
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Yukigaoka Volleyball Club

It was the beginning of the new school year, marking the start of our third year in middle school. Shoyo and I were excited about the possibilities and challenges that lay ahead.

Over the past year, Shoyo had been diligently following the exercise regimen I recommended, and it had paid off.

He had grown from 5'4" to 5'6", which made me proud of his progress. Not only did he focus on physical fitness, but he also followed my advice on maintaining a balanced diet to support his growth.

Fast forward to the present moment, I found myself in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the three of us: Shoyo, Natsu, and myself. Our mother was absent, and occupied with her work, so I had taken on the responsibility of cooking in her absence as the eldest sibling.

As I worked in the kitchen, I heard Shoyo's tired voice greeting me, "Good morning, Aniki."

I turned around and noticed Shoyo, with his disheveled hair and rubbing his sleepy eyes.

With a smile, I replied, "Good morning, Shoyo. Did you sleep well?"

Shoyo nodded slowly, his fatigue evident. He approached me and eagerly observed the food I was preparing. His tiredness was instantly replaced by excitement when he spotted something in particular.

"Aniki, is that bacon?!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Amused by his sudden change in mood, I chuckled and confirmed his guess.

"Yes, it is. I thought we could celebrate the start of our third year of middle school with a special breakfast."

"I see," Shoyo acknowledged, looking pleased.

He then hopped onto the kitchen counter and asked, "Aniki, can you help me with something?"

"What is it, Shoyo?" I inquired while keeping a watchful eye on the bacon sizzling in the pan.

I have a feeling that Shoyo is going to ask me for help in looking for members for a volleyball club.

"Well," Shoyo began, "I want to find members for a volleyball club."

As I expected, Shoyo's request aligned with the storyline from the manga. Yukigaoka Middle School lacked a boys' volleyball team, so it made perfect sense for Shoyo to seek my help in assembling a team.

I nodded in understanding, "I see. You want to create a volleyball club for the guys."

Shoyo's face lit up with anticipation, confirming my assumption.

He hopped off the counter and stood before me, eyes shining with hope. "Yeah, that's right. Will you help me?"

Setting the plate of cooked bacon aside, I met Shoyo's gaze, fully committed to supporting his dream. "Of course, Shoyo. I'll be glad to help."

Pure joy radiated from Shoyo as he embraced me tightly, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, Aniki!" he exclaimed with heartfelt enthusiasm.

I chuckled affectionately, running my fingers through his tousled hair. "You're welcome, Shoyo. It's no problem at all," I reassured him, reciprocating the warm embrace.

I don't see any problems in helping him. As long as I don't


Me and Shoyo are now in front of one of the two volleyball gymnasiums within the school.

"Aniki, what are we doing here?" Shoyo asked me.

I have asked permission from one of the teachers in the faculty room and they granted me permission and gave me the key to this gym.

"I'm going to teach you some basics of Volleyball," I said as I turned to Shoyo.

Shoyo's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and anticipation. "You know how to play volleyball?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Understanding the significance of Shoyo's aspiration to create a volleyball club, I recognized the importance of equipping him with a solid foundation in the sport. It would be embarrassing if the captain of the volleyball team lacked fundamental skills.

With a reassuring nod, I confirmed Shoyo's question. "Yes, I do. I've played volleyball before."

Taking the key in hand, I approached the gymnasium door. Inserting the key into the lock, I turned it with a satisfying click, signaling our entry into the hallowed grounds of volleyball training.

Stepping inside, we were greeted by the sight of a well-maintained gymnasium. The polished wooden floors stretched out before us, pristine and ready to bear witness to our journey. The walls were adorned with colorful motivational posters, showcasing inspirational messages and images of accomplished volleyball players.

Shoyo's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to me, curiosity etched across his face.

"Aniki, how come you never told me that you know how to play volleyball?" he asked, his voice tinged with both astonishment and a hint of playfulness.

I met his gaze, a mischievous smile forming on my lips. "Well, Shoyo," I replied, my voice laced with a teasing tone, "that's because you never asked me before."

Shoyo let out a good-natured sigh, a mixture of amusement and mock exasperation evident in his expression. "I should have seen that answer coming," he said, shaking his head with a hint of a smile.

Amused by his reaction, I reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately. "Don't worry, Shoyo. I've got plenty of volleyball knowledge to share with you now," I reassured him, my tone warm and encouraging.

