
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Hellish Training

Author's Notes:

Hello to all of you! I would like to thank you for reading this fanfic.

Stones? Reviews?


Monday had arrived, ushering in the much-awaited time for Club activities. Sora, engrossed in packing his belongings, remained oblivious to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi quietly approaching him.

"Sora-san," Yamaguchi greeted eagerly.

"Hey," Tsukishima chimed in, his tone betraying little interest.

Pausing in his task, Sora looked up, offering a warm smile. "Oh, hey! What's up?"

Excitement danced in Yamaguchi's eyes as he spoke. "I heard we're getting a new coach! He's apparently the grandson of the old coach according to what Daichi-san said."

Observing Sora's tennis shoes and bag, Tsukishima raised an eyebrow. "You're not attending volleyball practice today?"

Sora nodded, his smile undiminished. "Yeah, the volleyball club isn't the only one with a new coach; the Tennis Club has one too."

Yamaguchi interjected, concern furrowing his brows. "But we have a practice match tomorrow against Aoba Johsai."

"I understand, but tomorrow I also have a tennis practice match scheduled against a player from Aoba Johsai," Sora replied, his voice laced with determination despite the fatigue that seemed to settle in his bones.

Yamaguchi's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Two matches in one day? That's going to be incredibly tiring, Sora-san."

Tsukishima, usually reserved, let his concern show. "Do you think you'll have enough energy for both matches? We don't want you to overexert yourself."

Sora shot Tsukishima a playful smirk. "Oh my, is the usually apathetic Tsukki showing concern for me?" he teased.

Tsukishima's eye twitched in response, a subtle sign that Sora's remark had hit a mark, while Yamaguchi couldn't help but chuckle at the banter.

"Hahaha!" Sora laughed, lightening the mood. "I'm kidding. But anyway, I'll be fine. I'm used to doing this." His confidence shone through, reassuring his friends despite the challenges that lay ahead.

"If you say so," Yamaguchi replied, his tone laced with lingering concern, still unsure if Sora was truly underestimating the upcoming challenge or if he had genuine confidence in his abilities.

"By the way," Sora picked up his belongings. "Keep an eye on Shoyo for me and send regards to Ukai-san!"

"Who do you think we are? Babysitters?" Tsukishima remarked with his usual dry humor.

Sora grinned mischievously. "With that handsome face of yours, you'll be an excellent babysitter."

Tsukishima's cheeks flushed slightly at Sora's compliment, and he used his hand to cover his embarrassment.

Yamaguchi was taken aback, surprised to see Tsukishima reacting in such a way.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys!" Sora waved as he started walking away.

"See you too," Yamaguchi said, exchanging a puzzled glance with Tsukishima as they watched Sora leave the classroom, leaving behind a playful atmosphere and a hint of unexpected flirtation.

As Tsukishima continued to stare at the closed door through which Sora had exited, his thoughts swirled in confusion. 'Why does he always make me feel this way?' he wondered, the knot of emotions in his chest growing tighter.

Tsukishima had always been aware of his good looks, but he had never paid much attention to compliments or the attention he received. Other people's opinions of his appearance had never mattered to him.

Yet, Sora seemed to be the exception to this indifference. There was something about Sora's teasing remarks and playful demeanor that ignited a strange feeling within him, a feeling he couldn't quite define.

It was puzzling to Tsukishima, this uncharacteristic effect Sora had on him. He prided himself on his emotional detachment, but Sora seemed to effortlessly breach his defenses, leaving him questioning his own feelings and reactions. It was a sensation both unfamiliar and unsettling, and Tsukishima found himself grappling with the unexpected impact Sora had on his usually composed demeanor.


Sora was walking towards the Karasuno Tennis court.

"Sora-san!" He heard Ichigo from behind.

He turned around and saw his black-haired senpai running to him.

"Hey, Mikoto-senpai," Sora greeted his black-haired senpai with a warm smile as Ichigo caught up to him.

Ichigo's eyes were wide with excitement. "There's a new coach in this club!" he exclaimed. "Hideo-san told me that he's a world-class tennis coach! What was he like!?"

Sora paused for a moment, considering his words carefully. "Well... I guess you could say he's compassionate?" he replied, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Oh, I see," Ichigo nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, wanna walk together?" Sora suggested, his friendly demeanor inviting Ichigo to join him.

"Sure!" Ichigo agreed, falling into step beside Sora as they continued their way toward the tennis court, anticipation bubbling between them for what lay ahead under the guidance of their new coach.


They arrived at the tennis court, their eyes widening in surprise as they took in the array of training equipment spread out before them. Among the assortment were training cones, dumbbells, jump ropes, resistance bands, agility ladders, medicine balls, and mats that could be used for Yoga or Pilates.

