
Harem Spirits but with whom!!? (Date a live fanfic)

Warning: +18 content and Lemon. Mio didn't die, and Tohka stayed with him. shidou finally had his happy ending, where his loving ones stayed with him. he thought he could finally stay a little away from his typical crazy life... he thought so but... why have Spacequakes suddenly started to appear again? And who are those new Spirits that start to appear without mio involvement?? And why do they claim to be males even though they are in a female body!!!?? kotori: "back too work Onii~Chan Shido: "I thought i had my happy ending" ..... basically a comedy fanfic about gender-bender versions of some male protagonists of some famous works. fem-Shirou, fem-kazuma, fem-Touma, fem-goku, fem-Naoufumi, and so on (you can choose who to involve) grazy idea right? but I got the idea in those weird 3 AM thoughts so I said why not

yatsumi_taki · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Fem Shirou (6)

The commercial park served as a lush oasis amidst the concrete and glass of the city. Towering skyscrapers loomed all around, their reflective glass surfaces mirroring the clear blue sky. At the Commercial park's entrance, a grand arch marked the way to the shopping mall, adorned with colorful banners that welcomed visitors into a world of greenery and serenity.

Hiding behind a trash can near the entrance of the commercial park were two little girls. One had bright blue eyes and long, wavy blue hair, holding a rabbit puppet in her left arm—Yoshino Himekawa. The other, with unkempt green hair and deep emerald eyes, was of a similar height, standing at 144 cm—Natsumi Kyouno.

They observed with wry amusement as Shido did his best to convince a policeman that the girl he was with was a legally aged Loli and was, in fact, 18.

A voice emerged between the two little girls, floating there as Ruby, Shirou's magical wand, spoke, "Oh my, has my Shirou-chan already grown up and started going on dates with her boyfriend? Is this how a mother feels when her children grow up?" 

"Oh, once again Shido-san is taking another girl on a date," Yoshinon, the rabbit puppet in Yoshino's hand said.

"Will they be okay?" With a quiet yet nervous voice, Yoshino shared her thoughts. "Will Shido-san be able to save Shirou-san's heart?"

Remaining silent for a moment, Natsumi didn't respond immediately as she watched Shido finally get rid of the policeman and lead Shirou inside the mall.

"He can," said the little green-haired girl. "Even if things seem impossible for us to solve, he always comes up with a solution. Don't you agree, Yoshino?" Natsumi turned toward Yoshino's face, wearing a cheerful expression. Yoshino responded with a relieved nod.

"You're right."

The previous night, both Natsumi and Yoshino were awake pretending to be asleep, and they had heard the whole conversation between Shirou and Shido. Truth be told, it had touched their hearts deeply. 

Each spirit Shido met had their unique story, a painful past, and the weight of their existence, and Shirou was no exception.

Natsumi and Yoshino had shared their own painful experiences and challenges with Shido, and he had always been there to support them. As Spirits, they understood the turmoil of their newfound existence

"Let's have faith in Shido-san," Yoshino said with a gentle smile, and Natsumi nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, In the corner of the park, hidden behind a group of bustling food stalls, Tohka, Miku, and Nia sat in the quaint coffee shop, trying to act inconspicuously. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they watched Shido and Shirou.

Miku sipped her latte with a smirk, her magenta eyes fixed on Shido. "Well, well, it seems Darling is getting better at this. Maybe I should take notes."

Nia chuckled proudly, her Blue eyes twinkling. "Oh boy, He's really good at making everyone feel special, isn't he?"

Tohka, seated next to them, glanced between the two with a thoughtful expression. "But we must remember our purpose here—to help Shirou open up and connect with Shido."

"Ah, you're right, But how could we help? We don't know the full story behind Shirou-san" Miku asked with a hint of concern.

Nia chimed in, "She did mention something about being a hero, though."

Tohka nodded in agreement. "That's true."

Miku placed her latte down and leaned forward. "Either way, we need to keep a close eye on Darling and Shirou-Chan. They've already entered the Mall."

"Rasiel," Nia murmured, and in an instant, an ornate book materialized, floating in her right hand. "I've got it. Let's discreetly follow them, and if we miss them by any chance, I can find them."

The other two girls nodded in agreement, swiftly setting their drinks aside as they rose from their seats to trail Shido.

In a similar situation, Origami was perched on the second floor of a nearby building, clutching her camera, ready to document every moment of Shido's date.

"Hmm, the target seems to have moved. I'll need to relocate," Origami remarked, adjusting her position.

Unlike the other spirits who were unaware of Shido's plan for the date, Origami had been observing him throughout the night. She knew all the places he intended to take Shirou, and to be honest, they were rather unusual choices for a date – more like a shopping stroll.

