."

"..." Once more, Shirou fell into silence, simply listening and unsure of how to reply.

"I'll prove that a hero's tale doesn't conclude with a fall. I'm ready to take on the role of a hero for you. I may not know the extent of your wounds, but when you deem me worthy of your trust, I'll be here to sit and listen to your story. After all, you're gazing upon a true hero right before you."

"T-True hero?"

"W-Well, that was kind of cringe..." He scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "But, well, that's the truth. But I do have one more thing to say."

Coughing to clear his throat after his grandiose words, Shirou blinked, her initial confusion giving way to a mixture of emotions.

"I have a suggestion if you want to hear it," Shido said.

"Suggestion?" She tilted her head to one side, a mix of confusion and curiosity in her expression.

Shido's smile widened, and he asked, "You know, I was thinking, maybe we could do something fun together tomorrow. How about we go on a date? That way, I can show you what I meant by all this heroic speech."

Shirou blinked, clearly taken aback. "I-I really don't understand. Where did that come from, Master?"

"Well..." Shido scratched the back of his head, a goofy smile on his face. "That's my starting point when I help any girl."

Shifting her gaze from Shido, she glanced at the sleeping girls in the living room. "So you help all of them?"

"And they did the same for me. I am who I am because of them," he answered with a proud yet still goofy smile.

"So what do you think? Do you have time tomorrow for this idiot boy?" Shido said as he stood, offering her his hand.

After a moment of hesitation, she accepted his hand. "O-Okay, Master. We can meet at 10 AM, wherever you want. Just leave me a map or something..."

"Thanks for being kind," he patted her hand as he took his plate to the sink to clean.

"Master, I can help—"

"Don't worry about it, go and get some sleep so you'll be ready for tomorrow."

Tucked into a corner and overwhelmed by his insistence, she just nodded and was about to leave the place to head to the spirit residents, where Kotori had offered her a place to stay.

On her way to the living room door, she gave a final glance to the sleeping girls there.

(They were awake the whole time, huh...)

Shifting her gaze back, she opened the door and gently closed it behind her.

Part 2:

The sun hung high in the clear azure sky, casting its golden rays down upon a bustling city that had come alive with the hum of everyday life.

Shido stood beside a picturesque public square in the heart of a commercial park. The atmosphere buzzed with the chatter of people enjoying their weekend, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of nearby trees.

As he awaited Shirou's arrival, Shido fumbled with the earpiece in his ear. Kotori's voice sounded in his ear, giving him instructions and guidance for the upcoming date.

"Listen, she is on her way toward you, she will be there in 3 min. don't act stupid or add anything unnecessary from your side. We put a plan and if everything goes as it should be. she will fall completely for you. After that, you know what to do— Hey, are you listening?"

"...I-I'm listening."

Whether any of this is making it into my mind is another story.

Shido cleared his throat so that she wouldn't catch a hint of this muttering to himself, as he replied to Kotori over his earpiece.

Even though he had gained plenty of experience over the past four years, he couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness. It was as though he were on his first date all over again.

"There's no point in just listening. You have to get all this in your mind."

"Unh..." She had read his mind. He was starting to feel hot under the collar.

"Aah. Well, fine. Basically, follow this schedule. Ready?"

"Y-yeah... Probably." He turned his face down and looked over his outfit. He was keeping it simple in a navy polo shirt and beige chinos.

"Now, it's just about time. Let's start our 'war'—a date."

"Y-yeah." He took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves

He was already standing in front of the public square fountain. That said, because it had been placed immediately outside the commercial park, it functioned as the perfect meeting spot.

"Master" As if parting this sea of people, Shirou's familiar voice reached him.

He turned to look at her. She was beaming so brightly that she was almost more dazzling than the sun. She was not in the usual spirit astral dress but rather a simple white, long-sleeved shirt paired with a knee-length, navy-blue skirt, with a blue ribbon tied around her collar and a pair of simple brown shoes. The outfit suited her so perfectly that it seemed tailor-made.

"Y-you..." He gaped at her and then heard Kotori's voice over his earpiece.

"You should be proud." He heard Kotori's voice once again from the earpiece, "I was watching her, and she stayed up all night deciding what to wear for the date. I was even about to offer her some of my clothes, but it seems she used her spirit's energy to change her outfit."

"Y-yeah," he muttered, dazed. Not only was it not bad—it was very good. For a moment, he couldn't take his eyes off her.


"Uh, oh! Sorry. I spaced out... That looks good on you. Very cute, Shirou"

"...Oh, I'm glad my choice was good enough. I'm not good at women's fashion, but I felt it would be okay if I borrowed the outfit of an old friend once more...Though I didn't know I could change my clothing just by using my prana. Being a Servant is really something."

"Ah...Y-Yeah sure", Shido nodded in response not entirely grasping the full story, "How about starting our date?"

"As you wish, Master."

As Shido started walking, Shirou followed beside him with a smile, "Where should we go as a start, Master?"

"Oh, let's begin by going inside the commercial park. There are a few things I want to show you."

"Good job, Shido," Kotori's voice came through his earpiece, "Take the lead, stay on the plan, and Ellen will provide you with the necessary information,"

"Roger," he whispered in response, ready to follow their carefully crafted plan. One that alongside kotori and Ellen made it the previous night very carefully.


That previous night Inside the Fraxinus, the vast airship, and after Kotori explained the emotional status of Shirou to him. they moved to engage in a serious discussion about how to solve Shirou's emotional struggles.

a simple Date wouldn't work, as the little girl would likely go along with whatever Shido suggested, faking a smile to make herself feel she helped shido to feel happy.

