
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Keeping Up With The Tennis Club

Author's Note:

Stones? Reviews? All are welcome!


During the match, Sora observed intently, providing vocal encouragement to both teams. His hands itched to join the action, but his injury held him back from actively participating.

Post-game, Coach Keishin conducted a thorough analysis of the players' performance. Identifying areas for improvement, he emphasized the need to enhance receiving, blocking, and serving skills.

The intensity of the upcoming practice match against Nekoma in 2 weeks added an extra layer of anticipation, sparking excitement in Sora's eyes.

Keishin approached Sora, inquiring about his potential participation within the week. Sora responded cautiously, "I'm not sure; I need to consult my doctor first."

With that, the team was dismissed for the day, leaving an air of determination and preparation lingering in the gymnasium.


After completing their cleaning duties in the gymnasium, Sora and Shoyo made their way towards the gate.

Shoyo was holding his and Sora's bag. Sora insists that he can carry it but seeing Shoyo's determination, he decides to let him do it.

As they exited the gate, Shoyo suggested, "Aniki, I can carry you."

Sora chuckled, "No, thanks, Sho. I can walk, you know."

However, Shoyo sighed and determinedly bent down, gesturing for Sora to climb on his back.

Sora raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Are you serious?"

Shoyo nodded, "Yep, hop on!"

Sora laughed and decided to indulge Shoyo's whims. "Alright, alright." He hopped onto Shoyo's back, and Shoyo carried him on a piggyback ride.


As Sora hopped on, they heard Nishinoya.

They turned around and saw Nishinoya. Behind him were Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, Kageyama, and surprisingly, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Hey, Noya-san! What brings you here?" Sora called out, still perched on Shoyo's back.

Nishinoya flashed a wide grin, "Hey, Sora-san! I owe you some ice cream as a token of gratitude!"

Sora raised an intrigued eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Because you clued me in on something I was oblivious to!" Nishinoya chuckled, "Turns out, letting my hair down can draw attention from the ladies!"

In that moment, Sora's mind raced with a revelation. 'So that's the reason he let his hair down after I ruffled it,' he mused to himself.

Shoyo's eyes sparkled, "Noya-san, can I also have some ice cream too?" he asked.

Nishinoya laughed, "Of course, Shoyo-San! Ice cream for everyone!"

Sora grinned, appreciating the unexpected joy that came from a simple interaction.

Daichi, with a playful grin, put his arm on Nishinoya's shoulder, leaning in a bit, "Hey, what about us?"

"Yeah, what about us?" Sugawara chimed in with a teasing smile.

Nishinoya turned around to see Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama nodding in agreement. His eyes widened in realization, and he felt a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. 'My allowance would be zero!'

Sora, quick to read the situation, decided to play the hero. "Since I have a lot of money from sponsorships," he said with a nonchalant wave, "I can treat you all to some ice cream."

The mention of Sora's ample sponsorships caught everyone, except Shoyo, by surprise, and a collective cheer erupted from the group. Nishinoya, relieved at the reprieve from potential financial strain, grinned widely.


The next day....

The next day arrived, bringing with it a challenge that left Sora feeling less like the ace on the tennis court and more like a rookie in Japanese Literature class.

The atmosphere was tense, and Sora found himself grappling with the weight of an important quiz, his brow furrowed as he tried to decipher the intricate question before him.

'I wish I had studied more for this,' Sora lamented inwardly, feeling the pressure intensify with each passing moment.

The question seemed like a daunting Everest: "Examine and write a 20-sentence paragraph about the psychological depth and symbolism in Ryunosuke Akutagawa's short stories, considering their implications for understanding human nature."

'Who is this Akutagawa guy anyway?' Sora fretted, his usual confidence taking a hit.

Known for consistently ranking among the top 10 students in the class, Sora's struggle was a rare sight, catching the attention of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They couldn't resist teasing him, both amused and puzzled by the irony of a Japanese native finding English more manageable than their own language.

Unbeknownst to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, they remained blissfully unaware of the intricacies of his past life, a world where he didn't grapple with Japanese literature but soared through the challenges of a different language and culture.


Sora glanced at his quiz paper, realizing he got 54 out of 80. That amounted to a 67.5% score.

Feeling a mix of relief and fatigue, he let out a sigh, his head finding solace on the cool surface of the table.