Meanwhile, roughly 500 feet above the park, Kaguya and Yuzuru floated in their Astral dresses, discreetly observing Shido and Shirou. They exchanged glances.

"Yuzuru," Kaguya began, her voice hushed, "That brings back memories. It's been about 2 years since the last spirits appeared."

"Agreement, Kaguya. What do you think is the origin of this spirit?"

"Hmm~ I really have no idea, but she seems to be in the same boat as we were back then, don't you think?"

"Wondering, from the previous night's conversation between her and Shido, it certainly seemed to be the case."

"Keh-keh... Either way, the fact that she's now on a date with him means we shouldn't worry about anything. Shido is the mastermind when it comes to saving the hearts of maidens."

"Agreement. We should just keep our eyes on them and see how Shido would capture her heart."


Part 2:

The commercial park served as a lush oasis amidst the concrete and glass of the city. Towering skyscrapers loomed all around, their reflective glass surfaces mirroring the clear blue sky. At the park's entrance, a grand arch marked the way, adorned with colorful banners that welcomed visitors into a world of greenery and serenity.

Inside the bustling shopping mall, Shido and Shirou navigated through the crowds, their footsteps echoing on the shiny, polished floors. The mall was a labyrinth of stores, each one beckoning with bright displays and enticing merchandise.

Shops lined the wide walkways, their glass windows revealing a tempting array of clothing, accessories, and gadgets. Shido couldn't help but glance at some of the store displays, admiring the fashionable mannequins and imagining what Shirou might like.

Taking a moment to look at Shirou beside him, he could see the pink-haired girl's eyes shimmering with curiosity, her head turning forth and back, reflecting the wonder of a child experiencing something new.

"Have you never been inside a shopping mall before?" He couldn't help but ask.

"N-No..." Shido's question caught her off guard for some reason. "I have visited a few times, but they were nowhere as big or sophisticated as this one. Usually, when a Heroic Spirit gets summoned, they receive all the information about the place or timeline they get summoned to. In my case, I didn't receive anything, except for a few details about a different place."

He didn't quite grasp the meaning of the last part, but he decided not to dwell on it. Kotori was listening carefully to the whole conversation through his earpiece.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, he was grateful that their choice of location had piqued her interest.

"By the way, what did you mean by 'a different place'?" Shido tilted his head, puzzled.

"I don't really know."


"All I know is that it is located in Antarctica? The information is blurred in my head."

"...So it's not something like an infinite void?"

"...I really don't know..."Shirou's cheeks twitched slightly, her mouth bent into a frown, and she averted her gaze at a slant.

"...Now that I think about it, Master, I feel like I was sleeping somewhere before coming here."

Shido furrowed his brow, once again failing to fully understand, He decided to leave the matter for both Kotori and Ellen to investigate later. For now, he needed to focus on their date.

As he turned his head, his eyes landed on their first destination. "Shirou." He gently squeezed her hand, using her name as a tender call.

Shirou looked at him with a quizzical expression. "??"

A mischievous smile graced Shido's lips as he declared, "There's something I want to show you." He led her toward a particular shop.

Shirou's eyes fell upon the shop's sign. "An electronic shop?"

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a cool blast of air conditioning. 

 Shelves lined with the latest technology stretched out before them, each one showcasing a dazzling array of smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Large flat-screen TVs displayed vivid images, capturing the attention of passing customers.

Shido strolled alongside Shirou, gesturing towards various products with animated explanations, her eyes sparkled with intrigue as she took in the dazzling array of devices.

"Master, are those phones? Where are the buttons?" Shirou pointed to a display of sleek, buttonless smartphones, her curiosity evident.

Shido smiled, appreciating her inquisitiveness. "those are smartphones. They don't have physical buttons like the older phones. Everything is done through the touch screen."

Shirou leaned in for a closer look, her fascination growing as she observed the screen's responsiveness. "How does this work?" She moved her finger involuntarily toward the phone screen.

"WAHH!" As she touched the screen, a loud voice echoed from the phone, making her jump a few steps away in surprise.

Shido couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "You accidentally activated the voice AI on the phone. It can respond when you touch it, and sometimes it can talk."

Shirou, slightly embarrassed by her reaction, tried to laugh along with him, "Is that how Rin was feeling the whole time?" she thought.

Deciding to leave the Consumer Electronics Section, Shido guided her through the shop, mentioning there was a specific place in the shop he wanted her to see. Shirou's eyes shone with curiosity throughout the journey, her head didn't stop once from moving back and forth.