That's why Shido had found himself in deep thought, contemplating the best course of action. He took a seat in one of the chairs within the ship, while Kotori sat at the central console, her fingers moving quickly across the keyboard as data scrolled across numerous screens.

Shido, feeling slightly uncomfortable, finally decided to break the silence, "You have an idea, right? Or am I supposed to plan everything from my side?"

Kotori paused her typing for a moment before continuing. "Well, I can't really blame you. I was the one at fault for making you depend on me fully for such things. It seemed to have dimmed your strategic skills."

Shido sighed in defeat. "You really love mocking me like that, huh?"

"Let's save the jokes for another time. Take a look at this," Kotori said, drawing his attention to one of the screens displaying Shirou's EEG data.

Shido examined the screen, his brows furrowing as he tried to make sense of the complex graphs and numbers. It all seemed like an alien language to him.

"The good news is that she's not entirely emotionally robotic," Kotori stated.

"Y-Yes..." Shido replied, although he still wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to glean from the data.

"I've been analyzing Shirou's brainwave activity during various tasks," Kotori explained, "and when she helps people in general, her brainwaves show a certain pattern of reactions, as I explained a moment ago. But when she was helping you in the kitchen, there's a slight but distinct increase in activity."

Shido furrowed his brow, trying to grasp the significance of this information. "Okay..."

Kotori continued, "I also observed a similar pattern when she watched you working with the kitchen's electrical appliances."

"Okay..." Shido replied though it was clear that he was struggling to fully comprehend.

Kotori paused, realizing her brother's confusion, and sighed in mild exasperation. "Basically, there are things that she genuinely enjoys doing beyond just helping people. We can use cooking and electronic kitchen tools, or even electronic stuff in general, to raise her affection for you."

Shido's eyes widened in understanding. "Oh! So, we can use cooking and kitchen-related activities to connect with her on a deeper level?"

Kotori nodded with a wry smile on her face. "Yes, that's what I've been saying... anyway, To ensure everything goes smoothly, I've called for someone to assist us."


Turning her face toward the command center entrance, Kotori called out, "Ellen-san, you can come now."

The entrance to the command center slid open, revealing Ellen, a beautiful, deceptively young-looking woman with light Nordic blonde hair, purple eyes, pale skin, and a slender body in a black suit who stepped inside with a confident and professional demeanor. Shido's eyes widened as he took in the presence of their unexpected guest.

"Ellen?" Shido inquired, slightly taken aback.

Ellen offered a warm but professional smile. "Nice to see you again, Shido-san, It has been a while since our last meeting."


Ellen Mira Mathers, A former DEM Industries. After the death of Sir Isaac Ray Pelham, Her memories of anything involving him and DEM have been erased, and lately, she took Murasame Riene's role in the Ratatoskr, alongside being an English teacher in Shido's previous higher school, Raizen High School.

She was also the only reremainingember of the Ratatoskr, who stayed in the role to take care of everything, and she was off for a month searching for any clue of where Mio is in the current time. thought she didn't find anything and had been notified about the new spirit appeared by Kotori, and she returned to help.

"Ellen here will inform you of any information you need with your date. the plan is simple. you will take Shirou to the commercial park, and from here we will analyze her brain waves. if we catch anything that caught her attention, we will inform you, and you have to take here there, do you understand?"

With determination in his eyes, he nodded, "Leave it to me"

Flashback End:

Walking side by side with Shirou, Shido was determined to make her fall for him, to save her from whatever she had fallen into.

"Osh, I can do this," he told himself with a confident smile as he reached out and gently took Shirou's hand, leading her into the bustling commercial park.

"From this way, Shirou!" he directed with enthusiasm.

Shirou was momentarily caught off guard by his sudden hand-grab, but she quickly regained her composure and nodded. "Ah, y-yes, Master."

As they continued their stroll through the bustling park, Shido couldn't help but feel a strange sense of anxiety. That was when the reason behind his sense was answered.

"By the way, Shido," Kotori's voice came through his earpiece, "the other girls are stalking you on your date."

Shido froze in his tracks, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead.


"It seems Shirou's magical wand leaked the matter, and all the other girls followed behind you this morning," Kotori explained. "Both Yoshino, Natsumi, and Ruby are lurking nearby, hiding behind a trash can about 20 feet to your right. Tohka, Miku, and Nia are disguised as customers in a small coffee shop on the other side of the road, watching you. Origami is on the second floor of a building next to the park, taking pictures of both of you. Kaguya and Yuzuru are in their Astral dress floating about 500 feet in the air, keeping an eye on you..." Kotori stopped

"W-Why did you stop? Please tell me those two aren't here, Kotori, please!"

Kotori hesitated for a moment before delivering the final blow. "I'm sorry, Shido, but both Mukuro and Kurumi are just 5 steps behind you, hiding in the shadows..."

"Oh, God no..."

He didn't have time to finish his shock before a policeman stopped them just before entering the commercial park, "Excuse me, sir, what's your relationship with this little girl? She's not your sister, right?"

"Hell NAHHHH!!", it was the final, ultimate, max blow for him.


(A/N): This chapter has been rewritten.

I just don't understand why this arc taking me that long. it was supposed to take just around 2K words inside my head, But here we are with over 4,000 words and we still haven't finished it...is it because of my writing style? I don't know.

What is your opinion about the story? did you like it? I hope you leave your opinion.

and that was for today, see ya!!