Suddenly, the sensation of someone poking his head snapped him back to the present. He turned to find Yamaguchi poking him, with Tsukishima standing beside him.

"Yesh?" Sora mumbled, still feeling the weight of exhaustion.

"Sora-San, do you need some help getting to the tennis court?" Yamaguchi asked, concern etched on his face.

Knowing that protesting would be futile against their persistent friendship, Sora opted for acceptance. "Not really, but if you're willing, then I don't mind."

Yamaguchi's smile softened, and Tsukishima, though subtle, displayed a small grin. Tsukishima took Sora's bag, effortlessly slinging it over his shoulder, while Yamaguchi offered Sora a supportive hand, helping him rise from his seat.

"Thank you," Sora said.

As Sora mumbled his gratitude, Tsukishima sighed, feigning exasperation.

However, instead of simply taking Sora's bag, Tsukishima decided to add a playful twist to the situation. He closed the distance between them, leaning in a bit too close for comfort.

Sora's eyes widened at the sudden proximity, and his cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

Caught off guard, Sora stammered, "Y-you're doing this on purpose, aren't you!?"

Tsukishima couldn't contain a smirk, reveling in the reaction he had provoked. "Well, you've been quite bold with your flirting, so I thought I'd return the favor," he teased, his tone lighthearted.

Sora's blush deepened, and he playfully nudged Tsukishima with his elbow. "You're impossible," he chuckled, the banter between them adding a new layer to their growing camaraderie.

"Uhm, Sora-San, if it's not too much trouble, could you possibly assist me with something?" Yamaguchi inquired hesitantly.

Sora arched one of his brows, his curiosity piqued. "Of course, Yams. What do you need help with?"

Yamaguchi took a deep breath before launching into his explanation. "Well, you see, yesterday during practice, the guy with glasses from the neighborhood team attempted this peculiar serve, and even Shoyo-San seemed to struggle a bit with it."

Sora assumed a thoughtful pose, flicking his fingers as he processed the information. "Are you referring to the float serve?"

"Y-Yeah, that's the one," Yamaguchi replied, nervously scratching the back of his head. "Do you happen to know how to execute that?"

Sora's eyes widened in realization. 'Ah, right! Yesterday was when Yams first encountered float serves,' he mused, recollecting the manga events.

Once again adopting a contemplative stance, Sora responded, "Yes, I do know, though I rarely do it. Why do you ask? Are you interested in learning? If so, I'd be more than willing to teach you."

Yamaguchi was taken aback by Sora's offer but expressed gratitude, saying, "Oh, uhh, yeah. Thank you. I'll wait until you're fully healed, though."

Sora casually waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, that'll take too long. How about we do it tomorrow?"

"But you're still injured," Yamaguchi pointed out, concern evident in his voice.

Sora once again waved his hand dismissively, "Nah, it would be fine. I will not run. I will just use my upper body more"

Yamaguchi hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing, "Well, if you say so."

Tsukishima exchanged a concerned glance with Yamaguchi. Both were well aware, thanks to Shoyo, that Sora was dealing with "Patellar tendinitis." Despite this knowledge, Sora appeared nonchalant about his injury, much to their worry.

However, the two sighed in resignation, realizing that convincing Sora to take his injury seriously might be an uphill battle. Their shared concern for Sora's well-being lingered in their expressions.

"H-Hey, what's with your reactions?!" Sora exclaimed, confusion etched across his face as he tried to decipher their expressions.


Sora, flanked by Yamaguchi and Tsukishima for support, finally made his way to the tennis court. The journey seemed a bit more arduous than usual, with both Tsukki and Yams doing their best to assist Sora in reaching the destination.

Once they arrived, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima bid their farewells, heading towards the volleyball gym. Sora, left alone at the tennis court, took a moment to survey his surroundings.

His gaze fell upon Nicholas and Hideo engrossed in a spirited rally, the rhythmic thud of tennis balls resonating through the air. Meanwhile, Ichigo was diligently engaged in a series of push-ups nearby.

Nicholas, catching sight of Sora's arrival, halted the ongoing rally. "Oh, hey! I thought you were injured?" he inquired, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his tone.

Hideo and Ichigo redirected their attention to Sora, their expressions reflecting a shared astonishment at seeing him at the court.

"Well, I am injured," Sora admitted, a wry smile playing on his lips. "I decided to come here and watch you guys in action."