For someone from 2005, who had been summoned to another timeline in the future, she didn't know where to start in her amazement. The technological advancements that had taken place in less than twelve years were beyond anything she could have imagined.

As they drew nearer to the area that Shido had mentioned, Shirou began to piece together what he meant by a specific place he wanted to show her. This particular section was filled with an array of appliances, blenders, coffee makers, rice cookers, bread makers, and electric can openers. Alongside these electronic marvels, there were also non-electric items like pressure cookers, casserole dishes, and so on...

Shirou's eyes widened as she took in the impressive display of kitchen gadgets, "M-Master...is this where you wanted to bring me?"

Shido nodded with a smile. "Yes, this is the Home Kitchen section. I thought you might find it interesting. These appliances can make cooking and daily life so much easier."

Shirou glanced at the various devices, her voice trailing off in wonder. "T-That..."

As Shido watched her puzzled yet excited expression, a voice echoed through his earpiece. It was Kotori. "Shido, her EEG data is reacting. She's showing real emotions right now. The plan is going well."

"Yeah," he mumbled back, trying to contain his excitement.

Shirou remained motionless for a few seconds, taking in her surroundings. Her eyes sparkled with fascination, and then she began to make her first moves. She strolled over to a display of modern electric pressure cookers, her eyes widening as she recognized them.

"Master, isn't that Presto 6-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker (Model 01264)? No, it's a different model, but from the same company. It looks more... fancy?"

Shido joined her, "That's correct, the one in your hand is (Model 02141), but if my memory serves me right, (Model 01264) was released in 2004, and it wasn't Electric like this one, right?"

"...yeah," she confirmed. Shirou carefully examined the pressure cooker, comparing it to the one she remembered. A big, excited smile lit up her face, and Shido couldn't help but savor the joy in her expression.

Not long after, Shirou's eyes were drawn to another shelf, which displayed various modern rice cookers. Her eyes lit up like a child in a candy store with unlimited sweets. She immediately grabbed the pressure cooker between her hand and waist and moved on to inspect the rice cookers.

"Zojirushi? It's not the same version I once had...the one I had was (NP-HCC10XH - 2004)."

"That's the NP-HCC10XH - 2020 version," Shido chimed in once again, "It has a more modern heating system with additional options. But why didn't you switch to a more contemporary version like the (NS-TSC10 - 2011 model)? It's even more affordable and significantly improved."

"...I didn't have the chance...I was summoned from 2005, Master,"


She didn't give him a chance to ask what she meant, as she had already moved to the next shelf, filled with blenders.

"Vitamix 4500! No, it has the same design but with more buttons," she exclaimed.

The little girl in front of him started to act like one as she reached for the blenders on the shelf. 

She wasn't able to reach the blenders by her hand, so she relied on her gaze for two reasons - one, because both her hands were already busy carrying the cooking rice and the Pressure Cooker, supported by her waist. The other one was because the shelf was simply too high for her to reach.

Even if her hands were free, she was too short to reach it. Shido, after seeing her struggle, let out a sigh and decided to help her, setting aside any questions for later.

With a gentle smile, Shido carefully reached for the blender that Shirou had her eye on. He took it off the shelf and presented it to her, "Here, Shirou. This is the Vitamix A3500 Ascent Series Smart Blender - A more recent model with advanced technology, smart features, digital controls, and a variety of preset programs for blending various recipes and ingredients"

Shirou accepted the blender after putting the rice cooker and the Pressure Cooker down, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she examined it. "Master, you really have so much knowledge in this field."

"O-Oh... Y-You think so..." He reached up to scratch his already flushed cheek, "Well, I've been taking care of the kitchen since I was a kid. I have gathered a lot of information about kitchen stuff over the years."

He didn't lie. Although it had been planned for him to receive the information he would need from Ellen, he found that he didn't actually require it. The whole subject was already well within his field of knowledge.

For someone his age, it would have been expected for him to be interested in things like video games, anime, and sports (which he was). Talking about the kitchen and cooking wouldn't be the first thing people would associate with him.

He was delighted to find someone who shared his favorite hobby and had just as much interest in it as he did. He truly was enjoying this date.

"Oh, it's the Panasonic NN-SN657S Microwave Oven!!"

It seems another item had caught Shirou's interest, this time a long shelf filled with microwaves.


Shido blinked in surprise, watching with great interest as Shirou carefully placed the blender on her head as if it were a quirky kitchen hat. 

With the rice cooker and the pressure cooker still attached to her sides, she wobbled toward the shelf in sheer excitement.