Realizing there were tasks at hand, I shifted my attention to the practical aspect. "Shoyo, could you help me fetch some volleyballs?" I asked, the request accompanied by a friendly tone.

Shoyo nodded eagerly, his energy revitalized by the prospect of actively participating in our training session.

Shoyo and I ventured further into the gymnasium. Making our way toward the equipment storage area, we located a stack of vibrant volleyballs neatly arranged in a corner.

Together, Shoyo and I grabbed a few volleyballs, the smooth texture of the balls fitting comfortably in our hands.

The weight and familiarity of the equipment reminded me of the countless hours I had spent practicing and honing my skills in my previous life.

With the volleyballs in hand, we made our way back to the center of the gymnasium. Finding an open area, I gestured for Shoyo to stand beside me.

"All right, Shoyo, let's start with some warm-up exercises," I began, placing the volleyballs on the floor. "We'll begin by focusing on your footwork and agility."

I guided Shoyo through a series of dynamic warm-up drills, emphasizing the importance of proper foot placement and quick movements.

We practiced side shuffles, high knees, and lateral lunges to activate his muscles and prepare his body for the volleyball training session ahead.

With a firm clap of my hands, I asserted, "Okay then," capturing Shoyo's attention. "I will teach you some basic skills in volleyball, starting with the proper form for receiving."

I positioned myself in front of Shoyo, using visual cues to guide him through the receiving technique. With careful precision, I demonstrated the ideal body posture, the angle of the arms and hands, and the positioning of the feet. Shoyo's eyes were fixed on my every move, absorbing the details of the technique.

Surprisingly, as I tossed the ball towards Shoyo, he instinctively adopted the correct receiving form and successfully received the ball.

I couldn't hide my astonishment, considering that receiving had been one of Shoyo's weakest skills in the anime. The receive he demonstrated in that moment was truly remarkable.

Caught off guard by Shoyo's swift progress, I momentarily drifted into my thoughts.

"Did I do great, Aniki?"

Shoyo's question snapped me back to reality, and I smiled at him, impressed by his performance.

"Yes! That was great, Shoyo!" I commended him, a sense of pride swelling within me.

Shoyo beamed with satisfaction, grateful for the encouragement. "Thanks, Aniki!" he replied, his voice filled with gratitude and determination.

Eager to capitalize on the positive momentum, I swiftly redirected our focus. "Okay, let's proceed with a simple service," I suggested, leading Shoyo toward the serving line.

As we positioned ourselves, I provided Shoyo with step-by-step instructions on executing the underhand serve. I emphasized the importance of a consistent toss, a fluid arm swing, and well-timed contact with the ball. Shoyo absorbed my guidance attentively, demonstrating his eagerness to learn.

With a ball in hand, Shoyo took his position behind the serving line, mirroring the technique I had just shown him. With a focused gaze, he executed the underhand serve, sending the ball sailing over the net and successfully landing on the other side of the court.

Once again, I found myself surprised by his progress. In the anime, serving had been one of Shoyo's weakest areas, and yet here he was, showcasing a remarkable improvement.

Pondering the reasons behind his rapid development, I couldn't help but wonder if my training exercises and dietary recommendations had played a role.

Although uncertain, I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that my efforts may have contributed to Shoyo's progress.

This version of Shoyo seemed to possess a unique determination and adaptability that set him apart from his anime counterpart.

Shoyo turned to me, anticipation in his eyes. "How was that, Aniki?" he asked, seeking my evaluation.

A warm smile spread across my face as I reached out to ruffle his hair. "That was great, Shoyo!" I praised him, genuine pride resonating in my voice.

Shoyo's eyes brimmed with joy and gratitude. "Thank you, Aniki!" he expressed, his appreciation evident in his heartfelt response.

Observing Shoyo's progress and enthusiasm, a sense of reassurance washed over me. While challenges and obstacles may still lie ahead, seeing Shoyo's determination and improvement instilled confidence that together, we would overcome any hurdles standing in our way.


"Hello, do you want to be part of the volleyball club?" I approached a random male schoolmate, continuing my efforts to recruit new members.

After two hours of persuasion, my recruitment campaign was progressing well.

"S-Sure, Hinata-San!" the male replied, his voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Using my reputation from winning tennis tournaments, I utilized my established presence in the school to convince others to join.