"Okay then!" Nicholas responded with an easygoing nod. He turned to Hideo, enthusiasm evident in his voice. "Come near the net, we'll do some volleys."

Hideo nodded in acknowledgment and promptly followed Nicholas's instructions, seamlessly integrating into their practice routine. Meanwhile, Ichigo remained committed to his set of push-ups, his determination evident in the controlled movement of his muscles.

Observing this, Sora decided to take a closer look and ambled slowly towards a nearby plastic chair, strategically positioned near where Ichigo was diligently working on his exercises. With a deliberate pace, Sora settled into the chair, positioning himself for a better view.

Once seated, Sora couldn't help but analyze Ichigo's attire – a sleek ensemble comprised of a black tank top, matching black shorts, and vibrant yellow rubber shoes. The stark contrast emphasized the dedication with which Ichigo approached his workout.

As Sora continued his scrutiny, he couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of Ichigo's well-toned arms. A sudden realization struck him, and he thought, 'Wait, is Senpai this buff? How come I never noticed before?'

"Sora-San...why...do you... keep...looking at...me?" Ichigo inquired, his speech slightly disrupted by the rhythmic cadence of his push-ups.

Caught off guard, Sora fumbled for a response, "Oh uhh, I was wondering how buffed you are."

"I see..." Ichigo simply nodded in acknowledgment, his focus unwavering as he continued with his push-ups.

"Okay!" Nicholas exclaimed, his voice carrying across the tennis court and capturing the attention of both Ichigo and Hideo. "Ichigo and Hideo, both of you, have a match against each other. I want to see how much you both have improved!"

The declaration prompted nods of agreement from both players, a shared determination evident in their expressions. Hideo and Ichigo exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge ahead, as they prepared to showcase their progress.

Sora couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of witnessing the match unfold. The anticipation heightened as he settled back in his chair, eager to observe the skills and improvements that had developed in both Ichigo and Hideo since their last encounter.


After a brief interlude, Hideo and Ichigo took their positions on opposite sides of the court. Ichigo assumed the role of the server for the first set, poised and focused, while Hideo prepared himself to receive the serve.

Nicholas, standing as the umpire, assumed a neutral stance, ready to officiate the match. Nearby, Sora adjusted his chair, relocating it to a spot near the umpire chair to get a closer view of the proceedings.

As the tension mounted, Ichigo took a deep breath, his concentration palpable. He bounced the tennis ball in his hand, his eyes fixed on a distant point across the net. The court fell into a momentary hush as Ichigo prepared to serve.

In a swift and controlled motion, Ichigo launched the ball into the air and delivered a flat serve with incredible speed, reaching an impressive 132 mph. The ball zipped across the net, leaving a trail of anticipation in its wake.

On the receiving end, Hideo swiftly reacted, attempting to return the blistering serve. However, the sheer velocity of Ichigo's shot proved challenging. Hideo's racket connected with the ball, but the force behind the serve caused it to ricochet off his racket uncontrollably. The ball soared high and wide, ultimately flying outside the court boundaries.

Sora's amazement lingered as he watched Ichigo's remarkable improvement on the court. He couldn't help but recall a time when Ichigo's serve was considerably slower, ranging from 97 mph to 108 mph despite his tall stature.

The evident progress showcased by Ichigo left Sora thoroughly impressed and intrigued by the extent of his senpai's dedication to enhancement.

Nicholas, seated atop the umpire chair, caught Sora's gaze. He directed his attention downward and delivered a playful remark, "Hey Sora, if you don't heal fast enough, then they will overthrow you." A mischievous smirk played on Nicholas's face, accentuating the competitive banter.

Sora, undeterred by the challenge, chuckled in response. 'Okay, if you say so,' he thought, a glimmer of determination flickering in his eyes.


The score stood at 6-5, with Ichigo holding a slim lead. The match was intensifying, each point crucial in this closely contested battle.

Ichigo, having given Hideo a challenging time with his rapid serves, readied himself for another crucial serve. The tension on the court was palpable as Ichigo prepared to unleash his next shot.

With focus etched across his face, Ichigo launched the ball into the air, his movements precise and controlled. The flat serve rocketed across the net, this time reaching an impressive speed of 128 mph. The ball streaked through the air, leaving a trail of anticipation in its wake.

