
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Shoyo's Awakening

It's been many years and I and Shoyo are now in our 2nd year of middle school, which makes us 14 years old. Me and Shoyo enrolled at Yukigaoka Junior High just like in the anime.

It's not just me and Shoyo that enrolled there, Koji and Izumi also joined, making us closer than before.

Speaking of Shoyo, he still has not developed a passion for Volleyball which made me worried. He has been joining different kinds of Sports clubs for fun, but for some reason, he still has not joined the Tennis club and Volleyball club.

It makes sense he didn't join Volleyball since Yukigaoka Junior High doesn't have any Volleyball teams for boys. But for not joining the Tennis Club? I have no idea. I'm in the Tennis Club, so, how come he doesn't wanna join? I still have not asked him about it yet.

There's also the fact that 6 years ago, our mother gave birth to Natsu, our little sister. I and Shoyo would often dote on Natsu due to how adorable she is.

But do you know what happened to me? Well, I joined different Tennis competitions during my elementary days. Thanks to my experience in my previous, I have been demolishing my opponents.

A lot of people were surprised at me since I was capable of defeating kids that were twice my age and physical size, and that slightly made me popular in Japan.

Anyway, let's all go to the present situation...

Right now, I am currently in the middle of a tennis stadium.

"Let us all welcome, this year's champion in National Tennis Middle School Tournament, Sora Hinata!" The announcer said as the whole crowd cheered.

Yes, you read that right. I won this year's National Tennis Middle School Tournament. I also won last year, by the way, not bragging or anything.

Unfortunately, Shoyo, Natsu, and Mother are not among the crowds. Shoyo has to stay for school lessons and watch out for Natsu while Mom was busy with work. Even though Mom is busy, she was still supportive of me.

I then held my trophy up in my arms and the crowd cheered louder.


Time skip

With the trophy firmly in my hands, I began my journey home. As I walked, strangers passing by would notice the trophy and congratulate me on my victory.

Each time, I graciously responded with a heartfelt "Thank you," appreciating their kind words.

After a while, I finally arrived at the familiar front door of my house. Opening it, I stepped inside and called out, "I'm home!"

To my delight, Shoyo was there to welcome me.

He quickly approached me and enveloped me in a tight hug. "Congratulations, Aniki!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with pride.

I chuckled warmly and affectionately ruffled his hair. "Thanks, Shoyo. I couldn't have done it without your support," I replied, reciprocating the hug.

By the way, Shoyo had grown taller than his manga or anime counterpart, thanks to the training exercises I had been encouraging him to do. I also made sure to provide him with foods that would help him grow taller at his age.

In his middle school form, which was his current state, Shoyo stood at an impressive height of 5'4". I was genuinely happy to see him taller in this world, knowing that his increased height would greatly benefit him in his volleyball journey.

Also, I was still slightly taller than him, standing two inches taller in height.

Shoyo gently pulled away from the hug, excitement twinkling in his eyes. "Aniki, I made some food. You should join us!" he suggested, eagerly inviting me to the dining room.

I nodded, appreciating his gesture. "Sure, you go ahead. I'll just take a moment to arrange my things," I replied, indicating that I needed to put away my belongings.

Shoyo nodded in agreement and made his way back to the dining room.

I took off my shoes and carefully placed them on the shoe rack before proceeding to the dining area. As I entered, I was greeted by the heartwarming sight of Shoyo attempting to feed our little sister Natsu, who looked absolutely adorable.

I couldn't help but smile at the scene before joining them at the table, ready to enjoy the meal Shoyo had prepared.


The next day...

The morning sunlight cast a warm glow on the path ahead as Shoyo and I walked side by side toward our school. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, creating a soothing backdrop to our conversation.

"Aniki, can I ask you something?"

Shoyo's sudden question interrupted the tranquility, causing me to furrow my brow in confusion. However, I quickly replaced it with a reassuring smile, assuring him that he could confide in me.

"Sure, you can ask anything from me," I replied, my voice filled with genuine warmth and curiosity.

A grateful smile illuminated Shoyo's face, and he nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Aniki," he said softly. "Aniki, what should I do in my life?" he asked, his voice a mixture of vulnerability and uncertainty.

His question caught me off guard, and a wave of surprise and concern washed over me. I hadn't expected Shoyo, at his young age, to be grappling with such profound questions about his purpose and fulfillment. Suddenly, his involvement in various clubs and activities made perfect sense.

Curiosity mingled with concern, and I inquired, "Why are you asking that, Shoyo? What's been going on?"

Shoyo's gaze dropped momentarily, his eyes tinged with a hint of gloom. "Well... I've been joining different sports clubs, trying to find my passion, but I haven't felt that spark. I even ventured into non-sports clubs, hoping to discover something that resonates with me, but I quickly grew bored," he confessed, his voice carrying a sense of disappointment.

Once again, I found myself surprised by Shoyo's candidness and vulnerability. It was clear that he needed guidance and support in this moment of uncertainty. I chose my words carefully, aiming to provide reassurance and understanding.

"I understand how you feel, Shoyo," I began, my voice filled with empathy.

"It can be disheartening and frustrating when you're trying different activities and not finding that spark of passion right away. But remember, finding your true passion takes time and exploration. It's completely normal to go through this process of self-discovery."

Shoyo met my gaze, a glimmer of hope returning to his eyes. "I guess so, but it's just frustrating to not know what truly excites me," he confessed, a touch of longing in his voice.

A soft smile graced my lips as I nodded, fully understanding his sentiment. "Absolutely, Shoyo," I replied.

"It's natural to yearn for that special something that ignites your enthusiasm. Have you taken some time to reflect on your interests, values, and strengths? Sometimes, exploring your own preferences and what truly resonates with you can help in discovering your passion."

Shoyo sighed, a tinge of disappointment lingering. "I've been trying to think about it, but nothing stands out. It's like I haven't found my 'thing' yet," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration.

I reached out to pat his shoulder gently, conveying my support. "That's okay, Shoyo," I reassured him.

"Remember, this journey of self-discovery is unique for everyone. It's not about rushing to find a specific 'thing,' but rather about exploring different avenues and allowing yourself to be open to new experiences. Sometimes, your passion may come from unexpected places." I continued.

His eyes met mine, a mixture of understanding and uncertainty. "I guess you're right. It's just hard to keep trying when I haven't found that sense of fulfillment yet," Shoyo replied, a tinge of vulnerability in his voice.

Understanding his sentiment, I nodded in agreement. "I understand it can be challenging," I acknowledged. "But don't lose hope, Shoyo. Finding your passion is a process, and it takes time. Remember, it's okay to try and discard activities that don't resonate with you. It's all part of narrowing down your options and getting closer to what truly sparks your interest."

Shoyo's expression softened, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks for understanding, Aniki. Your support means a lot to me," he expressed sincerely.

A warm smile spread across my face as I tousled his hair affectionately. "Of course, Shoyo. As your big brother, I'm here for you every step of the way," I assured him. "If you need someone to bounce ideas off or explore new activities together, count on me."

I paused for a moment, allowing my words to sink in. "Just remember, your journey of self-discovery is unique and worth embracing. You'll find your passion, and I'll be right there cheering you on," I concluded, my voice filled with genuine encouragement.

Shoyo met my gaze with a grateful look, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of hope. "Thanks, Aniki. I really appreciate your encouragement and support. It gives me hope to keep searching," he expressed, gratitude lacing his words.

After that, a comfortable silence enveloped us, filled with understanding and reassurance. We continued our walk in harmony, each lost in our own thoughts.

After our journey, the familiar school gates came into view, welcoming us back to the bustling premises. As we entered, the vibrant atmosphere was filled with the eager anticipation of another day of learning and friendship. Among the crowd, our friends Koji and Izumi stood out, their expressions a mix of excitement and admiration.

"Sora-San, congratulations on winning at the National Tennis Middle School Tournament!" Izumi's eyes shimmered with genuine joy as he spoke, his voice brimming with admiration for my achievement.

Koji, unable to contain his enthusiasm, joined in, his voice filled with awe. "Sora-San, your skills on the tennis court were unmatched!"

Blushing slightly, I scratched my cheek and offered a modest smile. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate your kind words. I have to admit, I may have gotten lucky along the way."

Shoyo, always the enthusiastic one, playfully punched my shoulder. "Come on, Aniki, no need to be so humble! You dominated the tournament with your sheer talent and determination."

Koji nodded in agreement, his excitement evident. "He's right, Sora-San. You emerged victorious through your hard work and dedication."

Izumi, though not as vocal, expressed his agreement with a nod, silently acknowledging the remarkable achievement.

Grateful for their support, I smiled warmly and sighed, "Well, if you guys say so. I'm grateful to have friends like you who believe in me."

Together, we made our way toward the school building, our footsteps echoing with a sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm.


As club activities concluded, I made my way towards the school gates. In the distance, I spotted Shoyo standing patiently, seemingly waiting for me.

"Hey, Shoyo!" I called out, my voice filled with warmth.

Shoyo turned towards me, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Aniki!" he greeted me with enthusiasm.

Walking towards each other, Shoyo expressed his need to buy some paper and asked if I could accompany him. Without hesitation, I agreed, eager to lend a hand.

Together, we embarked on a short journey toward a nearby stationery store. As we walked, enjoying the pleasant afternoon, an unexpected sight caught my attention.

Perched high in a tree, a cat teetered on the edge, on the brink of a potential fall. Reacting instinctively, I sprang into action, moving swiftly to catch the cat in my arms, preventing any harm.

"Phew, that was a close one," I exhaled with relief, gently patting the cat on the head before setting it down. The grateful feline quickly scampered away, seemingly unharmed.

Though the incident ended well, a subtle shift in the atmosphere left me with an uneasy feeling. Sensing something amiss, I turned to find Shoyo standing still, his gaze lost in thought.

"Shoyo, what's the matter?" I inquired, my voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

His silence only deepened my intrigue, compelling me to follow his gaze and discover the source of his captivation.

To my surprise, Shoyo's attention was fixated on an intricately designed electronic device—a television broadcasting an enthralling volleyball match. My eyes widened as I recognized the intensity of the game unfolding before us.

On the screen, the renowned "Little Giant" showcased extraordinary skills, delivering a spike that reverberated with exhilaration and admiration from the crowd.

In that moment, it became evident that Shoyo's latent passion for volleyball had awakened. The sport's vibrant energy, coupled with the awe-inspiring talents of its players, ignited a fire within him, propelling his dreams and aspirations to new heights.

I turned to observe Shoyo's face, witnessing a remarkable transformation of amazement, wonder, and unwavering determination.

A knowing smile curved upon my lips as I grasped the significance of this revelation.

"It seems the canon story is about to begin," I murmured, fully aware that Shoyo's path into the world of volleyball would unfold, offering myriad opportunities and challenges that would shape his future.