A smile formed on my face as I expressed my satisfaction. "Great! See you later at volleyball gym #1 at 4 PM!" I informed him.

Nodding in agreement, the male schoolmate walked away, likely eager to participate.


Just then, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to find Koji and Izumi approaching me. I greeted them with a smile, walking towards them.

"Koji-San and Izumi-San!" I exclaimed, acknowledging their presence.

Izumi couldn't help but ask for clarification. "Are you Shoyo-San or Sora-San?"

He inquired, still occasionally mixing up me and my twin brother, Shoyo, despite our long-standing friendship.

Chuckling lightly, I clarified, "I'm Sora," distinguishing myself from my brother once again.

Realizing their confusion, Izumi scratched the back of his head in apology. "Ah! Sorry about that, Sora-San," he said sheepishly.

Seizing the opportunity, I decided to invite both Koji and Izumi to join the volleyball club. In the anime, they joined the volleyball club despite the fact that they already joined a club.

"No problem at all," I reassured them. "By the way, would you guys be interested in joining the volleyball club?" I asked, awaiting their response.

Koji and Izumi exchanged glances, raising their eyebrows in curiosity.

"Why are you recruiting members for the volleyball club, Sora-San?" Koji inquired, seeking clarification.

"Well, Shoyo wants to create a volleyball club specifically for boys since there isn't one currently," I explained. "I want to support him ."

Understanding my intentions, Koji nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see," he acknowledged.

Izumi surprised Koji by speaking up first, expressing his decision. "I'll join," he declared, affirming his interest in the volleyball club.

Koji, initially hesitant, observed Izumi's determination before relenting. "Wait, are you sure? What about your basketball club?" he questioned.

Izumi reassured Koji, asserting his ability to manage his time effectively. "I can handle both. Besides, we're allowed to participate in two clubs simultaneously," he explained.

Koji sighed, ultimately relenting to Izumi's resolve. "Fine. If you're joining, then count me in too," he conceded. "I also want to support Shoyo-San."

A genuine smile spread across my face, appreciating their willingness to join. "Thanks, guys. Meet us later at volleyball gym #1 at 4 PM!" I reminded them.

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of our conversation, we dispersed, each of us carrying a sense of anticipation for the upcoming volleyball club gathering.


4 PM

"Shoyo, how many people were you able to recruit?" I asked as we walked side by side towards the volleyball gymnasium.

Shoyo's voice carried a tinge of disappointment as he responded, "I didn't get that many. They weren't that interested."

His eyes turned to me, curiosity and hope evident in his gaze. "What about you, Aniki?" he inquired.

Feeling a sense of responsibility to lift his spirits, I couldn't help but smile as I shared the positive outcome. "I managed to recruit many people," I replied, watching Shoyo's eyes light up with newfound optimism.

"Really?! Thanks, Aniki!" Shoyo exclaimed, gratitude and excitement evident in his voice.

Chuckling softly, I reassured him, "It's no problem, Shoyo. I'm glad I could help."

As we continued our conversation, Shoyo suddenly remembered something important. "Ah! I forgot about something!" he exclaimed, his brows furrowing in realization.

Curious, I raised an eyebrow, prompting him to explain. "What is it, Shoyo?"

Concerned about my involvement with the Tennis Club, Shoyo voiced his question. "What about your Tennis Club, Aniki?"

Quickly putting his worries at ease, I assured him, "Oh, don't worry about that. My advisor told me it's okay as long as I don't overwork myself."

Recalling the moment Shoyo saw the "Tiny Giant" on TV, I had taken the initiative to discuss joining the volleyball club with my tennis club advisor.

He granted permission, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between the two sports.

Shoyo's response reflected his understanding, "I see," he replied.

Finally arriving in front of the gymnasium door, I slid it open, revealing a scene that warmed my heart. Inside, I spotted ten individuals, along with Koji and Izumi, who seemed unaware of our presence.

With a smile on my face, I glanced at Shoyo, who reciprocated the smile. Feeling a surge of pride and excitement, I tapped him on the shoulder and whispered, "Go on, say something, captain."

Responding to my prompt, Shoyo clapped his hands together, capturing the attention of those present. "Welcome to the volleyball club! I'm your captain, Hinata Shoyo!" he announced confidently.

Watching Shoyo step into his role as captain, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as his older twin brother. Witnessing his growth and leadership abilities filled me with joy and anticipation for the journey ahead.