On the receiving end, Hideo displayed his remarkable agility. With swift footwork and a keen eye, he managed to position himself perfectly and returned the serve with impressive accuracy. The ball sailed back over the net, a testament to Hideo's adaptability and skill.

However, Ichigo, caught off guard by the speed and precision of Hideo's return, failed to react in time. The ball whizzed past him, landing within the court boundaries.

Observing Hideo's improved mobility and his newfound ability to read serves, Sora couldn't help but marvel at the progress his teammate had made. The mental note of Hideo's development lingered in Sora's thoughts.

"His mobility and the way he reads serves have really improved, huh?" Sora mused, acknowledging the significant strides Hideo had taken in refining his skills.

Reflecting on the past, Sora recalled a time when Hideo, despite his inherent speed, struggled with reading the serves of other players. The contrast with Hideo's current performance highlighted not only the individual effort he had put into his training but also the effectiveness of Nicholas as a coach.

'As expected from Nicholas, he is truly a world-class coach,' Sora acknowledged mentally, appreciating the impact of their coach on the team's overall growth and development.


Time Skip...

Following a significant time skip, the tennis match between Hideo and Ichigo reached its climax. Nicholas, from his perch as the umpire, announced the results with a triumphant declaration, "Game, set, and match, Hideo!"

After three intense hours of rallies and strategic plays, the final scores revealed a hard-fought victory for Hideo. The sets concluded with scores of 7-5, 6-7, and 6-7, underlining the nail-biting nature of the match and Hideo's ultimate triumph.

The showdown had been a spectacle of power versus speed. Ichigo showcased formidable serves and groundstrokes characterized by their speed and potency. However, his movements, compared to the fluidity of his shots, seemed rigid and robotic.

Hideo, on the other hand, demonstrated a different approach. While possessing average serves and groundstrokes, he compensated for this with exceptional speed and agility. The match unfolded as a strategic dance, with Hideo strategically capitalizing on Ichigo's comparatively poor mobility.

Precise shots aimed at the sidelines exploited the weaknesses in Ichigo's movement, culminating in Hideo's hard-earned victory.

As the match concluded, Sora slowly rose from his chair, offering a round of applause to both competitors. Hideo and Ichigo, showing sportsmanship and mutual respect, approached each other near the net and exchanged a firm handshake.

"Nice game, Ichigo-san," Hideo complimented, a genuine smile lighting up his face.

Ichigo, responding with a soft smile, blushed ever so slightly. There was an unspoken camaraderie between them, evident in the exchange of pleasantries.

Then, unexpectedly, Ichigo pulled Hideo into a warm hug. The gesture took Hideo by surprise, but he quickly reciprocated, embracing Ichigo in return. The display of affection, a stark contrast to the competitive nature of the match, hinted at a deeper connection between the two players.

Observing the embrace, Sora couldn't help but smile. 'I didn't know these two were a thing,' he thought, pleasantly surprised by the revelation of a relationship that seemed to transcend the confines of the tennis court.

"Well, those two really improved," Nicholas commented, jumping down from the umpire seat.

Sora turned towards Nicholas, expressing his amazement. "Coach, I have no idea what you did to these two within 2 days, but they massively improved," he remarked, genuinely impressed by the strides Hideo and Ichigo had made in such a short span.

Nicholas shrugged nonchalantly. "I didn't feed them anything. Both of them are already skilled, but they were locked behind an iron wall that they didn't know how to unlock. I only unlocked that door, and they did the rest," he explained, emphasizing the role of guidance and unlocking hidden potential rather than simply providing new skills.

Sora smiled at the metaphor, appreciating the coach's ability to bring out the best in his players. "Nice metaphor there," he remarked, acknowledging the nuanced approach Nicholas took in fostering growth and development among the team members.

"By the way, when will you fully heal?" Nicholas inquired, concern evident in his expression.

"I don't know, I think it would be fully healed within 2 weeks. But I gotta ask my doctor," Sora responded, conveying a mix of uncertainty and hope regarding his recovery timeline.

Nicholas acknowledged the information with a nod. "I see," he replied, considering the implications. He continued, "I do hope it will heal fast since the upcoming ITF tourney we talked about last Monday will happen next month."

Sora sighed, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "I know, I know," he admitted, understanding the importance of being in top form for the impending tournament.


Author's Note:

Nekoma will be coming next chapter yall!

What are you expecting for the next chapter?