"What the...when did these get here?" Ichigo exclaimed, his disbelief mirrored in Sora's eyes.

"I think Nicholas has something to do with this," Sora muttered, his mind already connecting the dots.

Their attention then shifted to Hideo, who stood still amidst the equipment, his expression a mix of bewilderment and fascination.

"Hideo-senpai!" Ichigo called out, his voice cutting through the stunned silence.

Hideo jolted from his surprise and turned around to face Sora and Ichigo. "Sora-san and Ichigo! You scared me," he said, placing a hand over his racing heart.

"S-senpai, did you purchase these with our club funds?" Ichigo inquired, his eyes widening with concern as he and Sora went close to Hideo.

Hideo shook his head, a frown creasing his brow. "No, I didn't," he replied, his voice laced with confusion.

"I BOUGHT THEM!" Nicholas suddenly exclaimed behind them.

"AHHHHH!" Sora, Hideo, and Ichigo screamed in surprise, their voices overlapping in a harmonious chorus of shock. They turned around to see Nicholas, their new coach, standing there with a wide grin on his face, clearly enjoying their startled reactions.

"You bought all of this?" Hideo asked, his eyes still wide with amazement.

Nicholas nodded, his enthusiasm was infectious. "From now on, your training will not only be tennis-specific; it will now also be multifaceted and holistic. We'll incorporate elements from various sports and fitness disciplines, focusing not just on enhancing your tennis skills, but also on building overall strength, agility, endurance, and mental resilience. This comprehensive approach will not only make you better tennis players but also well-rounded athletes."

Nicholas grinned, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Let the hellish training begin!"

Ichigo and Hideo exchanged apprehensive glances as they looked at the diverse training equipment, realizing the intensity of the challenge that lay ahead.

"Oh, dear god," Ichigo muttered under his breath.

Sora, on the other hand, was not surprised. These were the same drills he used to do in his previous life with Nicholas.


Amidst the spirited atmosphere of the Karasuno Volleyball court, where players diligently practiced their serves, sets, and spikes, Takeda arrived at the gym with Keishin by his side, their presence drawing curious glances from the team.

"Hey there!" Takeda called out, his voice cutting through the sound of bouncing volleyballs.

"Everyone, gather!" Daichi commanded, his authoritative tone prompting the players to halt their activities and converge around Takeda and Keishin.

All eyes turned to the newcomers, and a collective murmur of surprise and curiosity swept through the team. Everyone, except Shoyo, Kageyama, Daichi, Tanaka, and Sugawara, was taken aback to see someone who appeared to be the store clerk of the Sakanoshita store standing with Takeda.

"Let me introduce your new coach, Mister Ukai," Takeda announced, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Co-coach? Really?" Ennoshita stammered, voicing the astonishment that echoed in the minds of his teammates.

Keishin nodded, his expression determined. "Yes. If you're wondering about my credibility, I was once a player for Karasuno and the grandson of your old coach."

A mixture of surprise and intrigue filled the air as the team absorbed this unexpected revelation.

"Uhm... Takeda-sensei, did you beg and bow for him to coach us?" Kinoshita asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"No," Takeda shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I might be good at that, but Daichi was able to convince him."

The team, excluding Sugawara, Tanaka, Shoyo, and Kageyama, turned to Daichi with wide-eyed surprise, impressed by his persuasive abilities.

Meanwhile, Keishin scanned the team and realized Sora was absent. He turned to Shoyo, a stern expression on his face. "Hey, Brat, where's your brother?"

"He's got Tennis Practice, Old Man," Shoyo replied nonchalantly.

"Even though we have a practice match against Aoba Johsai tomorrow?" Keishin questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

Shoyo shrugged. "He also has a Tennis Practice match tomorrow."

Keishin let out a resigned sigh. If there was one thing Keishin had learned about the twins, it was that both of them possessed an exceptional amount of stamina. Especially Sora, who could effortlessly switch between sports without showing signs of fatigue.

"No time to lose! Let's get going!" Keishin declared, his tone firm. "I want to see what you've got. We play at 6:30!"

"Wait, we're going to play without Aniki?" Shoyo asked, surprised.

"Unfortunately, yeah," Keishin replied. "I want you to play against each other while I analyze your game. Let's make the most out of this opportunity."


"I...give...up," Hideo gasped, his breaths heavy and labored.

"Me...too," Ichigo wheezed, collapsing onto the ground, utterly drained from Nicholas' rigorous training regime.

Both Hideo and Ichigo were struggling to catch their breath, their bodies pushed to their limits.

