

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs


Ahihito aimed for his gun but even he knew his quick reflexes couldn't put him out of this one.

The gun had already been fired;the gun in his hand fell to the ground with his left hand bleeding heavily.

He fell to the ground too.

"You bitch!!"

The gun aimed directly at him had been shot.

He looked towards her with true terror in his eyes; Ahihito knew he was a dead man.And in that moment his mind was lucid, drained of all violence,as if the hidden fear was real and present had purified him.

His mind had gone blank and he wasn't even thinking anymore.

It was the end; end for him and the rest of his friends behind him.

He felt a sharp pain in his chest and was pushed backwards.

Slowly,Ahihito opened his eyes wondering what would be infront of him.


Infront of him wasn't heaven or hell or whatever he was expecting instead what he saw infront of him was Ahihito standing where he was a while ago having taken a bullet to his chest.

"Time to taste your own medicine,isn't it?" Akimitsu shoved his hand into his chest and pulled out a bullet.

"Wait what-"Ahihito looked at the wound at his chest to see there was no gunshot there.

"He kicked you over here to stop you from taking the bullet" Fumiko helped pull him to the back with Sora had gone unconscious"but you've lost a lot of blood so has Sora,this isn't looking good".

Fumiko than looked towards Akimitsu who was cracking his neck intensely.

"He isn't the Akimitsu from a while ago,is he?"she looked towards Ahihito"Tell me is this the 'Hagetaka' whom you were talking about?".

Ahihito was looking at Akimitsu.

"No,he isn't..he is just not".

Fumiko was obviously confused.

"His voice,his hair its all Akimitsu".

Meanwhile,Akimitsu on the otherside was having fun of his own.

He said something which was inaudible.

"What did you say?I couldn't hear what you said just right now" the girl infront of him said in her normal tone as if completely unfazed by the recent development.

"I said..."

Akimitsu's voice got loud enough for everybody to hear.


The bullet which was in his hand a while ago went straight through the girls left hand creating a large hole in it.


She fell to the ground the same way Ahihito had a moment earlier wailing hard but yet she didn't scream.

Akimitsu started to walk towards her with an expression full of hunger on her face.

All the men who had come with her ran away knowing what their fate was gonna be.

"Tell me"

Akimitsu bended down and pulled her face up through her chin.

His mouth curved into a grin,a smile full of pure evil.

"Ever heard about an 'eye for an eye'?".

Akimitsu pulled her up with her hair but yet she didn't say anything.

And it wasn't because of fear she wasn't saying anything;it was the pain,the unbearable pain in her hand.

It wasn't just a normal bullet wound;the bastard had laced it with something supernatural.

"Just kill me..."

Akimitsu pulled her up to look into her eyes closely.

After a while,he spoke.

"If it isn't me what makes you fear,than I'll find your fear.After all,we got something to fear,don't we?".

And she knew it he meant it;the look in his eyes meant it.


She was about to say something but she felt something hard hit her back in the head and it was all black.

Akimitsu also fell to the ground.

"Took you long enough"

Fumiko spoke in a relaxed voice looking at the two figures standing infront of her.

So guys i know the last chapter was a little dry but I putted my effort on dis one so I hope u guys will like it plus I opened a page on insta by the username "hagetaka_page" so I'd appreciate it if you guys would follow it thanks and once again thanks for reading this far into the novel i'll try to stay more active so thanks love ya all

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts