
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Reunion of Two Crows and One Cat

Author's Note:

I forgot that there's a Webnovel version of this fanfic.

If you want more chapters, you check the Wattpad version of this fanfic thought there might be slight changes.

Anyways, I hope ya'll enjoy.


"Alright, gear up, everyone! Our showdown with Nekoma in the practice match is just around the corner," Coach Ukai declared enthusiastically.

The Karasuno squad disembarked from the bus, greeted by a chorus of yawns and stretches.

"Haa!" Sora let out a big yawn, stretching his arms wide.

Seizing the opportunity, Shora playfully draped his arms around Shoyo's shoulders, pleading, "Sho, I'm still in dreamland; can you be my wake-up call and give me a piggyback ride?"

Shoyo, smiled and replied, "Nope."

Sora, feeling a tad dramatic, gasped theatrically. "My little brother doesn't care about me?! How dreadful!"

Shoyo rolled his eyes in good humor and strolled towards the gymnasium.

Sora sighed, accepting his fate, and followed Shoyo toward the gymnasium.

As they walked, Shoyo spotted Kenma by the door of the gymnasium.

Eager to confirm Sora's information, Shoyo approached him and called out, "Kenma!"

"Hmm?" Kenma turned around, noticing Shoyo.

Shoyo observed Kenma's uniform, realizing that Sora's earlier revelation about Kenma playing for Nekoma was accurate.

"So, you do play for Nekoma. Aniki was right," Shoyo remarked, a mix of curiosity and excitement in his voice.

"Yeah," Kenma responded with his characteristic calm demeanor.

Sora, exuding enthusiasm, wrapped his arm around Shoyo and chimed in, "Hey there, Kenma! Nice to see you again!"

Kenma acknowledged with a simple, "Nice to see you again," maintaining his characteristic calm demeanor.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The trio turned around to find a guy with thick eyebrows and a blonde mohawk approaching – none other than Taketora Yamamoto.

"What do you two think you're doing with our setter?" Yamamoto questioned, attempting to intimidate the twins.

However, Shoyo and Sora remained unfazed. Having faced more formidable challenges, a confrontation with Yamamoto didn't rattle them.

Besides, Sora, with his quick wit, had dealt with worse situations before, and Shoyo was always ready to back him up.

Sora seized the opportunity to tease Yamamoto about his distinctive haircut, "Nice mohawk, by the way. Are you auditioning for a new hairstyle trend?"

Yamamoto's forehead bulged with irritation. "Hah? Who do you think you're talking to?" he retorted, his tough demeanor not easily swayed.

"Hey..." Kenma interjected, addressing Yamamoto.

"And you!"

The trio turned around to find Tanaka, adding his imposing presence to the scene.

"What are you doing with our Carrot Twins, huh?" Tanaka questioned, attempting to intimidate Yamamoto.

"What?" Yamamoto retorted.

"Wanna fight, City Boy?" Tanaka challenged, his bravado adding to the tension in the air.

As the two argued, Sora, Shoyo, and Kenma observed, exchanging glances.

In their minds, they couldn't help but picture a metaphorical fire blazing in the background, accentuating the intensity of the heated argument between Tanaka and Yamamoto.

Sugawara approached Tanaka from behind and said, "Of course, we're going to fight. We're having a match. And don't say 'City Boy.' It's not cool."

"Eh?" Tanaka mumbled, momentarily taken aback.

Meanwhile, a guy with short sandy blonde hair and brown eyes stepped up behind Yamamoto, advising him, "Yamamoto, stop picking fights. It makes you look stupid."

It was none other than Morisuke Yaku.

"Eh?" Yamamoto echoed, a sense of humiliation washing over him.

Feeling the weight of their embarrassment, the two begrudgingly stood off to the side. Yaku, taking responsibility, approached Sugawara and apologized, "I'm sorry about that; he's a bit too much."

Sugawara chuckled and replied, "No worries. Ours is too!"

Yamamoto's eyes suddenly widened with interest when he spotted Kiyoko standing behind Tanaka, his surprise catching Tanaka off guard.

Kiyoko's hair glowed as it flowed with the wind, and her beauty shone under the sunlight, making her presence quite captivating.

"T-they have a female manager!" Yamamoto exclaimed, his attention diverted by the unexpected sight.

Sora couldn't help but find the scene amusing, thinking, 'Man, seeing this in real life is something.'

Meanwhile, Kageyama approached the twins and inquired, "Hey, how did you two know them?"

Shoyo turned to Kageyama and replied, "We met him when we were doing road training. He's Nekoma's setter."

Kageyama's interest was piqued. "Setter?"

The mention of the position seemed to set something off in Kageyama.

Shoyo couldn't help but notice a fiery intensity in Kageyama's eyes as if the mere mention of a setter had ignited a passionate spark within him.

Tsukishima approached them and remarked, "Looks like the King has found competition," accompanied by a sly smirk.

"Tsukki..." Yamaguchi interjected, standing alongside Tsukishima.

"Tch," Kageyama replied with a dismissive sound, his competitive spirit evident as he headed into the gymnasium.

Tsukishima cast a scrutinizing gaze at Sora's left ankle and inquired, "Hey, are you sure you can play?"

Sora responded with a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I can play. The pain in my knee just vanished for no apparent reason at all!"

His nonchalant response hinted at Sora's resilient and optimistic attitude, ready to face the challenges on the court despite any physical setbacks.

"...right," Tsukishima muttered as he walked towards the gymnasium, and Yamaguchi followed suit.

Shoyo, with a concerned expression, asked, "Aniki, is your knee okay?"

In response, Sora released a huge sigh, "Haa!" This took Shoyo by surprise.

"I told you many times, Shoyo, I'm fine," Sora replied, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

Shoyo had inquired about Sora's knee countless times, and while he knew it was a manifestation of Shoyo's genuine concern, a slight annoyance lingered.



The twins entered the gymnasium, and Sora's eyes scanned the surroundings. He spotted Daichi and Kuroo shaking hands with fake smiles on their faces, recognizing the familiar scene when both acknowledged each other as "shrewd types."

"Watch out!"

Sora quickly turned around, reacting to a volleyball hurtling towards him at incredible speeds. His eyes widened as he rapidly considered three options: catch the volleyball, kick it, or headbutt it.

'I'll just catch it,' Sora thought.

However, before he could act, the volleyball was suddenly caught by Kageyama. Sora's eyes widened in surprise; he hadn't expected Kageyama to intercept the ball.

"Are you okay, Sora-san?" Kageyama inquired.

Sora flashed a grateful smile, "Yeah, thanks Kags!" He then gave Kageyama a thumbs up.

"Uhh, no problem," Kageyama replied, seemingly caught off guard by the new nickname from Sora.

A short guy with black hair parted in the middle approached them, and Sora recognized him as Yūki Shibayama.

"I'm sorry!" Yuki said as he bowed.

Sora flashed a reassuring smile, "No problem, just be careful next time, okay?"

"Y-Yes!" Yuki nodded frantically.

"Here," Kageyama said as he handed the volleyball to Yuki.


The Karasuno team gathered in a circle, the anticipation palpable in the air.

"I'll be honest. We're a new team that's been patched together. And this is our first real match. We haven't played Nekoma before, so we don't know what to expect. But facing a new challenge gives us the chance to grow."

Daichi stated, his words carrying a mix of determination and excitement.

The team, each player with their unique strengths and skills, listened attentively, ready to face the unknown and emerge stronger from the upcoming match.

On the other side, Nekoma also formed a circle.

"We're like blood in the body. Let's flow freely. Delivering the oxygen, so that our brains function well. Are you all ready?" Kuro declared.

"Yes!" responded the rest of the Nekoma team in unison, their collective affirmation echoing a shared sense of unity and determination.

As the teams dispersed, Yaku couldn't help but gaze at Sora on the opposite court. There was something about Sora that piqued Yaku's interest, sparking a curiosity that lingered in his mind.


After the coin toss, it was decided that Karasuno would be serving first, a twist that surprised Sora.

In the anime, Nekoma would take the first serve. However, in this alternate timeline, the roles were reversed, and Karasuno would initiate the game with a serve.

To add to the excitement, it was Sora who would take the first serve, a fact that thrilled not only him but the entire Karasuno team.

They were well aware that Sora possessed one of the best serves, and the anticipation of a strong start filled the team with energy and enthusiasm.

The palpable excitement from the Karasuno team didn't go unnoticed by Nekoma.

'What are they excited about?' Yaku wondered as he observed Sora dribbling the volleyball outside the line.


Sora took a deep breath, inhaling the charged atmosphere of the gymnasium.

The excitement in the air was palpable as all eyes were fixed on him.

With a focused gaze and a determined expression, he stepped back, positioning himself for the serve. 

The moment seemed to stretch as Sora crouched down, his muscles coiled like a tightly wound spring.

He bounced the volleyball a couple of times in his hand, feeling the weight and texture, his mind syncing with the rhythm of his heartbeat.

With one final deep breath, he exploded into action.

In a swift, powerful motion, Sora launched himself into a jump serve.

The gymnasium lights gleamed off the sweat on his forehead as his body arced gracefully in the air.

Time seemed to freeze for a heartbeat, and then, with a resounding smack, he made contact with the ball.


The ball zipped off Sora's hand like a comet, leaving behind a trail of blurred motion. It soared across the net at an incredible speed, an almost invisible force that cut through the air.

The ball moved so fast that the entire Nekoma team couldn't track its path. Their eyes darted, attempting to catch a glimpse of the speeding projectile, but it was futile.

The blur of the ball left them momentarily disoriented, and their reactions tested to the limit.


Suddenly, a thud echoed in the gymnasium as the ball landed on Nekoma's side of the court, marking the successful execution of Sora's jump serve. The scoreboard flashed, indicating a point for Karasuno.

"Nice one, Aniki!" Shoyo exclaimed.

"Nice one!" Coach Ukai chimed in, echoing the sentiment.

The other Karasuno members showered Sora with compliments, recognizing the excellence of his jump serve.

On the Nekoma side, Kenma couldn't help but offer his observation, "Sora-san's serve is deadly."

His calm and analytical remark acknowledged the formidable challenge presented by Sora's skill.

Sora's excellent jump serve left a strong impression on Yaku, intensifying the intrigue surrounding him.

"There's something about him that made me go off," Yaku muttered, voicing the lingering sense of curiosity and fascination that Sora had sparked within him.

"There's something about him that made me go off," Yaku muttered, voicing the lingering sense of curiosity and fascination that Sora had sparked within him