Sora, on the other hand, was not as exhausted as them. While he was sweating and clearly exerted, his stamina and endurance proved superior. He stood nearby, visibly tired but managing to keep his composure.

Nicholas glanced at Ichigo and Hideo, a mix of amusement and disbelief on his face. "How are you guys tired already? You're a hundred years too young to be exhausted like that," he chided, his tone laced with mock seriousness. "Keep up, or you'll die first from natural selection or something yadda yadda."

Nicholas then turned his attention to Sora. "You don't look as tired as them, why's that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Sora shrugged, trying to catch his breath. "Well, I exercise a lot?" he replied, his response more of a question than an answer, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"I see..." Nicholas replied, nodding as if he'd uncovered a simple truth.

Nicholas then walked over to Ichigo, who was still lying on the ground, utterly exhausted. "Listen here, Pretty Boy," Nicholas said sternly, leaning down to Ichigo's level. "If you die here now, I'm going to kill you!"

"What..." Ichigo managed to mutter in his drained state, utterly surprised by the paradoxical threat.

"No student of mine is going to turn this Tennis court into their death bed!" Nicholas declared, his tone a mix of seriousness and exasperation.

"You hear me!" Nicholas emphasized his point by chopping Ichigo's stomach.

"OOF!" Ichigo exclaimed, the force of the chop causing him to gasp for air.

Sora wore a look of amused disbelief, while Hideo stared at the scene in utter shock, unable to comprehend the bizarre yet oddly motivational methods of their new coach.

"Well then," Nicholas started, clapping his hands together to regain everyone's attention. "We're going to move on to tennis drills. Line up!"

"Yes... coach," Ichigo and Hideo replied wearily, their exhaustion evident in their voices.

Sora, on the other hand, simply nodded in acknowledgment.


The sun had long set, and the tennis training had come to an end. Sora, Hideo, and Ichigo walked out of the tennis court, their bodies weary from the intense workout.

Ichigo and Hideo had a slumped posture, their exhaustion apparent. Ichigo broke the silence, his voice reflecting their shared sentiment. "That was... some hellish training."

Hideo could only manage a tired agreement. "Yeah."

As they continued their slow walk, a sudden squeak reached their ears. They turned to pinpoint the source of the sound and found it coming from the nearby volleyball court.

"They're still playing," Hideo observed, noting the dedication of their volleyball club counterparts.

Sora, however, had different plans. "Hideo-senpai, I'll be going to the volleyball club. Bye." Without waiting for a response, Sora swiftly walked towards the gymnasium.

Hideo could only offer a tired, "Uhh sure," as he watched Sora's retreating figure.


Sora arrived at the volleyball court, his eyes quickly scanning the players engaged in the game. He witnessed Kageyama and Shoyo executing a quick set, scoring a point effortlessly.

The court was divided into two teams: on the left, Daichi, Tsukishima, Kageyama, Shoyo, and Narita, while on the right, there were Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Kinoshita, Sugawara, and Ennoshita.

Ukai was stationed at the referee post, keenly observing the players, his experienced eyes analyzing their movements and strategies. Meanwhile, Kiyoka, and Takeda stood near the scoreboard, observing the game's progress.

'A 5v5 game? This is interesting,' Sora thought to himself, his competitive spirit piqued by the challenge.

Quietly, he walked around the court toward the scoreboard, where Takeda noticed his arrival. "Sora-kun, did you finish early with your tennis practice?" Takeda inquired, surprised by Sora's swift transition between sports.

Sora nodded, his eyes fixed on the scoreboard displaying a tie at 1-1 for both teams.

'They managed to get a set,' he observed, his mind already assessing the game's dynamics and contemplating his potential contribution to the match.

Keishin heard Sora's voice and turned to him. "Oh, hey, do you want to join?"

Sora shrugged, his competitive spirit alight. "Sure."

"Great," Keishin said and whistled sharply, immediately catching the players' attention.

The team members looked at Keishin with questioning looks, wondering about the sudden change.

"Okay, since Sora has arrived and he will be playing," Keishin announced, his voice firm with determination.

The players turned to Sora, who was stretching, their surprise evident.

Shoyo, in particular, felt a mix of surprise and worry for his older brother. 'Aniki, please don't overexert yourself,' he thought, concern etched on his face.

Keishin then turned to Kinoshita. "Kinoshita, you go rest. Sora will substitute."

Kinoshita nodded understandingly and made his way towards the scoreboard, ready to take a break.

"Hey, Shoyo, I'll borrow your extra knee pads! Thank you!" Sora didn't wait for Shoyo's response as he swiftly grabbed the knee pads.

"Uhh... sure," Shoyo replied, slightly taken aback by Sora's swift movements and determination.

