

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Deeper into the abyss

Akimitsu woke up from his sleep and attempted to pull himself up on the bed on which he was lying.

"It's best if you stay where you are boy" an old hoarse voice came by the bed.

Akimitsu was maybe expecting somebody else besides his bed but instead he found an old bearded man sitting by his bed in a chair.

Realization hit him.

He knew where he was;the man sitting infront it him was Akiba's grandpa and it was his old mansion.

"So we finally made it,huh....."he thought to himself and turned to look towards the oldman and to his surprise it seemed he could read what was going through Akimitsu's mind.

"Yes you guys finally made it and thanks to my intervention so you should be basically thanking me"he was looking towards Akimitsu expecting a thanks but got none.

"Anyways"he continued "Your friends are all safe and I'd say the time you've been passed out they've all gone a long way".

Realization his Akimitsu.

How long had he been passed out?How was everybody else's wounds?And besides the most important question how was all the situation related to his arrest with the government after him and the most important of all how was Rengoku doing?

"How long have I been passed out and please tell me if Rengoku is okay??" he asked with a tone of guilt in his voice.

"It's been three weeks since you've passed out and a lot had happened since" he than put the cup he was holding in his hand on the table and than stood up" as for Rengoku we haven't heard nothing about him since the escape you guys made".

He helped Akimitsu stand up giving him a pair of cranes to walk.

"Here let me help"he helped Akmitsu adjust to them.

"Where are we going?"inquired Akimitsu starting to follow the oldman.

"You'll see soon enough"

Akimitsu didn't realIze much in the room he was in but once he came out he realized they were underground.

The oldman snapped his fingers and a ball of fire appeared litting the whole hallway.

The hall they were walking through was probably built a long time ago and from the impression of it could fall down any minute.

"You know I was quite surprised when I realized you guys were coming over to my mansion considering how much Aki hates me and all"he didn't turn his face behind just kept on walking.

"Well as long we're safe here I wouldn't have minded and honestly I got no idea what beef you and Akiba got but considering you two are related I ain't suprised about it to be honest"

Akimitsu gave his honest response.He wasn't the type to not to say stuff just cuz it was rude.

"Is that so?"

After a while,Akimitsu asked what was bothering him for a while.

"What did you mean by you 'realized' we were coming cuz Iam sure nobody told you we were coming or did somebody tell you beforehand?"

For the first time oldman laughed.

"You all kids underestimate me a lot a,don't you?.

Light shined on Akimitsu's face only to realize it was coming from an entrance at the end of the hallway.

He looked towards the oldman to say something but he just instead kept walking toward the entrance.

Finally they made it to the end of the hallway onto a balcony from where they could see a big ground below them.

"What is this,oldman?"

He kept looking around at people training down there with swords until he recognized three faces;Ahihito,Akiba and Fumiko.

"Hey guys-"

He shouted to get their attention but before he could the oldman placed his hand on Akimitsu's shoulder.

"Now before you go down there and reunite with them all I want to have a serious conversation with you,you get it?"

He had a look which clearly told he was serious.

"A serious conversation regarding what?What could possibly be more important than meeting them all right now?".


He than poked his index finger in Akimitsu's chest.

"The being who dwells inside both your heart and mind".

Akimitsu was stunned.

Clearly this man didn't know what was going through his mind,did he?

"What do you know about Hagetaka?"he quickly asked the oldman begging to get some answers.

He really wanted to be told it wasn't something just inside his head and that it was indeed real.

"Later,come to my chambers tomorrow when your done with the meet and greets"he than started to walk back towards the path where they came from.

"You and me Akimitsu we have a lot discuss".

Saying that he disappeared into the darkness of the hallway leaving Akimitsu with more questions than answers he was so desperately seeking.