The delight in the young girl's smile, her silly pose with the blender perched on her head, and her hands on her hips, made it seem like she was modeling the latest kitchen fashion.

Shido couldn't help but 'Pfff' stifle a chuckle, pressing a hand to his stomach to keep from laughing aloud.

"Yes, it's the same model from 2004, the NN-SN657S version. I didn't have one back then because it was quite limited and expensive in Japan. I really dreamed of having one."

As he was enjoying the sight of Shirou in from of him, "You're really enjoying yourself there, Shido," his little sister's voice echoed through his earpiece.

"Well," he mumbled back, "I'd be lying if I said no."

"Either way, the plan is going very well. She's already halfway to reaching the emotional level needed for you to seal her powers."

"Is there really a need to do that? I mean, there's no immediate threat we're aware of that could be considered dangerous for her."

"For now, you're right. But there are so many things we're not aware of, like how a new spirit appeared out of nowhere. Also, we can't forget that this spirit could lose control at any time and just explode. She's been holding back her emotions, and after some time, she may not be able to hold them in anymore."

Shido remained silent, deep in thought. He was about to voice his concerns to Kotori when...


He was interrupted by the familiar nickname he used to be called by a certain magical girl.

Raising his eyes toward the source, he was met with an unusual sight.

"What the..."

There stood Shirou, struggling to hold an average family-sized microwave in one hand and an electric pressure cooker in the other. On her head was a blender, and clenched between her teeth was the rice cooker's handle

"MASTA! IS TERE AMY OTER PALACE TO SEE?" (Master! Is there any other place to see?)

Her words were barely comprehensible due to the rice cooker in her mouth, but he grasped what she meant.

"Pfff HAHAHAHHAHHAH" This time he couldn't bear the laugh and burst into laughter

A little confused, Shirou began to realize what she had been doing, the excitement fading as she remembered she didn't have any money to buy all these kitchen appliances. She thought Shido was laughing at her, making fun of her childish antics.

"Master, I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I'll put them back." She stammered, lowering her head, ready to return the items she had picked up.

Shido, still chuckling, reached out and gently placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Let me help you."

"Oh, y-yes, I picked those things up from the-"

"We're buying those items, Shirou. You don't have to return them."

"Huh?" Shirou's eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

"My home is yours, and I think it's time for some upgrades. Plus, if it helps to make your meals even better, I'd be stupid to refuse this offer." Shido smiled warmly.

"Umm...A-Are you sure, Master?"

"Yub, but this microwave... oh, never mind. Let's get a shopping cart and wander some more around the shop. It's barely noon, and we have more time."


(I already have a better microwave at home, but she said she dreamed of having this one. Let's make her dream come true... I just hope I have enough money to buy all that stuff...) Shido thought

Part 3:


Comparing the numbers written on the receipt in his hand with the contents of his wallet, Shidou sighed. He didn't have much left, but luckily it was an amount that he could barely pay off.



It was already past noon by an hour now, and they had stopped at a small family restaurant for lunch. In front of him sat Shirou, her head slightly bowed in guilt as she addressed him.

"...You're just so nice. I know you spent all this money on someone like me..."

"Haaa~" He let out a sigh. "I already told you, this money was spent on both of us, so there's nothing to feel bad about. And even if we say it was spent on you, what's the problem with that? I was the one who asked for a date, so as a man, I have to take care of these things."

"But, still..." She mumbled her guilt not entirely assuaged.

"Let's just enjoy our lunch. You need to keep your energy up, Shirou," Shido encouraged with a warm smile.

With a nod, "Yes, Master...", Shirou obediently followed his suggestion.

They both immersed themselves in their meal, and for a while, there was no need for words. Shido focused on his earpiece, maintaining contact with Kotori and Ellen, strategizing their next steps. Meanwhile, Shirou appeared lost in thought, toying with her lunch using her spoon.

After they had finally finished their meal, they both left the restaurant. Shido had opted for a delivery service to send the items they had purchased to his home, as there was so much to carry and he wanted to walk with Shirou around more freely.

As they walked through the bustling Mall, Shido was in the middle of devising a plan when Shirou's soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Master...Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? Of course, what is it?"

"If you were in a situation where saving the majority came at the cost of the minority, what would you do?"

"A..." The question caught him off guard, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Yet, he saw no harm in giving his honest thought. 

Her question was similar to the classic moral dilemma, akin to the train puzzle, where one must decide to change the train's path to save several people while sacrificing one. 

He saw that question on the internet several times, and if he was honest, he stopped one time to think seriously about it. He was simply planning to give her what he thought was the right thing that day.

At this moment, he didn't realize that answering this question correctly could save someone's heart.