After wearing the knee pads, Sora confidently walked toward the court, his focus sharpened and his body ready to receive some volleyballs.


Kageyama executed a powerful jump serve, met effortlessly by Sora's receive.

With precision, Sugawara set the ball for Tanaka, who launched a fierce spike. Yet, the trio of Tsukishima, Shoyo, and Kageyama formed an impenetrable block, deflecting the ball.

"I got it!" Sora's agile dive saved the play.

Keishin marveled at Sora's lightning-fast reflexes. 'Impressive improvement in his reaction speed,' he thought.

Sugawara reset, orchestrating the next move. Yamaguchi sprinted towards the net, leaping high. Tsukishima and Shoyo jumped to block, only to discover Yamaguchi was a clever decoy.

Surprising everyone, Sugawara sent the ball to Tanaka, who expertly spiked it to the side.

Daichi dashed toward the ball but hesitated, assuming it was going out. Much to his astonishment, the ball grazed the line.

Keishin blew his whistle. The point belonged to Tanaka's team, marking a brilliant play.


The match was over, with Tanaka's team emerging victorious. Sora and Shoyo now found themselves walking out of the school gate together.

"Aniki, how was your tennis practice?" Shoyo inquired, his curiosity evident.

Sora began sharing the details of his intense tennis practice and the impromptu volleyball match that followed, recounting how he managed to handle both sports in a single day.

"You did all of that and you're still able to play volleyball!?" Shoyo exclaimed, amazed by his older brother's stamina and dedication.

Sora simply nodded, his expression modest. "Yep."

Shoyo's curiosity got the best of him, and he reached out to touch Sora's abdomen, which was now rock-solid.

"What are you doing, Shoyo?" Sora asked, taken aback by the sudden contact.

"Your body is harder than before," Shoyo observed, genuinely surprised by the transformation.

Sora, seemingly unfazed, shrugged with a hint of amusement. "Well, yeah, evolution, something like that, I guess."

"But I miss the fluffy abdomen of yours!" Shoyo suddenly hugged Sora, his nostalgic sentiment shining through.

Sora chuckled, gently attempting to disengage from the embrace. "Shoyo, stop that! You're no longer a baby, you know!"

"I know," Shoyo admitted, letting go, "but I will miss it!"

While the brothers are having a brotherly moment, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi see them.

"Sora-san! Shoyo-san!" Yamaguchi called out, approaching them with Tsukishima following closely.

The twins turned around, spotting their friends approaching.

"Oh, Yams and Tsukki! What's up?" Sora greeted them with a warm smile.

Tsukishima, as usual, rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Don't call me that," he retorted.

Sora, undeterred, teased, "Why not? The nickname is cute, just like you."

This unexpected compliment made Tsukishima's cheeks flush slightly once again, caught off guard by Sora's statement.

Shoyo and Yamaguchi exchanged puzzled glances, trying to make sense of the dynamic between their friends, amused by the playful banter unfolding before them.

'Is Aniki trying to flirt with Tsukishima?' Shoyo thought, his mind processing the unexpected banter between his older brother and Tsukishima.

Sensing Tsukishima's slight blush, Yamaguchi quickly intervened to diffuse the situation. "Hey, wanna come with us to the Sakanoshita store? I'll treat you guys."

This offer piqued Shoyo and Sora's interest immediately.

"Really?! Thanks a lot, Yamaguchi!" Shoyo exclaimed, appreciative of his friend's generosity.

Yamaguchi nodded with a smile. "You guys go ahead, we'll catch up."

With gratitude, Shoyo and Sora nodded, walking ahead toward the store, leaving Yamaguchi and Tsukishima behind. As they strolled along, Shoyo couldn't help but glance back at Tsukishima, his mind still pondering the dynamics he had observed earlier.

Yamaguchi turned to Tsukishima, concern etching his features. "Tsukki, what's wrong?"

"I... don't know," Tsukishima admitted, his confusion evident.

Yamaguchi's eyes widened, his realization apparent. "Wait, don't tell me Sora-san's flirting is getting to you!?"

"Hah?" Tsukishima retorted, trying to brush it off with his usual deadpan look, but the blush still lingered, betraying his true emotions.

Seeing Tsukishima's reaction, Yamaguchi quickly backtracked, realizing he might have hit a nerve. "Sorry about that, Tsukki," he apologized sincerely, understanding that sometimes teasing had unintended consequences.

Tsukishima sighed, deciding to brush off the momentary embarrassment. "Whatever, let's go to the store," his usual composed demeanor returned. He started walking, indicating for Yamaguchi to follow.

"Okay..." Yamaguchi said, falling into step beside his friend, both of them heading towards the Sakanoshita store, ready to join their friends for a relaxing time together.