

I fell asleep on the roof by accident.

My mom almost had a heart attack as she looked everywhere for me. She even called the police. They found me on the roof sleeping.

At 3:00 am my parents had a huge fight every time I heard them yelling I somehow felt emotions rushing through me the more they argued the more emotions I felt.

I was…. Scared.

I wondered why I felt emotions when they fought. I sat near my door where I could hear what my parents were saying

"what makes a person's emotions?"

I whispered to myself. After a while I fell asleep again. I guess I haven't slept in a few days.

In the morning I woke up near my door

"eh… why do I wake up in the most random places?"

I heard the front door slam


I heard my mom searching for her keys. I got up and started rushing around. I got dressed in my uniform, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs. I put my shoes on and ran to my bike. I rode my bike to school. I had to ride my bike fast or I'd be late and the gates would be closed. When I got to school I just made it in time. I got inside and changed into my indoor shoes and ran into my classroom. As soon as I got into my classroom the bell rang. I sighed and sat at my desk

"So are you ready to meet the first person?"

Nakame said excitedly. I forced a smile. It looked dull and forced. Nakame looked at me with a smile of concern

" hey ash you don't need to force a smile…"

Nakame said concerningly. I nodded slightly. The teacher came into the classroom and started teaching. I was not interested in what the teacher was teaching. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

Soon after I realized I had fallen in a long hallway that was dark and creepy…

I walked down the hallway cautious. I felt like someone was behind me so I started sprinting. It felt like it was moving faster.

This hallway felt like it was going on forever.

I slowly started to lose breath. It came closer and closer.

I tried to run faster but my legs were too worn out. I pushed myself to my limit. I was worn out but I kept going. Sweat was running down my face.

Soon after I saw three doors my eyes widened, one door was red and one door was blue. The third door had a death sign. I knew two of them had to be a trap. So I ran into the death door. I closed my eyes ready for whatever was in there. Nothing happened so I opened my eyes to see something weird, something I've never seen before. Something that would only exist in fairy tales. Trees with a light around them. Tall grass. Mushrooms with eyes. Eyes with wings in the sky. Then I closed my eyes and opened them again and I was back in reality. Turns out it was a dream sure didn't feel like it though. And Nakame had been trying to wake me up for the past two minutes. I was hyperventilating in my sleep and I was sweating aggressively. I wondered why that was happening when it was just a dream?

Nakame suggested I go to the nurses office and rest for a while.

When I was walking to the nurses office I ran into a girl who was heading in the opposite direction. I looked at her while she looked like she didn't know what to say or what to do. I have never seen her in school so she must be a loner of some sort. She slowly looked up at me

" u-um I'm sorry… I didn't see you there"

she said she looked as if she didn't really show emotion. Kinda like me. I obviously ignored her and continued walking to the nurses office. I can feel her glare from a mile away obviously I'm exaggerating. I turned around and looked at her and she looked back at me

"w-what are you looking at"

the girl exclaimed in a slightly sassy tone. I stared at her with disbelief

"girl you were looking at me first"

I said and crossed my arms. Her eyes widened by my comment

"y-you rat"

she said under her breath. Her glare stung like a bee but then her expression stopped for a second

"o-oh you must be the boy Nakame w-was talking about…"

She stopped for a moment. Her gaze stopped on my face and her eyes closed as if she spaced out. Her eye's trailed off on my chest. I walked up to her and flicked her forehead

"ya know girl it's rude to stare even if you're observing. You idiot!"

I walked away

"stupid boy"

she snarled under her breath. When I got to the nurses office there was a guy. He was tall with broad shoulders. His hair was light brown, his eyes were light blue and his eyes had an almond shape. I walked to the nurse and explained everything to her and the guy was still standing there. The nurse and the guy looked concerned

"Liam, can you help ash I am a little busy right now I have to give these papers to the principal."

he looked at me and it seemed he was too stunned to speak "but mother I have never done anything like this what if-'' the boy named Liam said. I was absolutely shocked how this guy Liam is the nurse's kid. After a while he found nothing wrong with me and said I should just rest a lot and that it's probably from stress. While I was laying in the nurses bed I was staring at the ceiling thinking about my dream. It was unlikely of me to be thinking about a dream I've had, but something about that dream that made me tingle. I closed my eyes and my thoughts disappeared. My mind started drifting off. Next thing you know I was asleep. My dream was nothing but pitch black all I heard was my parents fighting. I didn't think something like this could turn into a dream. I was woken up by a single water droplet. I looked around and I saw Nakame had a cup of water. His damn smirk was always there with him except if something bad had happened. I kind of stared off

"hey how long are you going to keep staring it's making me blush"

" I'm not staring, I'm just looking past you"

I tried to make eye contact but his eyes were closed of course. My face felt hot and I looked away. I wonder what this emotion is called?

I took a deep breath and looked at Nakame. He always had this smirk. His damn smirk was creepy. I think that's what you called someone like him.

He giggled

"you're cute when you try to hide"

he exclaimed he always has his way with his words. His eyes widened as if he remembered something to tell me he took a long look at me and a smile appeared on his face

"So you met Liz haven't you?"

he said expressing. I thought for some time and realized that he was talking about the girl who called me stupid boy. He told me about her for a while and left so I can rest more. I mean I guess I was working a little too hard. I felt like I needed to ask Nakame something like… OH I wanted to ask him what love is like. The bell rang for lunch. I was going to go but Liam disturbed me

"Hey, you don't have to go. I will get your lunch for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Uhm maybe some ramen I guess"

I looked at him wondering what was wrong with him. His tone of voice was like he wanted me to stay here. He might be…


I took a look around the nurses. It was so clean…


I looked over and saw Liam burst through the door with white bags of food.

He walked over with a grin of…. Joy?

He sat beside me still grinning.

He took out my ramen and made it.

He took out some chopsticks and gave them to me. I blew lightly on the ramen and ate it.

"So who are you friends with?" Liam gave me a cold look.

"Nakame the creepy guy… why?" I don't know why he needed to know

"Oh because I wanted to know if I could be friends with you?" he looked angered by my answer but I brushed it off.

After we ate he did a little check on me to make sure I was really ok.

"Hey- uh nevermind…" he looked away nervously.

I laid back down to think about the meaning of my dream. But then I just ignored it. It was meaningless to think about dream's but it was still lingering in my head so I tried shutting it out.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam patted my head

"Oh nothing worth thinking about" I sighed greatly enough for Liam to start worrying.

" Well if you say so just remember I'm here and I care" Liam patted my head again.

'Bruh we just met!' Is what I wanted to say but I didn't.