"It will depend on your morals," he began, "If you had the fate of each side at hand, then whatever decision you take will make you evil."

Shirou listened intently before nodding in agreement. "You're right, Mast-"


Shido interrupted her, not finishing yet.

"If that were the case, then the ones we consider heroes are just mere devils in the skin of humans."


Shirou narrowed her brows, uncertain about what he meant, but she remained silent, waiting to hear his point.

"For example, as the doctor example that I gave you the previous night. No one would disagree in calling them heroes, but if we go by that moral standard, if saving one side rather than the other, then a doctor who saves a mother from being killed by the birthing process, leading to the loss of the child in special cases, can never be considered more than evil, because they favorite one life over another."

Shirou contemplated his words for a moment, "But, in this case, the life of the mother should take precedence—"

"Why?" He asked directly.

"..." And Shirou gasped in silence; she didn't know why. She couldn't articulate her reasoning; it just felt like the right thing to do.

"A life is a life, but we humans often assess the value of lives. Regarding your initial question about saving the majority at the expense of the minority, what if I were to tell you that the majority consists of the most notorious criminals in history while the minority comprises innocent children? Would you still prefer to save the majority? Would you even hesitate to rescue the minority? Would you feel guilty for your decision? Can we label your action as evil?"

"N-No, that's not how I intended my question..."

"I understand your intent. You were asking about a situation where both sides are composed of innocent people, correct?"


Unbeknownst to them, their conversation had carried them far from the commercial park. Lost in their discussion, they strolled along a bustling street, bathed in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

"Then may I ask you something before I provide my answer? If the minority consisted of people close to your heart, while the majority represented the whole world, whom would you choose to save?"

At that moment, it was as if a burst of energy left the girl's body, and the people around them started to falter, some dropping to their knees, struggling to breathe, while others were already losing consciousness.

"Shido! What did you do? Her emotional state is plummeting so rapidly; they are already at an inverse level!"

Kotori's voice crackled through his earpiece.

But he paid no heed, his little sister's voice drowned out by the whirlwind of thoughts. He watched in silence as Shirou's once pink hair slowly transformed into a pure white, a dark aura beginning to envelop her.

"I understand it now... You, and the way you acted, your cryptic statements... it all makes sense. You faced such a situation and, based on your reaction, you chose the majority, the world, over the minority—the people you once cherished..."

"Shido! Stop! She's turning inverse—"

"I won't, Kotori. This is my chance to free her. If she can't confront her fear... I will!"

"Master... You said it right?" The little girl spoke, and this time Shido felt a chill run down his spine as her words reached his ears. "Would you save the life of a criminal over an innocent life? You answered no. Now, look at me."

Shido stared at the transformed Shirou, her eyes devoid of the light they once held...No...it was just a fake light from the start.

"A fool who knows his dreams are unattainable but comes anyway. A fraud without a will of his own who's wasted his life on a ridiculous ideal. I am a defect of humanity; I should not have existed in the first place. But here I am, while those who deserved to live are gone, and I'm here, enjoying."

"You're wrong," Shido said simply, his eyes locking onto Shirou's.

Shirou didn't respond at first, but there was a glimmer of emotion in her eyes.

"You saved something, and you held the blame for things out of your control,

"I had the chance-"

"We are only humans, at heart at least," he continued, his fists clenching at his sides as he spoke. "Torturing yourself like that will not change what already happened. You were a hero in some way, whether you accept it or not, it won't change the truth."

She bit her lips, She simply couldn't accept being called by that cursed nickname, not after she failed them.

"If that's what you think, then I'll show the world I've ended up in,"

As the last words left her mouth, the earth beneath their feet began to shatter, its surface cracking and breaking like fragile glass.

"I am the bone of my sword"

The very foundation of reality itself trembled, and an eerie, cerulean glow emanated from the fractures, casting an otherworldly light across the scene.

"Unkown to death nor known to life"

The eerie blue flames, like the manifestation of a mystical inferno, began to rise from the shattered earth. Shido the whole time didn't move his gaze once from the little girl, his body didn't flinch.

 "Unlimited Blade Works."

And in the next instant, the whole world changed across his eyes.


(A/N): damn....more than 4300 words...

I was really determined to finish Shirou's arc in this chapter, but it's just impossible.

I could have rushed through everything, but that would hardly do justice to Shirou's character.

I'm striving to capture Shirou's personality accurately, and it's really hard.

Man, I look forward to starting with Kazuma; his character is fun and easier to write.

Well, if I am correct this time, the next chapter should be the last, and then we can move on to Kazuma...

That was for today..see ya!!